Press conference on preserving Party's 'red roots' and making Zhejiang 'an important window of China' | April 30, 2021


Chen Wenjun:

Now the floor is open for questions. Please state the name of your news outlet before asking questions.


Just now, you mentioned that General Secretary Xi Jinping put forward many important strategic deployments when he was working in Zhejiang province, and the most important one – the "Double-Eight Strategy"– has brought a significant, far-reaching and positive impact on the province's economic and social development. What new measures will Zhejiang take to further implement the "Double-Eight Strategy"? Thank you. 

Yuan Jiajun: 

Thank you very much for your question. This question you care about is indeed the secret behind Zhejiang's development. General Secretary Xi Jinping worked in the province for six years and made a series of deployments for its development, the most important one being the "Double-Eight Strategy." He carried out extensive and in-depth investigations and research for about half a year, and worked out this overall strategy for Zhejiang in the light of its development features and actual conditions at that time.

First, the "Double-Eight Strategy" is an overall strategy that General Secretary Xi Jinping deployed in a systematic way at the provincial level to promote the province's high-quality development. It is a set of theories and a general program of action as well.

Second, the "Double-Eight Strategy" is a process and an open system. In 2003, General Secretary Xi Jinping proposed the strategy at the fourth plenary session of the 11th CPC Zhejiang Provincial Committee. The CPC Zhejiang Provincial Committee usually holds two plenary sessions every year, with each meeting focusing on a theme that involves in-depth interpretations in certain fields, and our understanding of certain fields improves with a cycle of repeating practice and knowledge. Therefore, we say that the "Double-Eight Strategy" is continuously improved in practice, and in the process of its improvement, it is especially important to stimulate the pioneering spirit of those working at the primary level. Zhejiang is a pioneer in China's reform and opening-up, and grassroots organizations across the province are very active. The "Double-Eight Strategy" is an open system, so we have been summarizing and refining the trailblazing experience to dynamically upgrade it.

Third, the "Double-Eight Strategy" has seen fruitful outcomes thanks to the continuous efforts of successive provincial Party committees and provincial governments to deepen its implementation. As I mentioned just now, Zhejiang has achieved leapfrog development by upgrading itself from a large provincial economy to a strong provincial economy, from opening up to the outside to deeply integrating into the world, and from a generally well-off standard of living to a high-level moderately prosperous society in all respects. These facts prove that the strategy is powerful, truthful and strong in practice.

Fourth, the "Double-Eight Strategy" is a very important starting point for the initiation of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. The strategy is a product of theoretical and practical innovation at the provincial level. Therefore, it serves as a general program of action to guide Zhejiang's development. We are continuing to uphold, enrich and improve it.

I think there are two keywords for Zhejiang's implementation of the "Double-Eight Strategy". The first one is "loyalty." We must demonstrate loyalty, love and support for General Secretary Xi Jinping, who once worked in Zhejiang and forged a deep friendship with local cadres and people. We should unswervingly promote and implement the strategy which will lead Zhejiang to a brighter future. The second is ""working in a down-to-earth manner." The "Double-Eight Strategy" underlines the importance of the manner. When he was working in Zhejiang, General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that only by working in a down-to-earth manner can we take the lead. Therefore, it is important to work hard and deliver a good performance in what we do, so as to showcase the strategy's strength in practice.

In promoting the "Double-Eight Strategy," we have taken the following considerations into account. The year 2023 marks the 20th anniversary of the "Double-Eight Strategy." Over time, the theory and general arrangements will show greater power in practice and more theoretical value. Therefore, on the 20th anniversary, the CPC Zhejiang Provincial Committee will deepen the strategy, specify and improve the target, work, policy and appraisal systems. We will perfect the annual appraisal mechanism, put the theories into practice, and summarize the practical experiences into theories which will then again be put into practice, thus striving for the transformation and upgrading of the "Double-Eight Strategy." 

More specifically, we will deliver in five aspects:

First, a third-party appraisal should be established. The process and problems in implementing the "Double-Eight Strategy" will be assessed in a systematic manner through general, regional and professional appraisals, to foster strengths and make up for weaknesses in applying the strategy. 

Second, we should specify and quantify the platforms and methods in the work. In carrying out the "Double-Eight Strategy," General Secretary Xi Jinping told us to find work platforms. For example, the project to "build 1,000 model villages and renovate 10,000 villages" is a platform and method to improve living environments in rural areas and beautify the countryside. In our work, we should stick to good methods and find new approaches and platforms according to the needs of the new era and the expectations of the people. 

Third, we should set up specialized groups to advance key tasks. The "Double-Eight Strategy" provides us with a methodology for solving problems through reforms. We have established specialized groups across various departments and sectors to analyze problems at regular intervals. In terms of some particularly difficult issues, we should address them through concerted group efforts and the participation of the whole of society. 

Fourth, we should encourage a spirit of innovation at the primary level. The implementation of the "Double-Eight Strategy" concerns all people in Zhejiang who wish to advance the development of the province. Therefore, we should build mechanisms for striving to be first and excellent, and make improvements in areas concerning reform breakthroughs, service quality, and risk prevention and control.

Fifth, the result of the "Double-Eight Strategy" is to cultivate hallmarks of development. The "Double-Eight Strategy" proposed advantages and measures in eight aspects, among which the core is the advantages. We should give full play to the advantages of Zhejiang, and create hallmarks of development. 

From these aforementioned aspects, Zhejiang will constantly deepen and better apply the "Double-Eight Strategy" in its high-quality development and modernization drive. Thank you. 

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