SCIO briefing on promoting high-quality development: Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs
Beijing | 10 a.m. July 24, 2024

The State Council Information Office invited officials from the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs to brief the media on promoting high-quality development on Wednesday.


Han Jun, secretary of the CPC leadership group of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs (MARA)

Zhang Xingwang, vice minister of agriculture and rural affairs

Wang Lejun, chief livestock officer of the MARA


Shou Xiaoli, director general of the Press Bureau of the State Council Information Office (SCIO) and spokesperson of the SCIO

Read in Chinese


Mr. Han Jun, secretary of the leading Party members group of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs (MARA)

Mr. Zhang Xingwang, vice minister of agriculture and rural affairs

Mr. Wang Lejun, chief livestock officer of the MARA


Ms. Shou Xiaoli, director general of the Press Bureau of the State Council Information Office (SCIO) and spokesperson of the SCIO


July 24, 2024

Shou Xiaoli:

Ladies and gentlemen, good morning. Welcome to this press conference held by the State Council Information Office (SCIO), as part of the series "Promoting High-Quality Development." Today, we have invited Mr. Han Jun, secretary of the leading Party members group of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs (MARA), to brief you on relevant developments and answer your questions. Also present today are Mr. Zhang Xingwang, vice minister of agriculture and rural affairs; and Mr. Wang Lejun, chief livestock officer of the MARA.

Now, I'll give the floor to Mr. Han for his introduction.

Han Jun:

Ladies and gentlemen, friends from the media, good morning. Thank you for attending today's press conference and for your continued support of the agricultural and rural work. This is my first press conference since taking office at the MARA, and I am delighted to have this chance to speak with you today. I will update you on the high-quality development in the work relating to agriculture, rural areas and rural residents.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core has given top priority to matters related to agriculture, rural areas and rural residents. We have triumphed in the fight against poverty, implemented the rural revitalization strategy, secured historic achievements and seen historic changes in our agricultural and rural sectors. Agricultural departments at all levels have borne in mind the country's most fundamental interests, rigorously applied the instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping on agriculture, rural areas and rural residents, and consistently implemented the strategies set forth by the CPC Central Committee and the State Council. We have tirelessly strengthened national food security and promoted stable and qualitative growth in agriculture and rural development. We have made solid progress in building up China's strength in agriculture, and all-around rural revitalization has continuously achieved new results, providing strong support for economic recovery and high-quality development.

We are fully committed to ensuring the stable and secure supply of grain and important agricultural products, ensuring that the food supply of over 1.4 billion Chinese people remains firmly in our own hands. By implementing the strategy of sustainable farmland use and innovative application of agricultural technology for national food security, China's grain production has remained stable at over 1.3 trillion jin (650 million metric tons) for nine consecutive years, reaching 1.3908 trillion jin last year, with a per capita grain possession of 493 kilograms. This year's grain production, especially the summer harvest, has been bountiful, increasing by 7.25 billion jin to 299.56 billion jin, setting a new historical high. Particularly in recent years, we have focused on enhancing soybean production, which has improved our self-sufficiency rate by nearly 4 percentage points over two years. The supply of cotton, oil, sugar, meat, eggs, dairy, aquatic products, fruits, vegetables and tea is plentiful, with an increasing number of green, high-quality agricultural products making their way onto the dining tables of our citizens.

We have continued to consolidate and expand the achievements of poverty alleviation, firmly guarding the bottom line of preventing a large-scale return to poverty. During the transition period, we have maintained stable assistance work and policies, continuously consolidating and improving the results of rural compulsory education, basic medical care, housing safety and drinking water safety. We have effectively operated the dynamic monitoring and assistance mechanism to prevent people returning to poverty, focusing on strengthening industrial and employment assistance, and there has been no large-scale return to poverty.

We have vigorously improved agricultural technology and facilities, consistently elevating the modernization of agriculture. The contribution rate of agricultural technological progress has exceeded 63%, with the mechanization of the entire production processes of three staple crops (wheat, rice and corn) basically realized, as well as significant innovations in agricultural technology. We have built over 1 billion mu (about 66.67 million hectares) of high-standard farmland and significantly bolstered our disaster prevention and resistance capabilities. The 10 year fishing ban on the Yangtze River has shown significant results.

We have coordinated the promotion of rural development and governance, and the construction of a beautiful and harmonious countryside for people to live and work in has steadily advanced. We have extended infrastructure and public services into rural areas. Sanitary toilets are used by 75% of rural households. All towns, townships, and villages where conditions permit are now connected by paved roads. Tap water coverage in rural areas reaches 90%. More than 90% of administrative villages have access to 5G. The level of basic public services such as education, medical care and elderly care has continuously improved, and rural residents' self-organized cultural activities are rich and colorful. With rural revitalization, the vast number of rural residents have a greater sense of gain, happiness and security.

We have persistently deepened reforms to continuously stimulate the vitality of agricultural and rural development. We have adhered to consolidating and improving the basic rural operation system, continuously improving the reforms to separate rural land ownership rights, contract rights and use rights for contracted land, ensuring that the nature of public ownership of land does not change, the red line of arable land is not broken, and the interests of farmers are not harmed. The development of suitably scaled-up operations of land and trials to extend rural land contracts by another 30 years upon the expiration of second-round contracts are steadily underway. We have obtained a general picture of rural collective assets, and are now vigorously cultivating new types of agribusinesses, with more than 2.2 million farmers' cooperatives and nearly 4 million family farms. We have improved specialized agricultural services, continued to make good use of rural "specialty products," accelerated the integration of primary, secondary and tertiary industries in rural areas, vigorously cultivated new rural industries and new business forms, steadily promoted the granting of permanent urban residency to eligible people who have moved to cities from rural areas, and continuously created more channels for rural residents to find employment and increase their incomes. In 2023, the per capita disposable income of rural residents reached 21,691 yuan, and the income gap between urban and rural residents narrowed to a ratio of 2.39-to-1 from 2.81-to-1 in 2013. In the first half of this year, the per capita disposable income of rural residents was 11,272 yuan, an actual increase of 6.6%, 2.1 percentage points higher than the income growth rate of urban residents.

