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SCIO briefing on unswervingly being the guardian of 'China's Water Tower' and pursuing high-quality development in Qinghai province

China.org.cn | July 12, 2024


China Daily:

As Mr. Wu just introduced, Qinghai is a place inhabited by multiple ethnic groups. What has Qinghai done to promote ethnic unity and progress as well as economic and social development in ethnic regions? And what are the characteristics of these efforts? Thank you.

Yang Zhiwen:

Thank you for your concern and attention to Qinghai's ethnic affairs. As Mr. Wu Xiaojun just introduced some information, I'd like to introduce three characteristics of Qinghai's ethnic work here.

First, the sense of belonging for the Chinese nation is more unified. Guided by core socialist values, we have firmly grasped the main line of forging a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation. By riding on horseback to each household and in down-to-earth ways that are easily understood by the local community, we clearly explain the Party's people-benefiting policies and address issues of concern, gaining the people's support for the Party's voice. We adhere to govern ethnic affairs in accordance with the law and safeguard national unity. Six autonomous prefectures of Qinghai all released regulations for promoting ethnic unity and progress. We have taken the lead nationwide in establishing a series of innovative measures, including four-level party committee secretaries to focus on the creation of ethnic unity and progress as well as the dynamic management of demonstration units. We have consolidated a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation into various regions and industries, permeating the hearts of grassroots communities and bringing all Chinese people to rally more closely around the Party.

Second, extensive exchanges and interactions of different ethnic groups have become more intimate. We have innovatively created 388 communities called "pomegranate seed homes" for people from all ethnic groups to live, study, work and enjoy themselves together as well as jointly contribute to its development. All ethnic groups are learning from each other, like brothers and sisters who work and live together and help each other out, cooperatively painting a beautiful picture of harmony and integration. After the "12.18" Jishishan earthquake last year, people from all ethnic groups, including Han, Tibetan, Hui, Salar and Tu, helped each other and overcame the difficulties together. Many of our compatriots came from far away to cook for the disaster victims for free. When bowls of steaming Qinghai noodles were delivered to the disaster-stricken people, many people were moved to tears. In times of crisis, the Chinese nation demonstrated its strong cohesion and solidarity as one family.

Third, different ethnic groups are more enthusiastic about participating in modernization construction. We seize the opportunities of the times, rely on resource endowments of ethnic minority areas, find the right path for development, focus on key industries and constantly stimulate internal growth momentum. The GDP of our six autonomous prefectures has doubled compared to 2012. We do our best to ensure employment, education, medical care, elderly care and other people's livelihood issues, ensuring that no ethnic group is left behind in the new journey of modernization. For example, people of all ethnic groups in Guoluozanggongma Village of Haibei Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture keep in mind the earnest instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping during his inspection in 2021, and use the power of national unity to unlock the code to wealth. Industries such as organic animal husbandry and characteristic tourism have actually increased people's income, and everyone's faces has a happy smile. Following the instructions and guidance of the Party as well as feeling grateful for the Party have become the common aspiration of all ethnic groups in Qinghai.

Next, we will continue to build a national model province for ethnic unity and progress, adhering to tradition while fostering innovation. With unwavering effort, we will steadily guide ethnic regions towards socialist modernization. Thank you.

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