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SCIO press conference on white paper 'China's Law-Based Cyberspace Governance in the New Era'

White Paper
The State Council Information Office held a press conference on March 16 in Beijing to brief the media on a white paper titled "China's Law-Based Cyberspace Governance in the New Era."  March 31, 2023

Red Star News:

Many NPC deputies and CPPCC members proposed enacting a special law against cyberbullying during this year's two sessions. At the end of last year, the CAC issued a notice on taking stronger steps to deal with cyberbullying. What measures will be taken by relevant departments to curb cyberbullying? Thank you.

Li Changxi:

That is a good question. Recently, cases of cyberbullying have attracted widespread attention from the public. Relevant authorities have attached great importance to that and taken proactive steps to fight cyberbullying. In November, the CAC issued a notice on taking stronger steps to control cyberbullying. Major websites and platforms have fully implemented the requirements and built and improved relevant prevention and control mechanisms. 28.75 million pieces of information related to cyberbullying have been intercepted and removed. 1.65 million notices have been issued to netizens reminding them to post appropriately. One-click prevention notices have been sent to 28,000 users. 22,000 accounts have been issued with severe punishments for cyberbullying. And the risk of cyberbullying over hot issues has been effectively prevented. Recently, departments of cyberspace affairs have guided major platforms to issue guides on preventing cyberbullying and to help netizens effectively protect themselves from cyberbullying in multiple aspects, including risk notifications, one-click prevention, private message protection, reporting and filing complaints. Going forward, the departments of cyberspace affairs will continue to urge websites and platforms to fulfill their primary responsibilities for fighting cyberbullying, regularly publish information on the prevention and control of cyberbullying, and expose typical cases in a timely manner to resolutely safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of netizens.

During the recently concluded "two sessions," we observed that the NPC deputies and CPPCC members put forward proposals to crack down on online violence and create a healthy online environment. Many of them emphasized the urgent need to accelerate targeted legislation on online violence. These proposals are truly meaningful. Our research has shown that, current comprehensive laws, such as the Civil Code, the Criminal Law, and the Law on Penalties for Administration of Public Security, as well as specialized laws, like the Law on the Protection of Minors, the Law on the Protection of Women's Rights and Interests, and the Law on the Protection of Heroes and Martyrs, along with relevant judicial interpretations issued by the Supreme People's Court and the Supreme People's Procuratorate on defamation, infringement of personal information, and violation of personal rights, have all made provisions on online violence. However, the existing laws and regulations still need to be more targeted, better coordinated, and more effective, in order to bring more satisfactory results to the public. 

Moving forward, we will further intensify our efforts to establish regulations and systems from the perspective of combatting online violence. We will promptly introduce relevant departmental regulations and collaborate with relevant departments to conduct research and strive to improve the legal system. We will also strengthen protection and relief for affected parties and respond in a timely manner to the feedback and demands of the people. Thank you.

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