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SCIO press conference on stimulating vitality of business entities to promote high-quality economic development

China.org.cn | February 21, 2024


Economic Daily:

While requiring the unleashing of consumption potential to promote the recovery of consumption, the central government also clearly stated that we should oppose waste and excessive consumption. We have noticed that the SAMR has done a great deal of work to curb food waste. Could you explain a little about this work? Thank you.

Pu Chun:

I'll answer this question. Food is of primary importance to the people. As the saying goes: "Consider how difficult it is to obtain rice and grain." Frugality is a traditional virtue of the Chinese nation and has consistently been the fine tradition of our Party. In 2023, the SAMR fully implemented General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions on curbing food waste, and launched a three-month nationwide campaign to curb food waste, achieving positive results. 

First, we have tightened regulations and strengthened inspections and law enforcement. Focusing on key areas including food delivery, wedding banquets, buffets, and canteens, we have launched campaigns such as random checks on restaurants and inspected 4.67 million canteens and restaurants, among which 78,100 were found to have food waste, with 92,000 problems rectified. We have strictly and quickly investigated, prosecuted and corrected illegal conduct including failing to actively and promptly remind customers when they order more food than they could eat, and encouraging and misleading customers into ordering excessive quantities of food. We have promoted procedures to simplify the handling of cases involving minor violations of the law. 29,800 cases were handled with orders for rectification and warnings, and 6,201 typical cases were published in a timely manner.

Second, we have focused on regulating services on food delivery platforms. We have worked with the Ministry of Commerce to issue the Guiding Opinions on Giving Play to the Leading Role of Online Catering Platforms and Effectively Preventing Delivery Food Waste," urged leading food delivery platforms to play an exemplary role, and guided them to take specific measures including whole-process reminders, giving detailed portion descriptions, adjusting the thresholds for discounts, promoting small portions of food, and establishing reward mechanisms for food conservation, thereby promoting the well-regulated and sound development of the food delivery industry. 

Third, we have continued to improve the long-term working mechanism. The SAMR published the Opinions on Further Improving the Work on Curbing Food Waste and put forward clear requirements on preventing food waste at wedding banquets together with the Office of the Spiritual Civilization Development Steering Commission and the Ministry of Civil Affairs. Since the launch of the special campaign last year, we have successively issued five national standards such as the General Rules for Anti-Food Waste Management in the Catering Industry and guided relevant industry associations to formulate six group standards. Local regions have also formulated and revised 111 relevant local standards and group standards.

Fourth, we have strengthened organization and guidance of publicity and education work. We have carried out anti-food waste activities in 371 universities to popularize information, launched a discussion using the hashtag #CleanPlatesAreVirtuous on Douyin, organized 28,700 large restaurant chains to remind their customers to reduce food waste, and guided localities to make 10.35 million publicity products, reaching more than 900 million people. We have advanced the publicity of relevant standards and laws on food waste prevention in various places, covering 55,000 catering service units and 130,000 employees. 

Curbing food waste cannot be accomplished overnight and we must make sustained and consistent efforts. We hope that everyone in society will take action to participate in, publicize and safeguard the "Clean Plate" campaign, fight together in the protracted battle against food waste, and foster a new social value where waste is seen as shameful and thriftiness is applauded. We also hope that journalists can raise awareness in this regard and jointly foster a sound atmosphere which advocates frugality and cherishing food. Thank you.

Xing Huina:

Today's briefing is hereby concluded. Thank you to all the speakers and journalists here. Goodbye.

Translated and edited by Zhu Bochen, Qin Qi, Liu Jianing, Zhang Tingting, Wang Ziteng, Liu Caiyi, Mi Xingang, Xu Kailin, Wang Wei, Huang Shan, Zhang Rui, Li Huiru, Zhou Jing, Zhang Junmian, Wang Yanfang, David Ball, and Jay Birbeck. In case of any discrepancy between the English and Chinese texts, the Chinese version is deemed to prevail.

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