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SCIO press conference on promoting high-quality development and building a thriving economy, better living standards and sound eco-environment in Guizhou

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The State Council Information Office (SCIO) held a press conference on June 14 in Beijing to brief the media on promoting high-quality development and building a thriving economy, better living standards and sound eco-environment in Guizhou.  July 10, 2024

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Mr. Li Bingjun, deputy secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Guizhou Provincial Committee and governor of Guizhou province

Ms. Zhang Jingping, vice governor of Guizhou province

Mr. Luo Qiang, vice governor of Guizhou province

Mr. Qiu Zhenguo, director of the Guizhou Provincial Development and Reform Commission 


Ms. Shou Xiaoli, director general of the Press Bureau of the State Council Information Office (SCIO) and spokesperson for the SCIO


June 14, 2024

Shou Xiaoli:

Ladies and gentlemen, good morning. Welcome to this press conference held by the State Council Information Office (SCIO). This is the 31st press conference in the series "Promoting High-Quality Development." Today, we are pleased to be joined by Mr. Li Bingjun, deputy secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Guizhou Provincial Committee and governor of Guizhou province, who will brief you on promoting high-quality development and building a thriving economy, better living standards and sound eco-environment in Guizhou, and answer your questions. Also present today are Ms. Zhang Jingping, vice governor of Guizhou province; Mr. Luo Qiang, vice governor of Guizhou province; and Mr. Qiu Zhenguo, director of the Guizhou Provincial Development and Reform Commission.

Li Bingjun:

Good morning, everyone. I am delighted to have this opportunity to share with you the progress of Guizhou's high-quality development. Thank you for your interest in and support for Guizhou.

Guizhou, with its beautiful mountains and rivers, pleasant climate, abundant resources and hardworking people, is a dazzling pearl in southwestern China. Once, Guizhou was characterized by its rugged terrain and extremely inconvenient transportation. Now, with countless bridges spanning its landscape, it is well-connected in all directions. Once, Guizhou was one of the poorest regions in the country. Today, the fight against poverty has transformed its impoverished and backward appearance, and it is embarking on a new journey of high-quality development.

In February 2021, General Secretary Xi Jinping visited Guizhou and urged us to prioritize high-quality development in all aspects. He entrusted us with the important mission of pioneering new paths in boosting the development of China's western region in the new era, and blazing new trails in rural revitalization, the development of the digital economy, and eco-environmental conservation. In recent years, we have shifted our focus from consolidating poverty alleviation achievements to promoting high-quality development. To fulfill our important mission, we are steadfastly pursuing new industrialization, new urbanization, agricultural modernization, and tourism industrialization. While consolidating our poverty alleviation achievements, we have accelerated the transformation of our growth model, moving away from an investment-driven growth model. By finding our position in the new development pattern, we have effectively pursued higher-quality economic growth and appropriately increased economic output. Our economic aggregate has reached a new milestone of 2 trillion yuan ($275.18 billion), with high-quality development becoming the main theme of Guizhou.

In recent years, we have continued to consolidate and expand our poverty alleviation achievements and carry forward rural revitalization. We are committed to increasing rural residents' incomes, with rural per capita income growth consistently outpacing that of urban residents and the overall economic growth rate. We have maintained the bottom line of preventing large-scale return to poverty. We are dedicated to developing rural industries, and now, tea gardens, orchards, fields and forests can be found all over the province. Guizhou's distinctive industries and non-timber forest-based economy are also rapidly developing. "Lao Gan Ma" chili sauce, among other brands, has been sold worldwide. The tea grown in our misty mountains is clean, healthy and naturally pollution-free. Our green and black teas are well-received in the market, and our matcha is exported to over 40 countries. We are committed to improving the rural environment, learning from the Green Rural Revival Program, and accelerating the construction of livable, business-friendly and beautiful rural areas. The lives of our people are more convenient, and the rural environment is more beautiful, with mountains and rivers visible everywhere.

In recent years, we have utilized our natural resources to build a modern industrial system. Guizhou is the only province in the country without plains, yet it is rich in mineral resources, with reserves of 49 types of minerals all ranking among the top 10 nationwide. In recent years, leveraging our resources, we have vigorously promoted "efficient mining," which means accurately identifying, effectively exploring and efficiently using our mineral resources. We are accelerating the construction of a modern industrial system that reflects local features and holds a significant position in the national industrial layout. Guizhou has focused on developing six major industrial clusters at the provincial level, with each city and county developing their own leading industries. Our industrial sector has contributed 43.8% to economic growth, becoming the primary driving force for development. Meanwhile, we have been actively promoting the quality enhancement of distinctive mountain agriculture and tourism, and the core structure of Guizhou's modern industrial system has begun to take shape.

In recent years, we have dedicated ourselves to protecting Guizhou's lush mountains and clear waters. Here, I'd like to share an interesting story. In the main urban area of Guiyang city, there is a place called Qianling Mountain. It boasts an excellent ecological environment and dense green forests. Thousands of wild macaques live there, and tens of thousands of birds roost there. Every day, 30,000 to 40,000 residents and tourists come here for leisure and sightseeing. Some residents have even formed bonds and friendships with the macaques, vividly illustrating the harmonious coexistence between the people of Guizhou and nature. In recent years, we have continued to strengthen ecological protection and restoration. The forest coverage rate across the province has reached 63%. Guizhou boasts the highest number of World Natural Heritage sites in the country, ranking third nationally in terms of the variety of plant and animal species. The air quality in the province's major cities remains excellent, and the water quality at the boundaries of its major rivers is also outstanding. Each year, Guizhou provides over 100 billion cubic meters of high-quality water to the Yangtze and Pearl rivers. It can be said that Guizhou's beautiful mountains, rivers, and landscapes, along with its fine liquor, tea and quality of life, make it an ideal place for nurturing the body, mind and health.

Over the years, we have strived to make the lives of our people increasingly happier. We have consistently increased our input in projects related to people's wellbeing, dedicating nearly 70% of our fiscal spending to this cause every year. Last year, we added 186,200 school places of various types. Five regional medical centers at the national level began operation, and the medical system at the provincial, city, county, township and village levels was rapidly improved. Guizhou's educational and medical conditions are improving at an accelerated pace. We are making great efforts to build Guizhou into a model province for fostering a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation, resulting in greater unity and harmony among all ethnic groups in Guizhou.

Today, Guizhou is making every effort to write its chapter in pursuing Chinese modernization, aiming for economic prosperity, improved living standards, and a beautiful ecology. 

That's all for my introduction. Thank you.

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