Full text: The Fight Against Terrorism and Extremism and Human Rights Protection in Xinjiang

The State Council Information Office on Monday issued a white paper on the fight against terrorism and extremism and human rights protection in Xinjiang.

China SCIOUpdated: March 19, 2019

II. The Origin of Terrorism and Extremism in Xinjiang

Separatism is the hotbed in which terrorism and extremism take root in Xinjiang. For a long time terrorist and extremist forces have been beating the drum for separatist activities by distorting, fabricating and falsifying the history of Xinjiang, exaggerating the cultural differences between ethnic groups, instigating isolation and hatred, and advocating religious extremism.

At the turn of the 20th century, separatists and religious extremists in and outside China, inheriting the so-called theories of "Pan-Turkism" and "Pan-Islamism" created by former colonialists, spread the word that Uygurs were the only "masters" of Xinjiang, that the ethnic cultures of Xinjiang were not Chinese culture, and that Islam was the only religion practiced by ethnic groups of Xinjiang. They incited all ethnic groups speaking Turki and believing in Islam to join in creating the theocratic state of so-called "East Turkistan". They denied the history of China jointly built by all its ethnic groups, and clamored for "opposition to all ethnic groups other than Turks" and for the "annihilation of pagans".

From the early 20th century to the late 1940s, the "East Turkistan" forces, in an attempt to split and control Xinjiang and establish their state, promoted and spread the ideas of "Pan-Turkism", "Pan-Islamism", and violence and terrorism. They organized and planned a series of separatist activities. In 1915 separatist Maswud returned to Ili, opened a school and publicly preached separatism to the students. On November 12, 1933, Mohammad Imin founded the so-called "East Turkistan Islamic Republic", but the farce ended in less than three months because of strong opposition from the people of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang. On November 12, 1944, separatists led by Elihan Torae founded the so-called "Republic of East Turkistan", which soon collapsed a year later. Afterwards, a series of separatist organizations and individuals continued their subversive and separatist activities under the banner of "East Turkistan" in a vain attempt to establish their own state.

Since the founding of the People's Republic of China, people of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang have, under the leadership of the CPC, worked together to build a better Xinjiang; they have maintained social stability, achieved economic growth, and improved lives for the people. The "East Turkistan" forces, however, have not resigned themselves to defeat. With the support of international anti-China forces, the "East Turkistan" forces have resorted to all means, fair or foul, to organize, plan and carry out acts of separatism and sabotage. In the early 1950s the separatists instigated many riots in Xinjiang, calling on Uygurs to "unite under the moon-and-star banner to create a republic of Islam". In the 1960s there were the riots in Ili and Tacheng on the China-Russia border, the riot of the "East Turkistan People's Revolutionary Party", and the armed rebellion of the Gang of Ahongnof in southern Xinjiang. In the late 1970s and early 1980s, religious extremism made further inroads into Xinjiang. It soon blended with terrorism to stir up social unrest in the region, seriously undermining local stability and security.

Since the 1990s, especially after the September 11 attacks in the US, the "East Turkistan" forces inside and outside China have stepped up their collaboration as terrorism and extremism spread around the globe, trying desperately to establish "East Turkistan" through "Jihad" (holy war). In the name of ethnicity and religion, they deceitfully used people's ethnic identity and religious belief to instigate religious fanaticism, spread religious extremism, and incite the common people to join in violent and terrorist activities. They brainwashed people with the "Jihad", abetting them to "die for their belief in order to enter heaven". Some of the most susceptible followers, no longer possessed of any self-control, became extremists and terrorists who heartlessly slaughtered innocent people.

Religious extremism under the banner of Islam runs counter to Islamic doctrines. It is not Islam. For a long time separatists have tied extremism to religion, to religious believers, and to society as a whole. They tell people not to obey anyone but Allah and incite them to resist government management. They abuse those who do not follow the path of extremism as pagans, traitors and scum, urging their followers to verbally assault, reject, and isolate non-believers, Party members and officials, and patriotic religious individuals. They deny and reject all forms of secular culture, preaching a life without TV, radio and newspaper, forbidding people to weep at funerals or laugh at weddings, imposing bans on singing and dancing, and forcing women to wear heavily-veiled black long gowns. They over-generalize the "Halal" concept, stamping food, medicine, cosmetics, clothing, etc. with the Halal symbol. They turn a blind eye to the diverse and splendid cultures of Xinjiang created by all its ethnic groups, trying to sever the ties between the Chinese culture and the ethnic cultures of Xinjiang. All this indicates their denial of modern civilization, rejection of human progress, and gross violation of the human rights of their fellow citizens.

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