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SCIO press conference on white paper 'China's Law-Based Cyberspace Governance in the New Era'

White Paper
The State Council Information Office held a press conference on March 16 in Beijing to brief the media on a white paper titled "China's Law-Based Cyberspace Governance in the New Era."  March 31, 2023

China Daily:

The white paper released today mentions that China's law-based internet governance has developed into one with Chinese characteristics. We also noticed that China has introduced Cybersecurity Law, Data Security Law, Personal Information Protection Law, and other laws in recent years. Does this mean that China is competing with other countries and regions for discourse power in making cyberspace governance rules and promoting the Chinese internet model? Thank you.

Cao Shumin:

Thank you for your question. It is of public attention, and I will answer it. 

The rule of law is one of the important achievements of human civilization. It has become a global consensus to advance cyberspace development and governance with law-based thinking, mindsets, and approaches. At the same time, given the different national realities, political systems, and cultural backgrounds countries have, each country is entitled to choose a suitable path of internet governance and development. China's law-based internet governance has always been based on our national context that China is the world's largest developing country with the largest number of internet users. China's law-based internet governance has actively adapted to the trend of the information age, widely drawn from the advanced experience and mature practices of other countries in law-based cyberspace governance, and pioneered a distinctive Chinese model in line with international best practice, embarking on a road of law-based internet governance with Chinese characteristics. 

China's development of the rule of law has drastically increased its capacity in internet governance, which has ensured fast, sound, and orderly internet development in the country and contributed Chinese ideas and solutions to global internet governance. Countries around the world, boasting varied and distinctive variations on rule of law for their populations, should and can find a suitable path for the development and governance of the internet. "A single flower does not make spring, while one hundred flowers in full blossom bring spring to a garden." We will adhere to the guiding principles by General Secretary Xi Jinping on building a community with a shared future in cyberspace and take law-based cyberspace governance as a vital guarantee for advancing transformation of the global internet governance system and building a community with a shared future in cyberspace. We will respect sovereignty in cyberspace and revere other countries' rights to independently choose their own internet development path and governance model as well as the right to equally participate in global cyberspace governance. We will strengthen international exchanges and cooperation in law-based internet governance and work with the international community to relentlessly explore effective ways through which the internet can better benefit the people. We will make more influential, distinctive, and effective achievements in practicing the rule of law so as to actively contribute to build a cyberspace featuring justice and fairness, openness and inclusion, security and stability, and vigor and vitality.

Xing Huina:

Today's press conference is hereby concluded. Thanks to all the speakers and friends from the media. Goodbye. 

Translated and edited by Zhu Bochen, Gong Yingchun, Liu Jianing, Xu Kailin, Yuan Fang, Zhang Rui, Yan Xiaoqing, Qin Qi, Wang Yiming, Xiang Bin, Yan Bin, Xu Xiaoxuan, Wang Wei, Ma Yujia, Wang Yanfang, Liu Sitong, Zhang Junmian, He Shan, Liu Qiang, Li Huiru, David Ball, Tom Arnsten, and Jay Birbeck. In case of any discrepancy between the English and Chinese texts, the Chinese version is deemed to prevail.

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