SCIO press conference on preparations for Chengdu 2021 FISU World University Games | April 28, 2023


Hong Kong Bauhinia Magazine:

The post-game operations, maintenance, and utilization of large sports venues is a world-level challenge for event organizers. Will these venues later be open to citizens? The Universiade has improved national fitness. How will Chengdu increase people's sense of fulfillment and happiness by hosting the Games? Thank you.

Wang Fengchao:

Thank you for your questions. Since the beginning of preparation, we have stayed committed to the vision that the Chengdu Universiade will be inclusive and a benefit to the people. We have comprehensively implemented public-interest initiatives in terms of venue utilization, sports promotion, cultural activities, and environmental improvement to make the Universiade "a project of the heart" that improve people's well-being.

In terms of venue utilization, we have taken measures to ensure that all qualified venues will be open to the public and undertake sporting events. The list of venues with tailored policy support has been dynamically updated to benefit the people, and various experience-based day activities, such as Fitness Day and Sharing Day, have been held there. In 2022, the venues were open to the public for nearly 80,000 hours free of charge or at a low price. More than 5.09 million people visited these venues, and 727 sporting events were held there. All these have promoted extensive public fitness activities in Chengdu. 

In terms of sports promotion, we have changed spare spaces in urban parks and communities into high-quality sporting spaces to increase urban vitality. We have also built neighborhood fitness facilities and communities that feature various sports, finished training of over 1,000 community fitness instructors, and held more than 6,400 events, including community sports festivals, to let more citizens enjoy fitness and happiness brought by sports.

In terms of cultural activities, we have planned and launched various public events and cultural exchange events to ensure all citizens can participate in and enjoy the Universiade. We have held music weeks and art exhibitions and carried out more than 5,000 Universiade-themed exhibitions, performances, and publicity events in communities and campuses. Amid a campaign to build role models for nationally civilized cities, Chengdu has encouraged its citizens to study foreign languages and etiquette. Under such circumstances, we have promoted an app called "U-translate" to help facilitate citizen's communication with the world.

In terms of environmental improvement, we have given prominence to the nature of Chengdu as a "park city" and have been prepared to host a green and low-carbon Games. We have added a special zone called "Low-carbon Universiade" to the Tanhuitianfu app and encouraged market entities and citizens to contribute to the achievement of carbon neutrality targets during the Games. We have also improved the sports and leisure facilities in Chengdu's municipal parks and enhanced the service capacity of the Dong'an Lake Sports Park. Camping in parks and watching the sunrise on the top of Longquan Mountain have already become new leisure trends in Chengdu.

We sincerely welcome friends from around the world to visit Chengdu, where a strong atmosphere of fitness and fashion has been formed. Together with Chengdu residents, they will enjoy a healthy and happy life brought about by the World University Games. Thank you.

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