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SCIO press conference on promoting high-quality development, undertaking Sichuan's mission to boost development of China's western region

China.org.cn | July 10, 2024


Phoenix TV:

Sichuan possesses abundant water and natural gas resources. Could you please elaborate on the development, utilization and the role of these resources in ensuring national energy security? Thank you.

Dai Yongbo:

Thank you for your question. Sichuan has unique advantages in clean energy. We are promoting the coordinated development of hydro, wind and solar power, hydrogen, and natural gas to accelerate the construction of world-class high-quality clean energy bases, transforming energy advantages into development advantages.

Sichuan is a significant hydropower base in China, with an installed capacity of around 100 million kilowatts, ranking first nationwide in both installed capacity and annual power generation. Sichuan's greatest advantage lies in the complementary function of hydro, wind and solar power. The basins of the Dadu River, Jinsha River and Yalong River, where hydropower resources are concentrated, are also the richest areas in wind and solar resources. We are advancing the construction of an integrated base for hydro and wind power in the Yalong River Basin, which is expected to have an installed capacity of about 80 million kilowatts after completion.

Sichuan serves as a crucial hub in China's west-to-east power transmission project. Currently, the province has established seven ultra-high voltage direct current (UHVDC) power transmission lines and nine 500-kilovolt alternating current (AC) power transmission lines. Over the past decade, Sichuan has delivered more than 1.4 trillion KWh of green electricity to areas outside the Yangtze River Delta region. Last year alone, the total volume of electricity supplied by Sichuan to eastern China was equivalent to the annual electricity consumption of 60 million households.

Sichuan is a major national base for natural gas production. With 40% of its annual production supplying other provinces, Sichuan delivered 223 billion cubic meters of natural gas last year. We are now collaborating with Chongqing to establish a national production base for natural gas (shale gas) with a production capacity of 100 billion cubic meters, which will better serve the West-to-East Gas Pipeline Project.

Sichuan boasts a solid foundation in hydrogen production equipment, hydrogen storage equipment and hydrogen refueling facilities. The province's abundant renewable resources provide favorable conditions for developing the hydrogen industry. In March, the world's first Chengdu-made hydrogen-powered metro train completed its operations test, and now over 100 hydrogen fuel cell vehicles travel daily along the Chengdu-Chongqing Highway. Consequently, Sichuan has identified green hydrogen as a key new quality productive force and is actively promoting the development of the entire industry chain and its related applications. Thank you.

Shou Xiaoli:

Due to time constraint, last question please.

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