ㄑ Press Room

SCIO press conference on continuing Jiangxi's revolutionary glories and striving ahead in promoting high-quality development of its old revolutionary base areas

The State Council Information Office held a press conference on May 16 in Beijing to brief the media on continuing Jiangxi's revolutionary glories and its efforts in promoting high-quality development of its old revolutionary base areas.  July 5, 2024


The governor just mentioned that the lives of the people in Jiangxi are getting better. I also understand that Jiangxi promotes projects to improve people's well-being every year and has accomplished many beneficial deeds for the people. Could you please elaborate on the measures Jiangxi has taken to improve people's lives in old revolutionary base areas? Thank you.

Ye Jianchun:

Thank you for the question. I'll let Mr. Ren answer this.

Ren Zhufeng:

Thank you for the question. As the entire nation realized the goal of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects, the people of Jiangxi have new expectations for "a better life." We actively respond to these expectations by accelerating high-quality development while coordinating various livelihood initiatives, aiming to make our development efforts more meaningful and impactful.

First, we do our best to ensure spendings on basic living needs. As the governor mentioned earlier, these expenditures have always been Jiangxi's top priority, accounting for about 80% of the annual public budget. Since the 18th CPC National Congress, we have spent over 5 trillion yuan, particularly in efforts to promote employment, increase incomes, and alleviate poverty. For example, we have issued over 220 billion yuan in entrepreneurial guaranteed loans, ranking first nationwide.

Second, we focus on addressing pressing concerns of the people. We coordinate efforts across the provincial, municipal, and county levels to deliver benefits to the people each year. Last year's initiatives, including free HPV vaccinations for 487,000 eligible girls and establishing over 1,000 childcare facilities, drew widespread praise. Additionally, we promptly address public demands, continuously expanding fields and enriching content to ensure our efforts align with the people's expectations. This year, we launched services such as care for disabled people, elderly care assistance, and lay-down desks and chairs for schools, aiming to provide tangible benefits to the masses through these seemingly trifles but connects broader influence.

Third, we continue our efforts in promoting implementation. We adhere to the principles of universally beneficial, ensuring basic needs, equalization, and sustainability. We consistently work on one task after another to enhance the equalization of basic public services year after year. For instance, last year, we provided free services for preventing and controlling birth defects among newborns and initiated the construction of grassroots AI-assisted medical systems. We will continue these efforts this year, aiming for long-term effectiveness and striving to enrich the public's sense of gain, happiness, and security in a sustainable and guaranteed manner. Thank you.

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