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SCIO press conference on promoting high-quality development and building a thriving economy, better living standards and sound eco-environment in Guizhou

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The State Council Information Office (SCIO) held a press conference on June 14 in Beijing to brief the media on promoting high-quality development and building a thriving economy, better living standards and sound eco-environment in Guizhou.  July 10, 2024

Beijing Youth Daily:

Across the whole country, Guizhou has the largest population of individuals who have been lifted out of poverty and who are relocated from inhospitable areas. The province must have faced challenging tasks in both consolidating poverty alleviation achievements and promoting rural revitalization. For the next step, what will Guizhou do to better align its efforts to consolidate and expand poverty alleviation achievements with efforts to promote the revitalization of rural areas, so as to advance all-around rural revitalization? Thank you.

Li Bingjun:

Thank you for your question. This question will be answered by Mr. Luo Qiang, vice governor of Guizhou province.

Luo Qiang:

Since Guizhou won the battle against poverty, we have focused on preventing large-scale relapses into poverty by monitoring and assisting those lifted out of it. Guizhou implemented a three-year action to increase residents' income. By the end of last year, the population with an annual per capita net income of less than 10,000 yuan had been essentially reduced to zero. After securing the bottom line, we have drawn on and applied the experience from the Green Rural Revival Program in Zhejiang province to further enrich the rural development program initiated in 2001 that focuses on prosperity, education, happiness, and beautified environment, to better implement the grand strategy of rural revitalization.

To achieve rural prosperity, we focus on employment and industries to continuously increase farmers' income. On the one hand, we have stabilized the scale of migrant workers, enabling 6 million people to find stable jobs outside their hometowns. On the other hand, we have continued to develop the county economy and expand rural industries to create local jobs, helping farmers earn money and secure a promising future without leaving home. For example, we have built over 1,300 employment assistance workshops in nearly 1,000 relocation communities across the province, helping 120,000 people increase their income through local employment.

In terms of rural education, we ensure farmers get the education they need, acquire useful knowledge, and achieve something from what they have learned. In recent years, we have focused on inspiring confidence and improving education, strengthening basic education in rural areas, and implementing vocational skills training programs to cultivate technicians and Guizhou cuisine chefs. This ensures that rural children can attend school and receive a good education while more farmers can acquire skills and rely on their own efforts to sustain a good life.

A happy rural life lies in civilized customs and effective governance. Nowadays, the spiritual outlook of Guizhou's villages is improving, and farmers' daily lives are no longer limited to traditional farm work. The thriving of Cun Chao and Cun BA, village football and basketball tournaments, vividly portrays the new life of Guizhou farmers. Consequentially, an increasing number of city dwellers are eager to experience the charm of rural life.

To create a beautiful countryside, we leverage Guizhou's natural mountains and rivers to enhance the rural living environment. This effort aims to create a livable rural environment that is clean and tidy, and with picturesque landscape. Today, Guizhou is home to many beautiful villages like Xijiang Miao Village and Zhaoxing Dong Village.

We continue to strive for beautiful landscapes, vibrant villages, and happy smiles from the villagers. We will continue to explore, work tirelessly, and make long-term efforts to accelerate urban-rural integration and promote comprehensive rural revitalization. Thank you.

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