Press Center for 20th CPC National Congress: 4th press conference | October 31, 2022


As Ms. Shen introduced just now, a sound practice in the foreign affairs work of the Party involves joint efforts of the entire Party as well as all localities and departments. Could you share the experience of the International Department of the CPC Central Committee in pooling such efforts?

Shen Beili:

We have always implemented our work by following the requirements of General Secretary Xi Jinping to create an architecture of great coordination in conducting the Party's foreign affairs work, with all localities and departments having created synergies to serve the key tasks of the Party and the country. Specific measures are as follows:

First, we have shared experience in pursuing development. Participating in the Party's foreign affairs work in various forms, all localities and departments have introduced China's achievements and shared the country's experience and stories in its socialist modernization drive to the international community, gaining more understanding, support, and companions in the building of socialism with Chinese characteristics. We have hosted a series of thematic briefings in collaboration with local Party committees and made live global broadcasts of the standing committee meetings of CPC committees at the county level. Political party officials from other countries have been invited to observe on the spot, with many of whom saying that such activities have become a "golden key" for them to get to know the CPC and China. Many leading officials of regions and departments, as well as Party members and officials, have also taken the opportunity of inter-party exchanges to communicate with foreign dignitaries to learn about the governance concept of other countries. These exchanges served our decision-making regarding the development of our country by offering the opportunity for observing and studying the world and learning from other countries' experiences.

Second, we have deepened exchanges to advance development. Since the 18th CPC National Congress, nearly 100 groups of senior officials of the Party committees of provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities have visited other countries through inter-party channels. In combination with their local industrial development features, they have actively participated in bilateral and multilateral political party dialogues and activities, while at the same time boosting cooperation in economy and trade, investment, science and technology, and many other fields. Such efforts have helped local governments open up to the outside world at a high level and contributed to creating a new development pattern and promoting high-quality development.

Third, we have built platforms to facilitate development. Thanks to close cooperation and mutual support with localities and departments, we have managed to develop a dialogue mechanism between Chinese and foreign political parties. We have developed institutionalized inter-party exchanges and people-to-people exchanges with member countries of international organizations, such as the ASEAN, the SCO, and the BRICS, and organized economic and trade dialogues and activities to support the building of a new development pattern. We have made good use of political party cooperation channels to build a platform for the dialogue of business community so as to support China's opening up and international cooperation. Such endeavors have been regarded as brand activities during our exchanges with countries in Asia, Europe, Africa, Latin America, and Oceania, with more than 20 provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities across the country actively participating in the promotion of practical cooperation in various fields. We have also held the International Forum on Belt and Road Port Cities and the Belt and Road Forum for Interconnected Land-Sea Development, among others, to promote high-quality Belt and Road cooperation. 

On the new journey of the new era, we will strictly implement the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress when conducting Party's foreign affairs, continuously expand and deepen new channels and methods for "Party plus" exchanges and cooperation, and further create an all-around international exchange and cooperation form to better serve socialist modernization. Thank you.

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