ㄑ Press Room

SCIO press conference on continuing Jiangxi's revolutionary glories and striving ahead in promoting high-quality development of its old revolutionary base areas

The State Council Information Office held a press conference on May 16 in Beijing to brief the media on continuing Jiangxi's revolutionary glories and its efforts in promoting high-quality development of its old revolutionary base areas.  July 5, 2024

Hong Kong Bauhinia Magazine:

Green ecology is Jiangxi's distinct feature and strength. How will Jiangxi capitalize on this unique strength and pursue green development that prioritizes eco-environmental conservation and protection in the next stage? Thank you.

Ye Jianchun:

Thank you for your question. Green ecology is indeed our greatest advantage. I will answer this question. As I said in my introduction, Jiangxi is a "top student" in eco-environmental construction and we will never give in to complacency, nor should we be complacent. We will unswervingly pursue green development that prioritizes eco-environmental conservation and protection, and effectively coordinate high-quality development and high-standard environmental protection.

First, we will make every effort to consolidate and improve the quality of the ecological environment. Since we are a "top student" and have had good performance in the past, we must maintain these good performances. Green ecology is Jiangxi's biggest wealth, greatest advantage and most famous brand. We will continue to keep the skies blue, waters clear and lands clean, fully implement the 10-year fishing ban on the Yangtze River and further promote the comprehensive management of the entire basin of the Ganjiang River, Fuhe River, Xinjiang River, Raohe River, Xiuhe River and Poyang Lake. We will strengthen the identification and resolution of environmental risks in key areas such as hazardous waste and tailings ponds, and strive to improve the law enforcement of ecological environment monitoring and governance to continuously improve the quality of Jiangxi's ecological environment.

Second, we will make every effort to accelerate the development of green ecological industries. In the process of promoting economic development, we have a bottom line, that is, we will never pursue temporary growth at the cost of the environment, and we will never exchange pollution for GDP. When attracting investment, we stick to the bottom line of eco-environmental protection. In the process of transformation and upgrading of traditional industries, Jiangxi adheres to an advanced, smart and green approach, integrating the "ecological +" concept into the whole process of industrial development. We will vigorously develop ecological agriculture, ecological cultural tourism, ecological health care as well as other industries, so that Jiangxi's lucid water and lush mountains can better "produce gold and silver."

Third, we will spare no effort in improving the ecological conservation systems. Jiangxi is the only province in the country that has both a national ecological conservation experimental zone and an ecosystem goods and services value realization mechanism pilot. We are formulating regulations on compensation for ecological conservation, further improving mechanisms for a region-specific approach to environmental management, public interest litigations and carrying out value accounting for overall ecosystem goods and services. We will promote the ecosystem goods and services value realization mechanism pilot across the board, create a "Jiangxi model" of the Beautiful China Initiative with higher standards and strive to provide more Jiangxi-like solutions to the whole country.

That is all from me for this question. The host said that this was the last question. Please allow me to again extend an invitation: The old revolutionary base areas are not old but with infinite charm and a bright future. I hereby sincerely invite friends from all walks of life to come and make investments, start businesses or travel in Jiangxi. I look forward to meeting you again in beautiful Jiangxi. Thank you all.

Shou Xiaoli:

Thank you, Mr. Ye and the other speakers. Thank you to all the journalists for your participation. Today's conference will end here. Goodbye, everyone!

Translated and edited by Xu Xiaoxuan, Wang Qian, Liu Caiyi, Liu Qiang, Yan Xiaoqing, Liu Sitong, Ma Yujia, Wang Ziteng, Liu Jianing, Wang Wei, Xiang Bin, Yan Bin, Huang Shan, Dong Qingpei, Li Huiru, Rochelle Beiersdorfer, and Jay Birbeck. In case of any discrepancy between the English and Chinese texts, the Chinese version is deemed to prevail.

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