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SCIO press conference on continuing Jiangxi's revolutionary glories and striving ahead in promoting high-quality development of its old revolutionary base areas

China.org.cn | July 5, 2024


Fourth, Jiangxi has further advanced all-round rural revitalization. We have always prioritized the development of agriculture and rural areas, ensuring stable production and supply of important agricultural products with no large-scale return to poverty. The province's grain output has remained above 21.5 million metric tons for 11 consecutive years. In 2023, the per capita net income of people lifted out of poverty stood at 18,571 yuan, a year-on-year increase of 13.6%, surpassing the growth rate of per capita disposable income of rural residents in the province. We have intensified efforts to spur agricultural development by boosting industrial growth, raising quality standards and promoting green development, effectively bolstering local specialties. Currently, Jiangxi is home to more than 1,000 leading enterprises of agricultural industrialization at or above the provincial level, including 930 businesses with an annual revenue exceeding 100 million yuan and 76 companies exceeding 1 billion yuan. Over 180 quality agricultural products from Jiangxi are now available in upscale supermarkets and restaurants. Jiangxi is expediting its transition from a traditional big agricultural producer to a leading province in modern agriculture. We have launched a special initiative to improve the rural living environment, and moved faster to turn the countryside into a beautiful and harmonious place for people to live and work in. These efforts will lead to comprehensive improvements that enhance every aspect of village life. Our goal is to ensure rural residents have access to modern amenities and services in their neighborhoods. 

Fifth, Jiangxi's ecological environment remains among the best nationwide. The province consistently ranks among the top in ecological protection. We have always protected and nurtured our first-class ecology with the utmost care, striving to create a model for a beautiful China through the "Jiangxi example." The province's forest coverage rate remains stable at over 63.1%, ranking second nationwide. In 2023, 96.5% of days had good air quality, and 97% of national monitoring sites reported excellent water quality. The enchanting green mountains and the vast Poyang Lake have become vibrant symbols of beautiful Jiangxi, with scenes like "clear waters where Yangtze finless porpoises leap," "deer drinking from deep forest streams," and "countless birds soaring in the pure sky."

Sixth, the living standards of the public are progressively improving. We are committed to a people-centered development approach, dedicating around 80% of our annual budget to addressing major public concerns. We have steadily increased the standards for subsistence allowances and assistance for those in extreme poverty for 17 years in a row. We have ensured more equitable access to public services such as education, healthcare, culture, and sports. We have been recognized as an outstanding province in the national evaluation of public security for 17 consecutive years. The people's sense of gain, happiness, and security is constantly increasing.

That is all from me for now. Next, my colleagues and I would like to answer your questions. Thank you.

Shou Xiaoli:

Thank you, Mr. Ye. The floor is now open for questions. Please identify the news outlet you work for before asking your question.

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