Gratifying achievements have been made in agricultural and rural development over the years. We owe these achievements to the leadership of the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core and the sound guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. The third plenary session of the 20th CPC Central Committee has outlined systematic plans for the key tasks of agricultural and rural reform and development. The MARA will adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, implement the decisions and plans of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, focus on building a strong agricultural sector, and take solid steps to deliver work related to all-round rural revitalization. By doing so, we will write a more splendid chapter on agriculture, rural areas, and rural residents on the new journey.

Next, my colleagues and I will be happy to answer your questions.


Shou Xiaoli:

Thank you, Mr. Han, for your introduction. Now, we will open the floor for questions. Please identify the media outlet you represent before asking your question. You may begin now.


The recently concluded third plenary session of the 20th CPC Central Committee has made systematic plans for further deepening reform, and rural reform is an integral part of it. Could you please tell us what the key points of the next step of reform are and how they will be advanced? Thank you.

Han Jun:

Thank you for your questions. The matters you highlighted are the focus of considerable attention across all sectors of society. We know that the recently concluded third plenary session of the 20th CPC Central Committee has made strategic plans for further deepening reform comprehensively to advance Chinese modernization. I also attended the entire third plenary session. Rural and agricultural reform occupies a considerable portion of the resolution adopted at the plenary session. The resolution dedicates an entire chapter to systematically outlining plans for promoting integrated urban-rural development. It also clarifies the key tasks of rural reform, providing important guidance and a foundation for promoting rural reform on the new journey. The MARA will thoroughly study and grasp the guiding principles of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speeches, carefully plan and solidly implement the key tasks of agricultural and rural reform, and add momentum and vitality to all-round rural revitalization. We will focus on three aspects of work, which are also the key tasks in the three major areas of rural reform.

First, we will consolidate and improve the basic rural operation system. China's reform started in the countryside, and this year marks the 46th year of rural reform. Over these 46 years, what has been the most important achievement of rural reform? It is the establishment of the basic rural operation system. When presiding over the symposium on rural reform held in Xiaogang village of Anhui province on April 25, 2016, General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that China's rural reform began with properly handling the relationship between farmers and land, and the most significant policy is that we must uphold and improve the basic rural operation system. We often say that the basic rural operation system is the cornerstone of the Party's rural policies. The basic rural operation system requires three pillar policies. First, we must uphold the collective ownership of rural land. Second, we must maintain household operations as the basis. Third, we must ensure that rural land contracting practices remain stable. The resolution adopted at the third plenary session of the 20th CPC Central Committee has outlined specific plans to consolidate and improve the basic rural operation system. The resolution stresses that we will move forward with well-organized trials to extend rural land contracts by another 30 years upon the expiration of the second-round contracts, deepen the reform to separate the ownership rights, contract rights, and management rights of contracted land, and develop appropriately scaled agricultural operations. As the second round of contracts will be extended for another 30 years upon expiration, rural land contracting practices will remain unchanged for 75 years, considering the first round of land contracts at the beginning of rural reform. This demonstrates the requirement for keeping rural land contracting practices unchanged over the long term. The MARA will act upon the arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and earnestly implement the policy of consolidating and improving the basic rural operation system, which is the major rural policy. This year, we have launched trials to extend rural land contracts in three provincial regions: Anhui, where I used to work, as well as Hunan, and Guangxi. Currently, other provinces are also conducting trials in their counties and townships. The general principle is to adhere to the overall extension of contracts and ensure that the contracted land of most farmers remains unchanged. That principle is clearly defined in the policies. Next, we will continue to guide the orderly transfer of land management rights, improve the framework for agricultural operations, enhance the commercial agricultural services, and better encourage the involvement of small agricultural households in modern agriculture. Can small agricultural households get involved in modern agriculture? That's entirely possible. Not long ago, I took a field trip to Hebei and met a 74-year-old lady. I asked her whether she still had land. She answered that she had a 6-mu (0.4-hectare) plot. I asked her whether she had rented the land out. She said no. I asked how she could till the land at her age. She explained that she found someone to help her by placing her land under a trusteeship, covering all aspects of farming. She calculates that placing the land under trusteeship can earn over 200 yuan more per mu than renting it out. She said that by doing that, she could make over 1,000 yuan more. So, why not do that? This 74-year-old lady can effectively manage her land under such commercial agricultural services. Therefore, there are diverse paths to agricultural modernization, and small agricultural households can indeed participate in modern agriculture. Here, I would also like to stress that land transfer must be conducted voluntarily, in accordance with relevant laws, and with proper compensation. Land transfer should not go against the farmers' will, harm their interests, or change the use of the land. We now have specific requirements that strictly forbid the advancement of land transfer by setting targets and tasks or by including the area and proportion of transferring land in performance assessments. In other words, no coercion should be used in relation to land transfer. This is the first key area.

Second, we will continue to put agricultural and rural development first. The resolution includes a dedicated section on "Improving supporting systems to strengthen agriculture, benefit farmers, and enrich rural areas." It makes specific arrangements such as improving the investment mechanisms for rural revitalization, optimizing the system of agricultural subsidy policies, refining the regular mechanisms for preventing rural residents from lapsing or relapsing into poverty, improving the mechanisms for ensuring the incomes of grain growers and see that the prices of grain and other major agricultural products remain at a reasonable level, and establishing an inter-provincial mechanism for major grain-purchasing areas to compensate major grain-producing areas. Prioritizing agricultural and rural development is a key strategy for addressing issues relating to agriculture, rural areas and the well-being of farmers. Specifically, this means prioritizing four areas: appointing officials, resource allocation, funding and public services. This is a clear directive from the CPC Central Committee, and we must translate these priorities into concrete reform measures. There is still much work to be done, and we will focus on implementing detailed and practical improvements. We will take stronger measures in official appointments, resource allocation, funding, and public services. These efforts will address the shortcomings in agricultural and rural development.

