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SCIO briefing on comprehensively advancing high-quality development of veterans affairs in the new journey of the new era

China.org.cn | July 31, 2023



Demobilized military personnel are a valuable talent pool. What work has the MVA done to leverage the role of veterans? What have been the results of this work? What plans are there for the work going forward? Thank you.

Ma Feixiong:

Veterans are invaluable assets for the Party and the country. To give play to their role is an important responsibility entrusted to the veterans affairs system by the Party and the government. In recent years, we have been dedicated to making progress in three aspects:

First, to ensure that veterans remain a solid force in upholding the Party's people-centered principle. This involves recognizing model veterans and models of civil-military cooperation through high-profile commendations. We have continuously carried out publicity work based on role models, and launched a practical and educational series that strengthens the Party's leadership. We rolled out serial activities to consolidate veteran communities and let them know and understand Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era and the essence of the 20th CPC National Congress, among others, guiding veterans to better align with and follow the Party's leadership.

Second, to ensure that veterans remain an important force in socioeconomic development. For those who meet the conditions of employment, we place them in most suitable positions to fulfil their talents. For those who find jobs on their own , we provide policy support such as professional skills training and academic education so they can find desirable jobs or start their own businesses. For veterans from rural areas or urban veterans wishing to contribute to rural development, we encourage them to make contributions to rural revitalization and primary-level governance. At present, officials with a veteran background constitute 10.5% of the total number of rural Party secretaries, with 348,000 outstanding veterans worked in Party branch committees in villages and communities, as well as villagers committees and community residents committees.

Third, to ensure that veterans serve as backbone forces in emergency response efforts and crisis management. We have established volunteer service teams. In recent years, more than 3 million individuals have dedicated themselves to frontline emergency rescue and response work, especially in epidemic prevention and control. Right now, as we host this press conference at this afternoon, many veterans are tirelessly working in prevention and mitigation of typhoons, floods, and other disasters. They are truly admirable and respectable and should be held dear.

Going forward, we will provide more help for veterans to fulfil their talents. First, we will issue regulations regarding resettlement of veterans and employment and entrepreneurship of veterans, to provide policy support for them to put talents to use. Second, we will expand the functions of primary-level service centers for veterans to provide more support. Third, we will ensure that role-model veterans are included in local chronicles, invited to important occasions and provided with regular sanative recovery services, to make them feel their values are recognized and they are cared about. Thank you.

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