ㄑ Publicity Department of CPC Central Committee holds press conference on China's diplomacy in the new era

​Press conference on China's diplomacy in the new era | October 14, 2022


Chinese President Xi Jinping has asked Chinese diplomats to have more fighting spirit when dealing with other countries. Critics say that bilateral relations have suffered as a result. Going forward, will China continue with this combative approach in the next five years? Thank you.

Ma Zhaoxu:

Safeguarding China's sovereignty, security, and development interests is the sacred mission of Chinese diplomacy. Since the 18th CPC National Congress, under the strong leadership of the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, we have established a strong line of defense for defending national interests and national dignity with a stronger will, more solid action, and more powerful measures, and we have the initiative of the country's development and security firmly in our own hands.

We have unequivocally defended the one-China principle, established and re-established diplomatic relations with nine countries, resolutely fought back against provocative acts regarding the Taiwan question, and consolidated consensus on the one-China principle among the international community. We have strongly prevented external forces from interfering in Hong Kong's affairs and reinforced the sound situation of Hong Kong going from disarray to good governance. We fiercely exposed lies about Xinjiang with facts and the truth, and defeated the political scheme of "using Xinjiang to contain China." We have steadily advanced consultations on the Code of Conduct in the South China Sea and maintained the overall stability of the situation in the South China Sea.

We have rejected any politicization or stigmatization associated with COVID-19, while more than 80 countries wrote letters and issued statements to oppose the politicization of the virus' origin tracing. At the United Nations Human Rights Council and the Third Committee of the UN General Assembly, we defeated the anti-China actions exploiting human rights issues seven times in a row, shaping a strong momentum where nearly a hundred countries supported China's just position and opposed interference with China's internal affairs on the pretext of human rights. After unremitting efforts, Ms. Meng Wanzhou, who was illegally detained for more than 1,000 days, safely returned to the motherland.

When we carry out diplomatic struggles, our targets are words and deeds that harm China's national interests and national dignity, and we defend our own legitimate rights and interests. What we oppose is hegemony and bullying, and we fight for fairness and justice in the world. We use our actions to tell the world that the era when the Chinese nation had been trampled on by other countries has long gone, and there is no power to stop China's development and advance. We have the confidence to take the initiative to fight, the backbone to defy hegemony, and the great spirit to uphold justice. The Chinese nation will not be intimidated or crushed, nor will it be taken in by fallacies or tremble in the face of danger. We will never sit by and watch our national interests be damaged, and no one should expect China to swallow anything that undermines our interests. Going forward, Chinese diplomacy will continue to overcome all odds and forge ahead bravely, and will always be a loyal guard of the interests of the country and the people. Thank you.

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