Third, we will continue to promote integrated urban-rural development. As General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized, "Revitalizing rural areas should not be viewed in isolation. We should encourage the manufacturing sector and urban entities to support agriculture and rural development." We must coordinate our efforts in new industrialization, new urbanization, and all-round rural revitalization, establish and improve the institution and policy system for integrating urban-rural development, pursue greater urban-rural integration in planning, development and governance, and promote equal exchanges and two-way flows of productive factors between cities and the countryside, so as to narrow the disparities between the two and promote their common prosperity and development. Therefore, we need to work faster to grant permanent urban residency to eligible people who move from rural to urban areas, and implement the systems for allowing people to obtain household registration and access basic public services in their place of permanent residence. We will push to see that eligible people who have moved to cities from rural areas enjoy the same rights as registered local residents with regard to social insurance, housing support, and access to compulsory education for their children living with them. This is a significant policy. We will protect the lawful land rights and interests of former rural residents who now hold permanent urban residency, protect, in accordance with the law, their rights to contract rural land, use their rural residential land, and share in the proceeds from rural collective undertakings. I want to stress that current policies allow for the voluntary transfer of these rights in return for compensation, but this must be approached cautiously. For example, policies on relinquishing rural residential land rights must be prudent, ensuring farmers maintain a safety net while considering their long-term interests. The use rights of rural residential land are clearly defined by law as a privilege of rural collective economic organization members, and non-members cannot obtain these rights. This is explicitly stated in our laws and policy requirements. Using rural residential land to construct villas or private clubs is strictly prohibited. Additionally, allocating these lands to retired officials or employees returning to rural areas is forbidden. This policy baseline must be strictly adhered to. As the Resolution of the CPC Central Committee on Further Deepening Reform Comprehensively to Advance Chinese Modernization, adopted at the third plenary session of the 20th CPC Central Committee, clearly states, the current policy allows rural households to put houses under their legal ownership to good use by leasing them out, contributing them in the form of shares, and engaging in cooperative ventures. Localities can explore innovations in this regard to ensure that rural residents benefit more from the reform.

Thank you.


Red Star News:

The initiative to build high-standard farmland is a major project for ensuring China's national food security. In recent years, we have made significant progress on this front. Could you elaborate on our achievements and describe future plans to enhance the mechanisms for the development, acceptance inspection, and management and protection of high-standard farmland ? Thank you.

Han Jun:

Mr. Zhang will answer this question.

Zhang Xingwang:

Thank you for your question. High-standard farmland development is vital for ensuring national food security and directly impacts the livelihoods of rural residents. It is both a livelihood project and one that has strong public support. Mr. Han has already provided an overview of our progress in this regard. The CPC Central Committee attaches great importance to this project, which has also attracted widespread public attention. Under the guiding principles of General Secretary Xi Jinping and the directives from the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, various levels of agricultural and rural departments, supported by related departments and agencies, have intensified their efforts and made significant progress. By the end of last year, China had built over 1 billion mu of high-standard farmland, more than 10 million kilometers of field irrigation and drainage channels and over 27 million small-scale farmland water conservancy facilities. These efforts have significantly improved farmland's disaster resilience, ensuring stable production even during severe disasters and increasing yields under normal conditions. This has contributed substantially to the country's ability to maintain grain production at over 1.3 trillion jin (650 billion kilograms) for nine consecutive years. This year, the country has substantially increased investment standards for high-standard farmland, supporting further improvements.

The statistics introduced just now show that the development of high-standard farmland indeed involves numerous aspects and long processes, and covers extensive areas. To ensure the quality of this project, we have meticulously implemented a working mechanism with the central government responsible for overall planning, provincial-level governments assuming overall responsibility, city and county governments ensuring implementation, and the public participating. In collaboration with relevant departments, we have refined institutional standards, strictly focused on task implementation, and ensured its quality. The third plenary session of the 20th CPC Central Committee proposed to enhance the mechanisms for the development, acceptance inspection, and management and protection of high-standard farmland. We will adhere to the principle of putting quality first while attaching equal importance to quantity and quality, take firm and stringent measures, and do everything possible to ensure the quality of farmland development, truly achieving the goal whereby every acre developed is an acre successfully completed. We will focus our efforts in three main areas:

First, we will strengthen development management throughout the entire process. We will reasonably determine the development standards for high-standard farmland in different regions and types, guide various localities to further optimize layouts, clarify development priorities, carry out solid preliminary work such as project design, strictly assume local responsibilities for engineering quality management, and rigorously control quality at every stage, including selection, bidding, materials, construction and acceptance inspection.

Second, we will regularly conduct supervision and inspection. In the near future, the MARA will initiate a quality review and special rectification campaign for high-standard farmland development projects, focusing on issues such as irrigation facilities that are not electrified, not supplied with water, or not functioning properly. We will organize local inspections to identify and categorize issues that need rectifying. This year, we will also conduct random quality checks of projects nationwide on a regular basis. Any issues discovered will be assigned to local authorities for firm rectification, and those responsible will be held accountable in accordance with laws and regulations. Cases suspected of violating criminal law will be decisively transferred to judicial authorities for handling.

Third, we will implement multiple measures to strengthen post-development management and protection. We will collaborate with relevant departments to further refine the relevant systems, urging localities to synchronize plans regarding the parties responsible for management and protection, mechanisms, and supporting measures during the early stages of high-standard farmland development project planning. This will clarify the responsibilities and standards for farmland management and protection, ensuring that the post-development measures are effectively implemented and preventing any gaps or failures in our management. These efforts aim to reverse the tendency in some areas to focus on development while neglecting management, ensuring solid development and better management. Thank you.


Beijing Youth Daily:

At the beginning of the briefing, Mr. Han announced the good news that this year's summer grain yield has reached a historic high. How was such a bumper harvest achieved in the face of frequent meteorological disasters? Also, since the onset of summer this year, many areas have experienced droughts and flooding to varying degrees. Will these affect the autumn grain yield? What safeguards and measures are in place to help achieve abundant grain harvests year-round? Thank you.

