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SCIO press conference on white paper 'CPC Policies on the Governance of Xizang in the New Era: Approach and Achievements'

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The State Council Information Office held a press conference on Nov. 10 in Beijing to brief the media on white paper "CPC Policies on the Governance of Xizang in the New Era: Approach and Achievements."  November 30, 2023

People's Daily:

Since the 18th National Congress of the CPC, the Party has striven to develop whole-process people's democracy. I would like to ask, what major measures has the region taken to advance whole-process people's democracy in the new era? Thank you.

Yan Jinhai:

Thank you for your question. I will take it. General Secretary Xi Jinping said that only the wearer knows if the shoes fit or not. The remark indicates the choice of development path. Democracy works the same way; there is no standardized answer or criteria for democracy. Each country has its own model of democracy. 

First, since the 18th CPC National Congress, two elections have been held in Xizang to elect the regional people's congress, in which over 90% of eligible voters have participated in direct elections at the county and township levels. In some areas, the participation rate reached as high as 100%. The People's Congress of the Xizang Autonomous Region has established a dual-contact system in which members of its standing committee maintain direct contact with community-level deputies who in turn maintain direct contact with people in their constituencies. A total of over 770 "homes of deputies to people's congresses" have been established, covering all cities/prefectures, counties/districts, and townships/towns/sub-districts in the region. Some villages have set up deputies' functional centers. These facilities enable deputies to perform their duties on a more regular basis in the intersessional period, which has helped regulate and institutionalize the dual-contact system.

Second, we have promoted the important role of socialist consultative democracy. We have strengthened the overall leadership of the Party in the work of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), supporting it in improving political consultation, democratic supervision and participation in political affairs. The CPPCC is open to representatives from all social sectors and ethnic groups, including those of religious circles, intellectuals who are not CPC members, and people from New Social Groups, emphasizing the inclusiveness and representativeness of its members. The 12th CPPCC Committee of the Xizang Autonomous Region consists of 440 members, of which 59.3% are not CPC members. CPPCC organizations have been established in all 74 counties or districts of the region, with over 8,000 CPPCC members at all levels, of whom 85.7% are from ethnic minorities.

Third, we have enhanced the building of the legal framework in Xizang. Since the 18th CPC National Congress, the practice of the system of regional ethnic autonomy in Xizang has continuously deepened. It has played an important role in strengthening ethnic unity, promoting exchanges and integration among all ethnic groups, enhancing the cohesion of the Chinese nation, and promoting economic and social development and progress. This further highlights the exemplary nature of the CPC policies on the governance of Xizang in the new era. The People's Congress of the Xizang Autonomous Region and its Standing Committee had formulated and implemented 160 local regulations and statutory resolutions and decisions of a regulatory nature, ensuring that social management, people's livelihoods and well-being, and other aspects operate within the framework of the rule of law.

Fourth, we have fully developed grassroots democracy. The system of villagers' representative meetings has been established in rural areas, while community residents' congresses or residents' committees have been instituted in urban areas, providing satisfactory organizational guarantees for grassroots self-governance. The rights of local people to be informed, to participate in deliberations and the decision-making process and to scrutinize the exercise of power have been effectively protected. The democratic management system, with the staff deputy congress as its basic form, has been improved. Workers in enterprises and public institutions fully exercise their democratic rights in major decision-making and matters concerning the vital interests of workers. There are 8,821 grassroots trade unions in the entire region, with more than 607,000 members. Thank you.

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