Press conference on the progress and effect of legal supervision of the people's procuratorates in the new era | July 28, 2022


Red Star News:

The SPP issued its eighth procuratorial suggestion this year, attracting public attention. What role does procuratorial suggestion play in promoting the correct implementation of laws and advancing social governance? Thank you. 

Gao Jingfeng:

Thank you for your question. Procuratorial suggestion is an essential way of exercising supervision guaranteed by the Organic Law of the People's Procuratorates. Since 2018, the SPP has conscientiously implemented the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping on rule of law advancement, which stresses both problem solving and preemptive prevention. We actively fulfilled our duties in accordance with the law and issued procuratorial suggestions on social governance to relevant administrative authorities. So far, eight suggestions have been issued to help tackle major problems in campus security, judicial notice service, financial supervision, management of underground pipeline covers, fraud litigation, cyberspace governance, and safety in express delivery and the workplace. All levels of procuratorial organs and relevant departments worked together to put the suggestions into practice, providing a solid legal guarantee for modernizing social governance. 

First, we pooled efforts with procuratorial suggestions to promote social governance. Take our first suggestion on campus security. Right after its issuance, the SPP and the All-China Women's Federation promoted family education in cases involving minors. They advocated a notice urging guardians to fulfill their duties. Together with the Communist Youth League of China Central Committee, the SPP launched demonstration workshops on minor supporting systems in 80 places. It also collaborated with the Ministry of Education to formulate a regulation on procurators serving as vice school principals to promote the rule of law. Synergized protection from judicial departments, families, schools, society, cyberspace, and the government was fostered and strengthened.

Second, we focused on preemptive prevention and addressed problems at the source. For example, the SPP issued its seventh procuratorial suggestion to relevant departments, targeting the problems of loose package inspection and lack of oversight over new business forms in the express delivery service. A plan for tightening up security of express delivery was later jointly introduced by the SPP and the State Post Bureau. During a special campaign jointly organized by the Ministry of Public Security and the State Post Bureau from last October to this May, more than 2,100 cases involving the delivery of drugs, guns and ammunition, explosives, wildlife, and related products were resolved. A joint mechanism was established between procuratorial organs in Jiangsu, Hubei, and Yunnan provinces with local post bureaus and public security departments. Together they strengthened postal oversight, cut off contraband goods' circulation, and prevented the illegal and criminal behaviors of transporting contraband goods through postal channels.

Third, we adopted a systematic approach to bolster systematic governance. While implementing the fourth procuratorial suggestion on plugging loopholes in the management of underground pipeline covers, all levels of procuratorial organs worked with the broader vision of ensuring public safety. The People's Procuratorate of Tianjin Municipality launched a three-year campaign together with the city's urban management bureau to improve safety in pipeline and well operations along the urban roads. Procuratorial organs in Shanghai and Jiangsu issued a guideline on establishing a mechanism to synergize criminal and public interest prosecutions regarding public safety. They also built a mechanism to facilitate the transfer of clues concerning public safety. 

In the future, procuratorial organs will refine the quality of procuratorial suggestions and take concrete steps to advance their implementation and strengthen litigation source governance. Thank you.

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