Press Center for 20th CPC National Congress: 4th press conference | October 31, 2022



We see that leaders of foreign political parties and governments, political organizations, and friendly individuals have recently sent congratulatory messages on the opening of the 20th CPC National Congress. What are their views on the 20th CPC National Congress? What will the International Department of the CPC Central Committee do to present the guiding principles of the 20th CPC National Congress to foreign political parties?

Shen Beili:

Not only is the 20th CPC National Congress a major, important and joyous political event for the CPC and China, but it has also attracted much and persistent attention from the international community. Leaders of foreign political parties and governments and public figures from all sectors of society have sent congratulatory messages to us. They have fully expressed their warm congratulations on the opening of the 20th CPC National Congress, their best wishes for the CPC to lead Chinese people in forging ahead on a new journey, and their sincere anticipation for the CPC to make greater contributions to the cause of human progress. 

From their congratulatory messages, we have seen that they admire General Secretary Xi Jinping's leadership of a major party and a major country and hold that General Secretary Xi Jinping has acute insight and a sense of mission for the time. They also hold that he has made extraordinary contributions to the development of China and is leading China to create a future that benefits all humanity. They believe that it has been widely recognized around the world that General Secretary Xi Jinping has made great contributions to developing theories and practices of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era and that the great power of his thought and extraordinary vision is changing the world.

These congratulatory messages highly commend Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era as a "bright shining light of Chinese wisdom." They believe that Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era adapts the basic tenets of Marxism to the features of our time and China's realities, injects vigor and vitality into the development of socialism and brings greater hope and confidence in creating a better future for developing countries.

They applaud the remarkable achievements made by China in the new era. They believe that under the leadership of General Secretary Xi Jinping and with the joint efforts of all Party members, leapfrog development has been achieved in areas of the economy, science and technology, national defense, and people's livelihoods and that China is on the path to achieving the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and is moving towards the building of a great modern socialist country in all respects.

They sincerely anticipate that the CPC will make greater contributions to the world at the new historic starting point. They hold that the 20th CPC National Congress will be another important milestone in the CPC's extraordinary and magnificent history and will provide more solid guarantees for future development, the prosperity of China and better lives of the people. They believe that the CPC and China will continue to make more excellent contributions to world peace, progress and prosperity.

After the conclusion of the 20th CPC National Congress, we will widely present the guiding principles of the 20th CPC National Congress on occasions of bilateral and multilateral inter-party exchange activities, hold high-level multilateral dialogues, organize themed promotional activities for diplomatic envoys and foreign businesspeople in China, and send some delegations to present the guiding principles to foreign political parties. Please stay tuned for relevant activities. Thank you!

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