Han Jun:

Thank you for your questions. Among the issues relating to agriculture, rural areas and rural residents, food is of the utmost concern. As a large nation with over 1.4 billion people, we must ensure that China's food supply remains firmly in our own hands and cannot afford any lapses in ensuring national food security. As I mentioned earlier, this year's summer grain production increased by 7.25 billion jin, which is the largest increase in the past nine years. This has had a significant effect on stabilizing prices and people's expectations. This year's bumper summer grain harvest can be attributed to two main factors. First, the cultivation area was stable, which is the foundation for increased production. If the area were not stable, there would be no foundation for a good harvest. Last year, various regions actively responded to the unfavorable conditions for autumn sowing and achieved as full planting as possible. The area of summer-harvested wheat reached 346 million mu, an increase of 475,000 mu from the historical high, which was not easy. The second major reason for the bumper summer grain harvest is the increase in yield per unit. Nowadays, agricultural yield increases mainly depend on increasing the yield per unit. To improve yield per unit, good seeds are necessary, but just having good seeds is not enough. Good seeds, good fields, good opportunities and good practices must be closely integrated, and good policies are also necessary. This year, the minimum purchase price for summer grain wheat was raised, which stabilized farmers' expectations. Comprehensive policies and coordinated efforts are ultimately reflected in the increase in yield per unit. This year, the yield per mu of summer-harvested wheat increased by 10 kilograms, a 2.6% increase, which is the largest yield increase in the last five years. We calculated that the improvement in yield per unit contributed over 90% to the increase in summer grain production. In the past two years, the MARA implemented large-scale actions to increase yield per unit, with a focus on major grain and oil crops such as corn, wheat and soybeans. Take wheat as an example. We integrated and promoted key technologies such as deep plowing and soil preparation, post-sowing compaction, and integrated water and fertilizer management. During critical farming periods, we fully implemented the "one spray, three protections" method (that features a spray mix of insecticides, fungicides, foliar fertilizers, and plant growth regulators), focusing on the unified prevention and control of diseases and pests, and emergency treatments. During the summer harvest period, we organized over 600,000 combine harvesters for cross-regional operations, which was quite spectacular. It is through coordinated efforts in increasing production and reducing losses that we achieved this bumper summer harvest. Working in the provincial government, I have a deep understanding of this. To ensure that our food supply remains firmly in our own hands, the main leaders in the provincial government must attach much importance to these technical measures. When these measures are in place, they will yield good results.

This year's summer grain output was a bumper harvest. This is good news. However, autumn harvests, accounting for three-quarters of the yearly output, are more important and attract more public attention. Since the beginning of this summer, floods have been wreaking havoc in the south while droughts are making trouble in the north. Heavy precipitation even changed some regions from being in drought to flooding within a few days. Before returning to Beijing, I worked in Anhui province, where there is both northern and southern climatic features. Northern Anhui first experienced extreme droughts, and then floods. Similar situation has also occurred in Henan province, where droughts changed into floods within a day or two. It is estimated that the current national crop damage area is larger than last year's, but the disaster area decreased by more than 6 million mu (400,000 hectares) year-on-year. According to our real-time monitoring, the country's area of autumn grain increased steadily over the previous year, and crop growth was generally normal. I went to Hebei province on Sunday to find out more about the droughts and then went to Heilongjiang province to check the crops. Since Henan recently has been severely impacted by the disaster, my colleagues went there as soon as possible to work with local governments on disaster mitigation and grain production.

We know that from late July to early August is a critical period not only for fighting against floods and droughts, but also for increasing autumn grain output. We will make all efforts to work on related sectors. I told my colleagues to fully estimate the difficulties and focus on flooding and drought prevention as well as disaster relief, especially in major grain-producing areas and hard-hit areas. Differential measures will be carried out in disaster-stricken areas. For waterlogged farmland, work will be focused on the management of ditches to speed up drainage. In some places, drainage ditches alongside roads and fields were blocked. Currently, we are working on dredging some channels to ensure the water be discharged. Corn cannot survive if it is drowned for three consecutive days. We will try every way possible to expand water sources so that drought-stricken farmland will be irrigated in time. For farmland with total crop failure, work will be focused on replanting and reseeding in accordance with local conditions. If a place is currently not suitable for growing grain that needs a longer growth cycle, it can be used to plant vegetables. In this way, we will not leave the farmland uncultivated. Recovery of agricultural production after disasters will be accelerated. We are now organizing agricultural technicians and employees of the agricultural and rural affairs departments at all levels to work at the grassroots level in person, providing precise guidance and fine services to villages and rural residents to guarantee autumn and full-year harvests. Thank you.


Nanfang Daily, Nanfang Plus:

At present, hog raising can help farmers turn a profit, but dairy and beef cattle breeding is still in the red. How will livestock production and supply change in the second half of the year? What measures will be taken to stabilize the development of animal husbandry? Thank you.

Han Jun:

Mr. Wang will answer your questions.

Wang Lejun:

Thank you for your questions. The production of meat, eggs and milk has increased since the beginning of this year. As Mr. Han just mentioned, the supplies of meat, eggs and milk are generally abundant. In H1, the output of pigs, cattle, sheep and poultry increased by 0.6%, egg production up 2.7% and milk yields grew 3.4% year on year. The market supply of livestock products was sufficient, with prices staying low. Take hog production as an example. Under the combined effect of market adjustments and production capacity regulation, hog production capacity has dropped from a high level and hog prices have taken the lead to rise, making hog breeding a profitable industry again. Our statistics show that hog farmers recently can earn 400 yuan after selling a single pig. Prices for dairy and beef cattle still has fallen sharply. In H1, beef and fresh milk prices fell 12.1% and 12.5% year on year, respectively. Beef and dairy cattle farming is suffering losses.

With regard to future development trends in H2, hog production is expected to maintain good momentum and perform well both in production and sales. I would like to share some statistics with you. In June, the number of breeding sow stocks reached 40.38 million. This is equivalent to 103.5% of the normal population of 39 million and within the green and reasonable range of production capacity regulation. At the end of June, the stocks of medium-sized and big pigs fell 6.4% year on year. However, as hog prices are rising, farmers may be reluctant to sell pigs now and may continue to feed big pigs to make them heavier and more valuable, therefore, the market supply is generally sufficient . Due to inertial growth of supply, prices for dairy and beef cattle will remain low in the short term, making cattle-raising business more difficult. Next, we will continue to strengthen our efforts to implement more effective measures.

