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SCIO press conference on striving for new breakthroughs to revitalize Jilin in the new era

China.org.cn | May 16, 2024



In the first quarter of this year, the value-added industrial output of Jilin's industrial enterprises above designated size witnessed double-digit growth, as did the automobile manufacturing industry. As an old industrial base, what factors support Jilin's good momentum for long-term development of industrial economy? What measures will the local authority take to promote new industrialization? Thank you.

Hu Yuting:

Jilin is an important industrial base in the country. You are very familiar with industrial issues. Mr. Li will answer your questions.

Li Guoqiang:

Thank you for your concern about Jilin's industrial economy. The foundation, strength, and potential of the province's comprehensive revitalization lie within its industrial sector. In the first quarter of this year, we achieved a remarkable 10.4 percent growth in industrial added value, building upon last year's 6.8 percent. China's leading automaker, FAW Group Co., Ltd., located in Jilin, ranked first in production and sales nationwide. Jilin's success mainly attributed to its pursuit of a new path of industrialization, focusing on three key areas.

First, we have facilitated intelligent industrial transformation and digitalization, which are seen as essential for the future of industrialization. With the backing of financial institutions, we spend hundreds of millions of yuan each year on intellectualization and digitalization. We have implemented a series of policies to upgrade every company with digital and smart technologies in an orderly manner, whether they have single production lines or entire production plants. We aim to complete a round of intellectual and digital upgrading for all of Jilin's industrial enterprises above designated size within three years.

Second, we have promoted the formation of industrial clusters, which is a crucial measure to advance new industrialization and make industrial and supply chains more secure. We have fostered 10 major industrial clusters in the province, including a trillion-yuan automotive industry cluster, a 100 billion yuan carbon fiber industry cluster, a corn-based bioproduct industry cluster and seven industrial clusters with the output of over 100 billion yuan. By 2030, the output value of these clusters is expected to account for 85% of the total industrial output.

Third, we have developed hubs for high-end industries, which is key to grasping the initiative of future-oriented industries and supporting new industrialization. Although Jilin's future-oriented industries are still in their initial stage, some major enterprises have already made forward-thinking plans. For example, in the field of intelligent connected vehicles, the FAW Group has completed its hardware design for a high-performance supercomputing platform, which can meet the functional needs of advanced automatic driving. The group has also completed domestic production of the whole industrial chain in the high-precision positioning system for automobiles. In the field of high-speed rail transportation, the CRRC Changchun Railway Vehicles Co., Ltd . developed a hydrogen-powered urban commuter train with a maximum range of over 1,000 kilometers on a single charge and accelerated the manufacturing of high-speed maglev train at a speed of 600 kilometers per hour. In the field of satellite applications, the number of Jilin-1 satellites in orbit increased to 108, making it the largest remote-sensing satellite constellation operating at sub-meter resolution in the world. In the field of ultra-HD displays, the Changchun Institute of Optics, Fine Mechanics and Physics (CIOMP) under the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) can produce high-quality full-color LED displays using its unique technology of single full-color display chips. Cedar Electronics, one of Jilin's specialized and sophisticated enterprises that produce new and unique products , developed 75-inch to 165-inch ultra-HD direct digital TVs, filling a domestic gap in this area.

Next, we will accelerate the development of a modern industrial system and embark on a road to new industrialization featuring Jilin's characteristics and advantages. Thank you.

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