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SCIO press conference on white paper 'CPC Policies on the Governance of Xizang in the New Era: Approach and Achievements'

Around China
The State Council Information Office held a press conference on Nov. 10 in Beijing to brief the media on white paper "CPC Policies on the Governance of Xizang in the New Era: Approach and Achievements."  November 30, 2023

China News Service:

We have noticed that the white paper mentions "adapting religion to China's realities" and "to socialist society." I am wondering whether this will affect people's freedom of religious belief. How does the regional government respect and protect people's freedom of religious belief? Thank you.

Xu Zhitao:

Regarding the first question, the adaptation of religion to China's realities and socialist society is determined by the development law of religion itself. From a historical perspective, Tibetan Buddhism itself is the product of adapting Buddhism to China's realities. And by continuing to adjust and reform itself at various historical stages of China, Tibetan Buddhism has managed to better meet the needs of the people and society, and been passed down to this day and gained such a great influence. From a practical perspective, the adaptation of Tibetan Buddhism to China's realities is an ongoing process that has never been suspended. In a socialist society, Tibetan Buddhism should naturally include content that is compatible with it. At present, as we have ushered in a new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics, our call to continue to adapt religion to China's realities and guide Tibetan Buddhism in adapting to the socialist society will further enable Tibetan Buddhism to better adapt to the Chinese context and keep pace with the development of the times. This way, we will ensure better inheritance and development of Tibetan Buddhism in China as well as better protection of people's freedom of religious belief.

Regarding the second question, as Mr. Wang Gang also just introduced, the government of the Xizang Autonomous Region actively promotes the implementation of policies on freedom of religious belief in Xizang. The main efforts are as follows:

First, we respect citizens' freedom of religious belief and protect normal religious activities. Second, we treat all religions equally and without discrimination. Third, we manage religious affairs involving national and public interests in accordance with the law, but do not interfere in the internal affairs of religious groups. Fourth, in handling relations with religious groups, we adhere to the principle of "uniting and cooperating politically, and respecting each other's beliefs ," and work together to achieve the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Fifth, religious believers enjoy the same political, economic, social, and cultural rights as other citizens. Representatives of religious groups can participate in political activities through legal channels.

Thank you!

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