Looking forward, the ministry will focus on the following five aspects to stabilize livestock production.

First, we will better regulate production capacity. Recently, hog production has stayed in a green and reasonable range. We will continue to keep 39 million breeding sow stocks as a "main switch" of regulation, do a good job in regulating production capacity and implementing policy and other supporting measures, striving to guarantee production capacity within a reasonable range.

Second, we will enhance early warnings and guidance. We will closely monitor the quantity changes of breeding sows, newborn piglets as well as medium and large pigs. Through this effort, we aim to guide pig farms and farmers to sell hogs at the right time to secure profits, avoiding price spikes or drops due to overstocking or sudden sales, particularly to prevent a significant drop in prices after the Spring Festival consumption peak next year. For beef and dairy cattle, we will guide farms and farmers to refine their herd structures and appropriately eliminate older and less productive cattle, thereby better matching production with market demand.

Third, we will focus on helping overcome difficulties. We will guide major milk-producing provinces in effectively implementing relief measures such as increased subsidies for raw milk purchases and spray drying of raw milk into milk powder, promoting cost-effective and efficient farming models. We will organize and implement policies aimed at expanding and improving basic breeding cattle, converting grain to fodder and promoting whole-county dairy production capacity. Additionally, we will guide local governments to increase credit and insurance support for farms and farmers to prevent excessive culling of breeding cows.

Fourth, we will prevent major animal epidemics. We will implement and improve regular epidemic prevention measures and continuously strengthen the prevention and control of major animal epidemics, such as African swine fever, highly pathogenic avian influenza and foot-and-mouth disease, as well as post-flood epidemic prevention. Preparations for autumn animal epidemic prevention will be made in advance to ensure no regional major animal epidemics occur.

Fifth, we will upgrade the industry. We will vigorously render the industry more modernized, organized and industrialized, aiming to extend its industrial chain and increase the added value of products. We will advance integrated development of farming and processing as well as encourage enterprises to improve the mechanism of helping farmers increase income through order-based production and signing purchase and sale contracts, thus ensuring farmers benefit more. We will continue to implement the soybean meal reduction and substitution initiative and advance the resourceful use of livestock and poultry waste, so as to promote green development in animal husbandry. Thank you.


Zhinews of Shenzhen Satellite TV:  

The national science and technology conference held last month made new deployments for achieving greater self-reliance in science and technology at a faster pace. Just now, Mr. Han also mentioned sci-tech innovation in agriculture. Could you share the measures the MARA has taken to accelerate agricultural sci-tech innovation and future plans? Thank you.

Zhang Xingwang:

Thank you for your interest in agricultural science and technology-related work. Just now, Mr. Han mentioned the major planning and arrangements in this regard. In fact, through years of work, we have deeply recognized the indispensable role of science and technology in ensuring stable grain production and high-quality agricultural development. The strength of science and technology keeps growing, and the potential for agricultural development largely lies in them. On the new journey of the new era, we must ensure the stable and secure supply of food and other important agricultural products for over 1.4 billion Chinese people. Given the limited arable land, the fundamental solution for stable and increased production lies in science and technology. As Mr. Han just said, our scientific and technical personnel are actively providing services and guidance on the front lines of agricultural production as well as disaster prevention and mitigation. Since the 18th CPC National Congress, significant progress has been made in agricultural sci-tech development. In 2023, advances in agricultural science and technology contributed 63.2% to agricultural development, an increase of about 10 percentage points compared to 2012. This is a remarkable achievement and a crucial reason for the stable development of our grain and agriculture in recent years. However, gaps still exist between our overall sci-tech level and advanced international levels. Globally, a new round of agricultural sci-tech revolution characterized by biotechnology and information technology is brewing major breakthroughs, and countries are vying for staying ahead of the curve. We must not fall behind. Currently, we are thoroughly studying and implementing the guiding principles of the third plenary session of the 20th CPC Central Committee and the national science and technology conference. We will work to achieve greater self-reliance and strength in agricultural sci-tech development in according to the decisions and deployments of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council.

First, we emphasize enhancing overall efficiency by improving the system. Currently, there is a certain degree of fragmentation, low-level repetition and homogeneous competition among agricultural research institutions. At the beginning of this year, our ministry established the Leading Group for Scientific and Technological Innovation and the Science and Technology Innovation Strategic Advisory Committee to concentrate on optimizing the agricultural science and technology innovation system. We aim to effectively leverage the role of national laboratories and further clarify how central, provincial and municipal-level agricultural research institutes fit within the overall framework. We will define the roles of research institutions, agricultural universities and agricultural technology enterprises. We are using policy guidance, innovative mechanisms and performance evaluation to mobilize and leverage the strengths of innovation entities of all types and at all levels. This approach will help these entities complement each other's advantages and move in a unified direction. We will utilize the new nationwide system to enhance overall efficiency and solve major scientific and technological issues constraining agricultural development.

Second, we emphasize innovation with a focus on industrial application. We insist that research topics originate from industry needs and that research results should be applied in production practices. We collect demands from industries, conduct research and demonstrations based on real-world scenarios, and have users evaluate and accept the outcomes. To determine the effectiveness of research results, we must assess their performance within the relevant industry. This approach addresses the disconnection between science and technology and the economy. In the first half of this year, 17 central ministries and commissions, including the MARA, jointly identified 401 technological needs. We have compiled the 2024 project application guide for the National Key R&D Program, which will be announced soon. These methods aim to further enhance the precision and effectiveness of research. We target critical industry needs, such as developing high-oil and high-yield soybean varieties and intelligent high-end agricultural machinery. We're concentrating efforts from various sectors to tackle these challenges. In this process, we must leverage the strengths of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the education system, and the agriculture and rural affairs system. We should gather the country's true strengths in this field to address key challenges and fully utilize the pivotal role of leading agricultural technology enterprises in research and innovation.

