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SCIO press conference on promoting long-term stability, high-quality development in Xizang in the new era

China.org.cn | July 4, 2024


Yan Jinhai:

Fourth, we prioritize ecological conservation and highlight it as the defining feature of high-quality development. We resolutely implement the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping, who emphasized that "protecting the ecological environment of the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau is the greatest contribution to the survival and development of the Chinese nation" and urged us to "transform the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau into a highland of ecological conservation at the national and international levels." Since 2015, the Party Committee and the government of Xizang autonomous region have never approved any energy-intensive, high-emission, or low-level projects. As a result, the living beings, vegetation, and vast mountains and waters on the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau have received the most effective protection. Currently, the protected natural areas in Xizang autonomous region account for 36% of its total land area, while the areas protected within "ecological conservation red lines" cover over 50% of the region. Xizang features approximately 16.5% of the total water resources in China, 30% of the grassland area, 41% of the glacier area, 18.3% of the wetland area, and 40% of the lake area in the country. The results of the second scientific expedition to the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau show that the total water volume on the Plateau exceeds 9 trillion cubic meters, equivalent to the annual runoff of the Yellow River over 150 years or the Yangtze River over 10 years. The Qinghai-Xizang Plateau has achieved overall carbon neutrality. Xizang remains one of the world's best-preserved ecological regions. For instance, in terms of wildlife, well-known Tibetan antelopes had a population of only around 30,000 at its lowest point in history. However, the number has now increased to 300,000. Similarly, the population of black-necked cranes has exceeded 10,000. In Doilungdeqen district of Lhasa city, there is a valley called Nehnang Valley, where proof of rare wildlife such as snow leopards, alpine musk deer, red foxes, and Tibetan snowcocks has been captured by infrared cameras. While driving on the Qinghai-Xizang Highway, it is common to encounter packs of wild wolves, Tibetan wild donkeys, and Tibetan antelopes. In terms of wild plants, the most famous tree in Xizang is Cupressus gigantea, aged 3,229 years, which has been certified as the world's oldest of its kind. There is also Asia's tallest tree, a Tibetan cypress tree in Tongmai village, Bomi county, with a height of 102.3 meters. Xizang is also home to many well-preserved 1,000-year-old walnut groves and sea buckthorn forests. For example, there is a walnut grove in Gyaca county, Shannan city, recognized as the world's largest 1,000-year-old walnut grove, with over 3,600 walnut trees planted together for over 1,000 years. A large number of Xizang residents have also gained benefits from our efforts to protect the environment and promote ecological progress. Currently, Xizang provides 440,000 ecological conservation jobs throughout the region each year, bringing an additional income of 3,500 yuan per person per year. We are vigorously implementing greening programs in the northern and southern mountains of Lhasa. In 2022 and 2023, a total of 380,000 mu (25,333.33 hectares) of land has been afforested. Now, we have obviously achieved a virtuous cycle of ecosystems in certain areas of Lhasa, where we can see clouds covering mountaintops and cloud belts appearing in mountain valleys during the summer.

Fifth, we continue to boost development, raise living standards in border areas, and expand opening-up in order to create ample space for high-quality development. We have always prioritized both military development and public welfare in border regions to ensure stability and prosperity. We have consistently improved public services and infrastructure in these areas. Four national-level ports in Xizang, including Gyirong, Burang, Zham and Lektse, facilitate passenger and freight interflow between China and neighboring countries. Additionally, 15 traditional border trade points have been authorized to resume operations. Last year, our total imports and exports reached a historic record of 1 million yuan. The Lhasa Comprehensive Bonded Zone, which began operations in July 2022, is Xizang's first and only comprehensive bonded zone. It has attracted Xizang's first chip-processing project, established its first cross-border e-commerce store, and launched its first new energy vehicle export business, achieving a total trade volume of nearly 1.7 billion yuan. Through deepened openness and cooperation, more products made in Xizang are reaching global markets from the plateau. Last year, Xizang exported 310 metric tons of mineral water to countries like Singapore, Kuwait, and Saudi Arabia. In April, 23 metric tons of Xizang apples were exported to Nepal through the Gyirong port, marking the first locally grown fruit from Xizang to be exported.

Currently, Xizang is embracing a strategic opportunity for high-quality development, leveraging its advantages in politics, policy, resources, population, and its distinct advantages as a late comer. The future holds infinite possibilities. We will rally more closely around the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, fully implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's important directives on the work related to Xizang and the Party's policies for the governance of Xizang in the new era, and focus on our major priorities and initiatives. We will resolutely prioritize high-quality development, cultivate new quality productive forces suited to local conditions, continuously expand effective investment, accelerate the upgrading of consumer spending quality, vigorously develop distinctive industries, further advance rural revitalization strategy and continue deepening reform and opening-up. Our goal is to open a new chapter for Xizang's role in Chinese modernization and make new contributions to building a great country and advancing national rejuvenation on all fronts.

I would like to take this opportunity to sincerely invite friends from the media to visit Xizang. Seeing is believing. We hope you can present a comprehensive, objective, and true image of Xizang to the world through your visits and writings.

That's all for my opening remarks. Thank you, everyone.

Shou Xiaoli:

Thank you, Mr. Yan, for your introduction. We now move to the Q&A session. Please state the news outlet you represent before raising your questions. The floor is now open for questions.

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