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SCIO press conference on performance of agriculture and rural economy in 2023

China.org.cn | February 2, 2024


China Media Group:


The bottom-line task of comprehensively advancing rural revitalization is to solidify and further the results of poverty alleviation and make sure no large groups of people sink back into poverty. What progress was made on this task last year? What's the next step? Thank you.

Deng Xiaogang:

I will answer these questions. As you said, as the bottom-line task of comprehensively advancing rural revitalization, the work to solidify and further the results of poverty alleviation is difficult and challenging. In 2023, the MARA coordinated different localities, government departments, and all sectors of society to earnestly implement the decisions and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and State Council. We shouldered responsibilities, took a hands-on approach, and concretely advanced major tasks to solidify and further poverty alleviation results while promoting rural revitalization. The results of poverty alleviation have been solidified and furthered continuously. We secured the bottom line and prevented large groups of people from returning to poverty. In places that have shaken off poverty, farmers' revenue continued to grow at a faster pace than the average of all rural areas in the country. After being lifted out of poverty, people experienced continued improvements in living and production conditions, with the sense of gain, happiness and security continuing to grow. 

This year, the MARA will focus on securing the bottom line, creating momentum, and boosting development. In making sure no large groups of people return to poverty, we will allot more resources and strive to invigorate the internal driving forces of previously impoverished places so that people can better develop. 

First, we will monitor the situation and offer help to secure the bottom line. We will perfect dynamic monitoring, aid and support mechanisms to prevent poverty from reoccurring. We will expand the use of big data technology for predictions and early warnings to identify households that risk returning to poverty in a timely manner and put them onto a list for monitoring. For monitored households with the ability to work, we will take at least one development-oriented supportive measure and guide them to increase wealth through hard work. For monitored households without the ability to work, we will ensure their basic living standards. For farming households risking returning to poverty due to disasters, we will offer help to whoever is eligible and prioritize those who meet certain conditions. 

Second, we will boost industries and employment to create more momentum. This is key to solidifying the results of poverty alleviation and will help to invigorate the internal driving forces of previously impoverished areas and people's development in the long run. In terms of industries, central government funding will help maintain a stable proportion of rural revitalization subsidies used for the development of industries. We will offer differentiated guidance to facilitate the development of industries, with some being solidified, some upgraded, some revitalized, and some restructured in order to improve quality and efficiency and realize sustainable development. We will perfect the mechanism for rural industries to unite farmers and help them develop so as to let previously impoverished people enjoy more benefits of industrial added value. In terms of employment, we will deepen the efforts to boost employment and prevent reoccurring poverty. We will strengthen labor service cooperation between the eastern and the western regions and utilize channels such as employment support workshops, public-benefit job positions, and work relief to ensure 30 million job opportunities for previously impoverished persons. 

Third, we will boost development through policy implementation. We will assess the work of solidifying and furthering poverty alleviation results while promoting rural revitalization, monitor and evaluate the development of major counties receiving help to realize national rural revitalization strategies, and guide local governments to allocate more resources and energy to increase development capabilities. We will coordinate to utilize the resources such as east-west cooperation, targeted support by central authorities, resident working teams assigned to villages, and the private sector to offer support, creating a synergy to achieve better results. Meanwhile, we will study and design specific systems and arrangements for the post-transition period, explore how to align policies aimed at preventing reoccurring poverty and offering regular help to the rural low-income populations and move to establish a regular support mechanism for underdeveloped areas. Thank you.

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