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SCIO press conference on Hunan's efforts in pursuing high-quality development and promoting the rise of central China and development of Yangtze River Economic Belt

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The State Council Information Office held a press conference on May 10 in Beijing to brief the media on Hunan's efforts in pursuing high-quality development and promoting the rise of central China and the development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt.  June 6, 2024

Chen Wenjun:

Thank you, Mr. Mao. The floor is now open for questions. Please identify the media outlet you represent before asking your question.


As you mentioned earlier, the central authorities have entrusted Hunan with the important mission of building the province into an advanced manufacturing hub, a sci-tech and innovation center with core competitiveness, and a pacesetter for reform and opening-up of inland regions. Mr. Mao also provided an overview of Hunan's phased achievements. Looking ahead, what major measures will Hunan take to fulfill this mission? Thank you.

Mao Weiming:

Thank you for your question. The three goals in the mission were designed by General Secretary Xi Jinping in accordance with Hunan's actual situation. These are consistent development strategies. We aim to set higher targets, better serve the nation's overall development, and play a larger role in driving relevant sectors, all to contribute to fulfilling the mission's three goals.

First, we will continue our efforts to build the province into an advanced manufacturing hub. Hunan has both the foundation and conditions to achieve this goal. As a major manufacturing powerhouse in China, Hunan has developed the BeiDou Navigation Satellite System, ultra-high-speed trains, the Hainiu II deep-sea drilling rig, and the super-sized tunnel boring machine Jinghua, all of which represent Chinese standards and the highest development levels in their respective fields. We will set these high standards as targets and focus on four key aspects to build an advanced manufacturing hub. We will continue our efforts to develop enterprises, industries, industrial chains, and industrial ecology. We understand that current competition among enterprises and regions involves industries, industrial chains, and industrial ecology. Therefore, accelerating the building of an industrial ecology will be our commitment to creating historical milestones. Following the central authorities' unified deployment and requirements , the CPC Hunan Provincial Committee and the provincial government conducted extensive surveys and research in the previous phase. Our aim is to create a modernized industrial system with Hunan's characteristics, which we call the "4×4" modern development system. This includes traditional, emerging, future-oriented, and competitive industries. We will transform and upgrade traditional industries, consolidate and extend competitive industries, develop and expand emerging sectors, and design forward-looking blueprints for future-oriented industries. These efforts will reflect Hunan's role and position as a major manufacturing powerhouse in pursuing high-quality development in the new era and on the new journey.

Second, we will continue our efforts in building a sci-tech and innovation center with core competitiveness. We believe four aspects are vital to this work: industry, talent, technologies, and platforms. Hunan ranks ninth nationwide in terms of general innovation capacity. Through the implementation of high-level scientific research, the province has implemented the "Top 10 Sci-tech Research Projects" for four consecutive years and achieved breakthroughs in 147 projects. For example, in terms of high-caliber platform construction, we have focused on developing major platforms, such as building Changsha into a global research and development center, promoting the "4+4 Scientific Innovation Project (four major labs and four significant scientific facilities)," and developing the Xiangjiang Science Town.

Third, we will continue building Hunan into a pacesetter for reform and opening-up of inland regions. How can Hunan achieve this, given its inland location? We have prioritized four aspects. The first aspect focuses on the development of both supply and demand sides. We will create demand for the supply side and boost supply with demand. The second aspect involves an efficient market and a well-functioning government. We will fully leverage the government's awareness of services and the decisive role of market in the allocation of resources in this new development stage, aiming for maximum efficiency of resource allocation. Third, driven by the Belt and Road Initiative and the China (Hunan) Pilot Free Trade Zone, we will institutionalize our innovation achievements, the effectiveness of reform, and successful experiences to promote reform and opening-up, as well as development. Fourth, we will continue our efforts to foster a world-class business environment that is market-oriented, law-based, and internationalized. By transforming the business environment, we aim to position the inland region as a pacesetter for reform and opening-up. Thank you.

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