Third, we emphasize ensuring scientific research effectively transitions into practical applications. We strive to connect the entire chain of scientific research, experimental development, and application promotion. By reforming and enhancing the agricultural technology extension system, we aim to leverage the leading role of the National Agricultural High-Tech Industry Demonstration Zones. We will improve service models such as technology commissioners, technology courtyards, and expert compounds, and support new types of agricultural business entities and technology service enterprises in providing technological services. This will accelerate the transformation of scientific and technological achievements into practical productive forces.

Additionally, we emphasize motivating and invigorating talent. We will improve talent incentive and evaluation mechanisms, select a number of agricultural research institutions and explore pilot reforms in evaluating scientific research personnel. We will vigorously promote the spirit of scientists in the agricultural sector and stimulate the innovative vitality of agricultural researchers. We will focus on leveraging major agricultural science and technology projects and important innovation platforms, such as the Seed Industry Revitalization Action Plan and key technological breakthroughs in agriculture, to cultivate and attract strategic scientists, leading scientific and technological talents, and innovation teams. In particular, we will emphasize cultivating young scientific and technological talent to continuously expand the agricultural science and technology talent pool.

Thank you.


Farmers' Daily: 

This year, China's No. 1 central document for 2024 recommends applying the experience of the Green Rural Revival Program and advancing all-round rural revitalization strongly and effectively. Could you provide an update on the progress of this work so far this year? How are different regions identifying key entry points based on their specific conditions to ensure that farmers truly benefit? Thank you.

Han Jun:

I will answer this question. As everyone knows, the theme of China's No. 1 central document for 2024 is to apply the experience of the Green Rural Revival Program and advance all-round rural revitalization strongly and effectively. The tasks for agriculture, rural areas and rural residents outlined in this year's No. 1 central document can be summarized as "two assurances, three enhancements and two strengthening measures." The "two assurances" focus on ensuring national food security and preventing large-scale poverty recurrence. I addressed both aspects when responding to reporters' questions earlier. The "three enhancements" aim to improve rural industrial development, enhance rural construction and raise rural governance standards. The "two strengthening measures" involve bolstering the dual drivers of technology and reform, while reinforcing measures to increase farmers' income.

As you all know, the "Thousand Villages Demonstration and Ten Thousand Villages Renovation" project was a significant decision made by Comrade Xi Jinping shortly after he began working in Zhejiang province. He spent 118 days visiting 11 prefecture-level cities and inspecting villages carefully to fully grasp the general situation of the province and its agricultural conditions. During my work in the agricultural sector, I have visited Zhejiang multiple times to research and study the implementation experience of the project. Over the past 20 years, the CPC Zhejiang Provincial Committee and the provincial government have steadfastly followed the direction pointed out by General Secretary Xi Jinping, with successive administrations carrying out the work, adhering to a consistent blueprint and exploring a scientific path for improving rural living environments, comprehensively promoting rural revitalization, and building a Beautiful China. The experience of the "Thousand Villages Demonstration and Ten Thousand Villages Renovation" project has gradually been promoted nationwide. Since the beginning of this year, various regions and departments have earnestly implemented the arrangements of the "No. 1 central document," learning from and applying the experiences of the project based on local conditions. They have strengthened organization, leadership, fiscal guarantees and financial support, implementing a great number of pilot demonstration projects. The key tasks of all-around rural revitalization have been steadily advanced and the achievements of poverty alleviation have continued to be consolidated, with the levels of rural industrial development, rural construction and governance being steadily improved. The overall situation of agriculture, rural areas and rural residents continues to show signs of stable improvement and quality enhancement.

Moving forward, we will take profound and real measures to promote the learning and application of the experience of the "Thousand Villages Demonstration and Ten Thousand Villages Renovation" project and achieve greater accomplishments in rural revitalization. The key is to learn the development philosophy, the right work approach, and promotion mechanisms of the project, especially to establish a long-term mechanism for promoting all-around rural revitalization. Learning from and applying the experience of the project and establishing a long-term mechanism for promoting all-around rural revitalization is a clear requirement put forward by the third plenary session of the 20th CPC Central Committee. Rural revitalization should run through the entire process of building a great country and national rejuvenation. How should this long-term mechanism be established? Since I started working in the ministry, I have thought hard and conducted research on this issue. Currently, we propose focusing on five main areas in our practical work:

We need to concentrate our efforts on accomplishing practical tasks that rural residents can feel and benefit from. We should aim to provide rural areas with basic modern living conditions. Starting with addressing the urgent needs and concerns of rural residents, we need to focus on improving rural living environments to promote the treatment of rural garbage and sewage and the renovation of rural toilets based on local conditions and improve the overall appearance of villages. We should accelerate shoring up weak links in infrastructure such as rural roads, drinking water and water supply, as these areas still have shortcomings and some are burdened with heavy debts. We must improve the public service system in rural education, elderly care, health care and culture.

We should focus on industrial employment to increase farmers' income. The central task of the "agriculture, rural areas and rural residents" work is to increase farmers' income and make their wallets bulge. In this regard, each region should develop "local specialties" based on local conditions, continuously expanding industries for rural prosperity and especially enhancing new rural industries and business forms. E-commerce is a new industry, with more and more agricultural products being sold online. Rural homestay is a new industry and also a new business form. When I worked in Anhui province, the number of homestays there doubled last year. Visiting homestays can generate income from renting out rooms, and more money can be made from meals. When guests leave, they may also buy local products they find tasty. The model of one sale leading to another maximizes agricultural comprehensive benefits. Therefore, expanding internal rural employment and increasing farmers' income have great potential in terms of new industries and business forms. We encourage enterprises to go to rural areas to develop agricultural product processing and tourism, and to involve farmers and help them get rich, rather than squeeze them out. In summary, we need to continuously expand channels for rural employment and opportunities to increase incomes to promote sustainable and stable growth in farmers' income, and make solid progress toward common prosperity.

