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SCIO briefing on harnessing taxation to promote high-quality development

China.org.cn | January 30, 2024


Red Star News:

It has been three years since the implementation of the guidelines on further deepening reform of the tax collection and administration system issued by the General Office of the CPC Central Committee and the General Office of the State Council. What progress and achievements have been made by the tax departments in implementing the guidelines? Thank you.

Rao Lixin:

Thank you for your questions. Over the past three years, the tax departments have fully implemented the guidelines on further deepening reform of the tax collection and administration system issued by the General Office of the CPC Central Committee and the General Office of the State Council. Focusing on building a smart taxation system and advancing accurate law enforcement, refined services, precise supervision, and faithful co-governance, the tax departments have launched over 200 reforms and innovative measures, deepening and consolidating the reform of the tax collection and administration system. 

According to the mid-term review of the implementation of the guidelines organized by the State Taxation Administration in the fourth quarter of 2023, notable progress has been made in both the development of the smart taxation system and advancement of accurate law enforcement, refined services, precise supervision, and faithful co-governance. For example, as I just mentioned, with the application of the comprehensive digital electronic invoice service platform nationwide and the launch of a new, larger-scale e-tax bureau, we have gradually established a unified smart application platform that covers taxpayers, tax officers, and decision-makers. Most tax and fee data have been intelligently collected. We have established a mechanism for regular "head-to-head" data sharing with 24 departments, effectively promoting the digital transformation and upgrading of tax collection and administration. We have strengthened internal control and supervision of tax law enforcement, with all prevention and control measures for high-risk points embedded in the information system and running automatically, effectively regulating acts of tax law enforcement. We have improved a new dynamic supervision mechanism based on both credit and risk, driven by data and rules, and accurately targeted high-risk taxpayers, strongly improving the effectiveness of tax supervision. We have analyzed social and economic operations based on the regular tracking and monitoring of big data for tax and fees. This has further enhanced the capacity of taxation to serve state governance.

Overall, in the past few years, the comprehensive score of taxpayer satisfaction surveys has risen from 86.1 points in 2020 to 89.24 points in 2023, suggesting that significant progress has been achieved in deepening reform of the tax collection and administration system.

2024 is a year of consolidating and advancing the implementation of these guidelines. The tax departments will comprehensively carry out actions to further deepen the reform on tax collection and administration; give play to the effect of major transformations in technology, business, and organization in an integrated way; and strive to build a world-class smart taxation system with Chinese characteristics, opening a new page in taxation practices that will advance Chinese modernization in a high-quality manner. Thank you.

Xie Yingjun:

Thanks to the speakers for the introduction. Thank you to all the media for your participation. Today's briefing is hereby concluded. See you.

Translated and edited by Wang Yiming, Wang Wei, Zhou Jing, Zhang Junmian, Liu Sitong, Cui Can, He Shan, Wang Yanfang, Huang Shan, Yan Xiaoqing, Liu Jianing, Liu Qiang, Xu Kailin, Li Huiru, David Ball, Tom Arnsten, and Jay Birbeck. In case of any discrepancy between the English and Chinese texts, the Chinese version is deemed to prevail.

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