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Official: China makes strides in building unified national market

By Liu Jianing

China SCIO | December 27, 2023


China has made progress in establishing a unified national market this year, removing local protectionism and market segmentation while making progress in major reforms and key tasks, said Li Chunlin, vice chairman of the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), at a press conference Tuesday. 

The State Council Information Office holds a policy briefing on the progress of building a unified national market in Beijing on Dec. 26, 2023. [Photo by Liu Jian/China SCIO]

The country released a guideline on accelerating the establishment of a unified domestic market in April last year, aiming to promote the efficient circulation and expansion of the domestic market, and foster a stable, fair, transparent, and predictable business environment.  

This year, some barriers of local protectionism and market segmentation have been removed, according to Li. The NDRC has set up a rectification and case disclosure system, receiving more than 1,100 leads about irregular behavior hampering the establishment of the unified domestic market. More than 90% of such cases have been rectified. 

Key tasks in promoting high-quality connectivity of markets have also delivered results, Li said. Efforts have been made to unify basic systems and rules, such as a revised negative list for market access, and the release of a guideline on credit assessment in bidding. 

In terms of high-quality connectivity of market facilities, about 90% of highway service areas have been equipped with charging piles for electric vehicles. As for goods and services markets, the 12315 platform for information release and consumption complaints have been established. More than 2,900 neighborhoods offer all residents convenient community services within a 15-minute walking distance. 

Reforms in major areas have been pushed forward. Some provinces have issued and implemented plans to reform fiscal systems. Work has been done to improve industrial structures, including the launch of a special campaign for cluster development of advanced manufacturing industries. 

In the field of integrated regional development, the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region as well as the Chengdu-Chongqing economic circle have rolled out plans to unify regional markets. 

Li said that building the unified domestic market plays a positive role in smoothing domestic circulation, stimulating market vitality, lowering transaction costs, unleashing domestic consumer potential, and reinforcing the foundation for economic recovery.