We need to identify effective methods and practical tools to enhance rural governance. We should continue to strengthen grassroots Party organizations in rural areas and improve the rural governance system that combines self-governance, rule of virtue and rule of law under the leadership of Party organizations. In recent years, we have promoted some pragmatic and effective rural governance methods, such as the points-rewards system. Now, many rural areas across the country have implemented the points-rewards system, whereby households can earn points for having tidy courtyards, enthusiastically participating in collective welfare, or maintaining good mother-in-law and daughter-in-law relationships. These points can be exchanged for daily necessities, and points can also be deducted. Rural residents say that accumulating points is like accumulating virtue, which is a pragmatic and effective rural governance approach. We also need to leverage the positive role of village rules and regulations in promoting public order and customs, continuously changing outdated social mores and addressing prominent issues of people's concern such as high bride prices and extravagant funerals.

We will promote social civility in rural areas, from outward appearances to inner values. Rural revitalization should focus on both physical transformation and inner strength, aiming not only to fill farmers' pockets but also to enrich their minds. This involves advancing both material and cultural aspects of civilization. We will effectively organize and carry out a series of activities for rural cultural revitalization. Key initiatives include successfully hosting the Chinese Farmers' Harvest Festival and strengthening the protection and inheritance of excellent farming culture. Additionally, supporting people in rural areas in spontaneously conducting public cultural and sports 

We will build rural areas that are comfortable and beautiful to live in, and fit for work under the guidance of sound planning. The principle of "plan first, build later" is a key lesson from Zhejiang's Green Rural Revival Program. It is essential to start with practical conditions, approaching village planning in an organized and categorized manner, with a particular focus on enhancing the quality and effectiveness of these plans. It is not necessary for every village to have a plan; what matters most is practicality and effectiveness. Through sound planning, we can craft a distinctive and beautiful rural landscape. The city offers a vibrant life, while the countryside meets the people's aspirations better. By employing sound approaches, we can highlight the unique beauty of our villages. Thank you.


Shou Xiaoli: 

Due to time constraints, we'll just take two more questions.


Over the past few years, as resource and environmental constraints have tightened, we've noticed a shift toward greener farming practices. Can you tell us how green development in agriculture is coming along? Additionally, what plans are in place to further advance this initiative? Thanks!

Zhang Xingwang:

Thank you for your questions. If we take a walk in the countryside during this season, we will witness the influence and appeal of green initiatives. Green development is the basic characteristic of high-quality growth and is intrinsic to agricultural development. Since the 18th National Congress of the CPC, guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Ecological Civilization, we have continuously improved the systems and mechanisms for the green development of agriculture. We unveiled the first special plan for the green development of the country's agricultural sector during this period, accelerating the shift toward eco-friendly production methods and lifestyles. These green agricultural initiatives have yielded positive results. First, the quality of arable land has consistently improved, with the national average grade now at 4.76, up 0.35 compared to a decade ago, correlating to an increase of 35 kilograms of grain yield per mu. Second, agricultural water use efficiency has significantly improved. The effective utilization coefficient of farmland irrigation water is now 0.57, a 0.05 increase over the past decade, saving over 48 billion cubic meters of water annually. Third, the utilization rates for fertilizers and pesticides have seen substantial increases; they now exceed 41%. The comprehensive utilization rate of livestock and poultry manure reached 78%, that of straw exceeds 88%, and recycling of agricultural film has stabilized above 80% in recent years. We are continually progressing, transitioning ecological burdens into valuable green assets. Fourth, the number of high-quality agricultural products has increased, and the total count now stands at 78,000. This includes green, organic, and nationally renowned special and excellent new agricultural products, as well as those with geographical indications. The compliance rate for agricultural product quality and safety monitoring remains stable above 97%. Fifth, resource wastage has decreased, with a green distribution system for agricultural products progressively being established. A standout achievement is the expansion of cold storage facilities in many major production areas. These facilities have considerably reduced the waste of fresh produce, like vegetables and fruits, during preservation, transport and storage. For example, apples harvested last year and purchased this season still maintain almost the same superb quality and taste as when freshly picked. Such advancements showcase the success of our multi-faceted green development efforts, providing tangible benefits that enrich our everyday lives.

Next, we will thoroughly implement Xi Jinping Thought on Ecological Civilization, adhere to the concept that lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets, and continue to promote a high-quality and green approach to agriculture, constantly enhancing the ecological foundation for high-quality agricultural development. Our focus will be on four aspects:

We will intensify resource utilization, mainly focusing on land and water. We will strengthen farmland protection and quality improvement, integrate land use with soil conservation, address degraded farmland, and promote water-saving practices in agriculture through agronomic, variety, engineering and management measures to enhance the efficient use of water in agriculture.

We will minimize input materials, mainly focusing on chemical fertilizers and pesticides. The overuse of chemical fertilizers and pesticides still persists in some regions. We will implement scientific fertilization and efficiency enhancement initiatives, and promote green and integrated prevention and control of crop diseases and pests, achieving reduction and efficiency gains. For example, the integrated approach to pest and disease prevention and control and the use of drones for pest control have significantly contributed to the green transformation of production methods.

We will recycle waste into resources, focusing on crop straw, livestock and poultry manure, and plastic mulch. We will develop green farming and breeding models such as pig-biogas-fruit and rice-fish systems based on local conditions, explore incentives for manure utilization, and promote low-cost and local utilization, focusing on converting waste into fertilizer, feed and energy. We will also promote the scientific returning of straw to the land to augment soil with organic matter, efficient straw removal, and the scientific use, recycling and disposal of plastic mulch, achieving both economic and ecological benefits.

We will promote low-carbon industrial chains, mainly focusing on developing eco-circular agriculture. Leveraging major projects such as national modern agricultural industrial parks, advantageous and characteristic industrial clusters, and towns with agricultural strengths that we are promoting, we will lead and drive the green and low-carbon development of the entire industrial chain.

Thank you.


Xinhua News Agency:

This year marks the fourth year of the transition period after winning the battle against poverty. How is the consolidation of the poverty alleviation results going? What are the plans for the next step? Thank you.

