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SCIO briefing on seeking new breakthroughs in high-quality commerce development

China.org.cn | February 7, 2024


Shou Xiaoli:

Due to the limited time, the last question, please.

Southern Metropolis Daily:

China's cross-border e-commerce imports and exports maintained rapid growth in 2023. What were their overall characteristics? The Central Economic Work Conference emphasized the expansion of cross-border e-commerce exports. To this end, what specific measures will the MOFCOM take this year?

Wang Shouwen:

Thank you for your questions. General Secretary Xi Jinping underscored the promotion of the accelerated development of cross-border e-commerce and other new business forms and models. Cross-border e-commerce is one of the new growth drivers of foreign trade. Just now, Mr. Wang Wentao introduced that cross-border e-commerce played a crucial role in China's positive growth in foreign trade last year. China's cross-border e-commerce imports and exports recorded 2.38 trillion yuan last year, an increase of 15.6% and 15.4 percentage points higher than the nation's overall growth rate of imports and exports.

The entities of cross-border e-commerce are constantly expanding. Preliminary statistics indicate that there are now 645,000 enterprises across China with actual imports and export performance, among which more than 10,000 are cross-border e-commerce players. This represents a remarkable force. 

Our cross-border e-commerce ecosystem is continuously improving. Previously, well-known cross-border e-commerce platform companies were predominantly from the U.S. Now China also boasts powerful and renowned cross-border e-commerce platforms, with their app downloads ranking among the top globally. We also have mature platforms and overseas warehouses. By the end of last year, we had 1,800 overseas warehouses and 255 all-cargo airplanes, an increase of more than 200 and 32 from 2022, respectively.   

Additionally, we have made marked progress in brand building. For instance, one notable aspect of cross-border e-commerce lies in its direct engagement with foreign consumers, bypassing intermediaries and directly presenting the brands of Chinese export businesses. By the end of last year, the number of overseas trademarks we registered exceeded 30,000, up from 20,000 by the end of 2022. 

This year, we will continue to nurture cross-border e-commerce as a new growth driver for foreign trade. The measures are as follows: First, we will introduce "Measures for Expanding Cross-Border E-Commerce and Promoting the Development of Overseas Warehouses." Second, we will develop "cross-border e-commerce plus industrial belts," encourage traditional foreign trade enterprises to transition into cross-border e-commerce, support leading enterprises in driving the coordinated development of upstream and downstream supply chains, and incubate more startups based on the cross-border e-commerce industrial parks nationwide. Third, we will strengthen industry exchanges and training. Yesterday, we organized an on-site meeting for cross-border e-commerce overseas warehouses in Shenzhen, inviting representatives from government departments, the industry, and cross-border e-commerce enterprises for discussion. This year, we plan to intensify training efforts to train 100,000 individuals. Fourth, we will promote the issuance of the "Guidelines for Cross-Border E-Commerce Intellectual Property Protection." In the development of cross-border e-commerce, we aim to ensure the protection of intellectual property in all links of the first stage, the last stage, payment, marketing, and overseas warehousing. Ms. Guo just mentioned the Belt and Road cooperation. Cross-border e-commerce represents an important part of cooperation with Belt and Road partner countries. We will support international exchanges within cross-border e-commerce integrated pilot zones and pilot zones for Silk Road e-commerce cooperation . We believe that cross-border e-commerce will play a more significant role as a new growth driver for foreign trade. Thank you. 

Shou Xiaoli:

Thanks to all the speakers and friends from the media. Today's press conference is hereby concluded. Goodbye! 

Translated and edited by Wang Yiming, Wang Qian, Zhang Rui, Wang Wei, Xu Kailin, Yang Xi, Yan Bin, Liu Caiyi, Li Huiru, Wang Ziteng, Wang Yanfang, Ma Yujia, Xu Xiaoxuan, David Ball, Tom Arnsten, and Jay Birbeck. In case of any discrepancy between the English and Chinese texts, the Chinese version is deemed to prevail.

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