ㄑ Publicity Department of CPC Central Committee holds press conference on China's diplomacy in the new era

​Press conference on China's diplomacy in the new era | October 14, 2022

Global Times:

In recent years, the International Department of the CPC Central Committee has organized many global political parties' high-level meetings. We also see that the Party has been increasingly active and influential on the international stage. Can Mr. Guo briefly introduce the roles of the Party's external work in national foreign affairs?

Guo Yezhou:

Thank you for your concern about the major diplomatic activities of political parties. As I just mentioned in the press release, the Party maintains various forms of contact with more than 600 political parties and political organizations. A series of global high-level political parties' meetings, including the CPC in Dialogue with World Political Parties High-Level Meeting held in November 2017 and the CPC and World Political Parties Summit held in July 2021, are a comprehensive display of the Party's international circle of friends and also the broadest response by political parties from other countries to our Party's calls. General Secretary Xi Jinping attached great importance to and personally planned and guided these high-level dialogues and meetings to make them embody the advantages, duties and roles of our Party's external work.

General Secretary Xi Jinping noted that the Party's external work is an important front of the Party, an important part of the overall national diplomacy, and an important embodiment of major-country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics. Since the 18th CPC National Congress, the Party's external work has focused on the goal of rejuvenating the Chinese nation and promoting the progress of humanity and made important contributions to the continuing development of the CPC's endeavors and the overall national diplomacy.

We have built extensive and close ties with other political parties and continuously promoted the development of state-to-state relations. We have enhanced communication with ruling and opposition parties of other countries to maintain and promote the healthy and stable development of state-to-state relations. In the spirit of seeking common ground while shelving differences, respecting, and learning from each other, we have continuously strengthened solidarity and cooperation with political parties of developing countries and enhanced exchange and communication with political parties of developed countries. All these efforts are aimed at building a new type of relations between political parties and a new form of international relations, consolidate the network of global political party partnerships, and help improve the network of global partnerships.

We maintain a correct political orientation and take it as our mission to safeguard the Party's governance security and the system of socialism with Chinese characteristics. The Party has conscientiously fulfilled missions and responsibilities in conducting its external work. In response to issues involving China's core interests and major concerns, the Party has joined with political parties, think tanks, social organizations, and people with wisdom and foresight of other countries to express the voice of justice to safeguard our country's sovereignty, security, and developmental interests and work hard for a favorable external environment for advancing on a new great journey.

We keep in mind the mission of serving the people and actively support the implementation of national development strategies. The Party grounds its efforts in conducting external work in the new development stage, follows the new development philosophy, and fosters a new development paradigm in its diplomatic endeavors. The Party has further explored ways of exchanges between political parties and strengthened the alignment of development strategy, policy planning, and mechanism and platform through consultation and cooperation between political parties. With the needs of economic and social development as our compass, we have continuously enriched the content and methods of exchanges and worked hard to improve the efficiency of the Party's external work in serving the central work of the Party and country.

We are committed to promoting human progress and the building of a community with a shared future for humanity. The Party's external work fully reflects its strong sense of responsibility as a major political party in a major country. It has worked with political parties of other countries to enhance communication and mutual trust and seek common ground while respecting differences. They join hands to uphold international equity and justice, advocate and practice real multilateralism, and promote more fair and reasonable development of the global governance system. They pool wisdom and strength for building a better world, and promote the progress of human civilization together.

On the new journey to fully build a modern socialist China, the Party's external work will have a big role to play and usher in a new developmental stage. Please stay tuned. Thank you.

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