Han Jun:

Thank you for your questions. After winning the battle against poverty, how to consolidate and expand the achievements of poverty alleviation is a crucial issue which is highly valued by General Secretary Xi Jinping. He underscored that to ensure that there is no large-scale return to poverty, we should pay attention to monitoring and assistance to prevent people from falling back into poverty, boost internal forces, and continue to consolidate and expand the achievements of poverty alleviation. The task is the foundation and prerequisite for rural revitalization, and it is also the bottom line for comprehensively promoting rural revitalization. This work runs through the whole process of rural revitalization. After winning the battle against poverty, the CPC Central Committee clearly set a five-year transition period for consolidating and expanding the achievements of poverty alleviation. This year is the fourth year, and next year is the fifth year. For more than three years, we have maintained the overall stability of the assistance responsibility, policy support, regional collaboration and work system, and made concerted efforts in all aspects to firmly hold the bottom line of no large-scale return to poverty. The total number of people who were lifted out of poverty with new employment has now remained above 30 million for three consecutive years. Because the most important income of these people lifted out of poverty now depends on working, whether they work locally or elsewhere, their employment must be stable, which is the current situation. The per capita disposable income of rural residents in counties lifted out of poverty in 2021 was 14,051 yuan, and by 2023 it had increased to 16,396 yuan, with the growth rate consistently exceeding the national average for rural residents. In the first half of this year, 32.74 million people lifted out of poverty found jobs, and the per capita disposable income of rural residents in counties lifted out of poverty continued to grow rapidly. Now over the years in areas lifted out of poverty, there have been significant improvements to infrastructure during the process of poverty alleviation, including during the transition period. The appearance of villages has also undergone great changes. If you go to Jinzhai county in Anhui province, it is hard to imagine how poor it was in the past, but the people are now living good lives.

This year is a crucial year for consolidating and building on achievements in poverty alleviation and effectively dovetailing rural revitalization. As I just said, the five-year transition period will expire next year. Now everyone is very concerned about what to do after it expires? The third plenary session of the 20th CPC Central Committee made it very clear that we must refine the regular mechanisms for preventing rural residents from lapsing or relapsing into poverty as well as establish a system of multi-tiered and categorized support for low-income rural residents and underdeveloped areas. We are still studying the policy alignment after the five-year transition period expires. But one thing I think is for sure: the basic assistance and development-oriented aid for underdeveloped areas and low-income residents must be maintained for a long time, and can only be strengthened rather than weakened. We must firmly ensure no large-scale return to poverty with persistent efforts. To ensure this bottom line, the basic assistance and development-oriented aid for low-income residents and underdeveloped areas will only be increased rather than weakened, policy measures cannot be withdrawn, and the intensity of work must continue to increase.

Next, we will think of more ways to enhance the internal driving force of areas and people that have just shaken off poverty, so that the achievements in poverty alleviation will be more consolidated and more sustainable. We will improve and make good use of the monitoring and assistance mechanism to prevent people from slipping back into poverty, with the focus on two aspects. One is accelerating the establishment of a monitoring system to prevent rural residents from lapsing or relapsing into poverty. To further improve the efficiency of monitoring and identification, some big data could be better used to reduce the burden at the primary level. The other is accurately implementing measures of assistance to prevent monitored groups from lapsing or relapsing into poverty. Some of these assistance measures ensure basic living standards for people in difficulty. For those who are unable to work, this bottom line must be upheld. For those who are able to work, development-oriented assistance should be taken to help them find jobs, start businesses, carry out productive activities and increase income. In short, early detection and early intervention should be achieved to eliminate the risk of lapse or relapse into poverty. As of the end of June this year, a total of 60.4% of those being monitored nationwide had stabilized and eliminated risks, and the rest had received support. The 480,000 newly identified people this year had also received targeted assistance. Moving forward, we must speed up the study for a regular mechanism to prevent lapse or relapse into poverty that covers the rural population, and establish a multi-tiered and categorized assistance system for low-income rural populations and underdeveloped areas.

We will continue to strengthen industrial and employment support. In terms of industries, the proportion of central fiscal funds for policy alignment used to support industrial development should be kept stable at more than 60%. According to the actual conditions of areas lifted out of poverty, we will promote the improvement of assisted industries' quality and efficiency and improve the mechanism for uniting rural residents and driving growth of their income. In terms of employment, currently, income from nonagricultural work accounts for 68.7% of the income earned by people who have emerged from poverty. In this regard, we must make good use of labor cooperation, employment support workshops, public welfare jobs and other channels, and do everything possible to expand employment channels for people who have been lifted out of poverty, increase employment opportunities and ensure that the scale of employment is stable at more than 30 million.

We will do a good job in consolidating and building on the achievements in poverty alleviation and effectively dovetailing rural revitalization. We will focus on 160 key counties receiving national assistance for rural revitalization, 35,000 key resettlement areas for people relocated from inhospitable areas for poverty alleviation, as well as other key areas. We will deepen collaboration between the eastern and western regions and encourage stronger and targeted assistance from the central Party and government departments. We will further promote the "10,000 private enterprises revitalizing 10,000 villages" initiative as well as implement a number of projects to shore up weak links and boost development, so that areas and people that have shaken off poverty will not be left behind in comprehensive rural revitalization during the modernization process and will catch up and share the achievements of rural revitalization and modernization. Thank you.

Shou Xiaoli:

Thank you, Mr. Han Jun, as well as thank you to all the speakers and reporters for participating. This concludes today's press conference. Goodbye.

Translated and edited by Wang Yiming, Huang Shan, Xu Kailin, Guo Yiming, Ma Yujia, Zhang Rui, Wang Wei, Lin Liyao, Zhou Jing, Xu Xiaoxuan, Li Huiru, Liu Caiyi, Yuan Fang, Mi Xingang, Liao Jiaxin, Wang Ziteng, Yan Bin, Liu Sitong, Rochelle Beiersdorfer, David Ball, and Jay Birbeck. In case of any discrepancy between the English and Chinese texts, the Chinese version is deemed to prevail.

/5    Group photo

/5    Han Jun

/5    Zhang Xingwang

/5    Wang Lejun

/5    Shou Xiaoli