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SCIO press conference on white paper 'A Global Community of Shared Future: China's Proposals and Actions'

China.org.cn | September 29, 2023


Papua New Guinea Post-Courier: 

Poverty is an obstacle to global development and many third-world countries' populations are living in poverty still. So, what is China's approach to helping alleviate poverty in these countries? Thank you.

Zhao Fengtao:

Thank you. Eradicating poverty is a shared ideal of humanity and is also the primary goal of the United Nations' 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. President Xi Jinping has always been dedicated to the global poverty alleviation cause, and the Global Development Initiative places poverty reduction at the forefront of its eight key areas. China has consistently aligned its own development with broader global development, consistently serving as an active advocate, robust promoter, and enduring contributor to the global effort to reduce poverty. We have focused our efforts on four main areas:

First, we have actively implemented demonstration projects to improve people's well-being and promoted poverty reduction experiences. China has assisted numerous developing countries by executing over 6,000 projects to improve people's well-being, effectively enhancing their local sustainable development capacities. We have introduced hybrid rice to nearly 70 countries across five continents. Meanwhile, Juncao technology has taken root in over 100 countries. Agricultural technology demonstration centers have been established and are operational in more than 30 countries. Poverty reduction demonstration cooperation projects have paved the way for impoverished rural areas to embark on the path to prosperity.

Second, we have strengthened transportation infrastructure construction to promote poverty reduction in the regions along the transportation facilities. "If you want to get rich, build a road first" is an essential aspect of China's poverty alleviation experience. Enhancing connectivity and promoting economic and social development are key priorities of the BRI. Over the past 10 years, the initiative has galvanized nearly $1 trillion of investment, and helped lift about 40 million people out of poverty. The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor has many highlights. Ethiopia now boasts the first expressway in East Africa, and the Maldives' cross-sea bridge has turned what was once considered an insurmountable barrier into a thoroughfare, fulfilling a century-old dream of the local people.

Third, we have extensively mobilized development resources to promote poverty reduction through development. President Xi Jinping proposed the Global Development Initiative and announced the integration of the Global Development and South-South Cooperation Fund, with total funding amounting to $4 billion. Under this initiative's framework, Chinese financial institutions have provided a dedicated fund of $10 billion. Furthermore, we have collaboratively established a high-quality global development project pool, accumulating over 200 projects, thereby significantly boosting global poverty alleviation efforts.

Fourth, we have shared governance experiences and promoted poverty alleviation through education. China believes "it is more important to teach people how to fish than to simply give them fish." Through education, training, and think tank exchanges, we have shared the Chinese modernization approach to poverty alleviation with other developing countries. Over time, we have trained nearly 20 million personnel for more than 160 countries. Notably, the Luban Workshop, which focuses on vocational education, has trained many new craftspeople in over 20 countries.

Dear journalists, when the world prospers, China can prosper, and when China thrives, the world becomes an even better place. China will invest more resources in global development cooperation, to accelerate the implementation of the UN 2030 Agenda and make a fresh contribution to building a global community of shared future. Thank you!

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