ㄑ Publicity Department of CPC Central Committee holds press conference on applying the new development philosophy and building a beautiful China where humanity and nature exist in harmony

Press conference on applying the new development philosophy and building a beautiful China where humanity and nature exist in harmony | October 1, 2022


This summer here in China and across the region in places like India and Pakistan we saw what appeared to be the accelerated effects of climate change. I want to get your view on what we've experienced this summer. And do you think that China can still reach its targets on decarbonization and on emissions, given it's experiencing these extreme events when we've seen some parts of the country facing power outages?

Huang Runqiu:

Thank you for your question, which is a good one suitable at this time. Some places in China encountered extreme long-term heat this summer. As you mentioned, hot days, drought, floods and other disastrous weather also plagued regions and countries like Europe and Pakistan. We have felt the consequences of climate change and the urgency to respond to climate change. 

The Chinese government has attached great importance to addressing climate change issues. In the past 10 years since the 18th CPC National Congress, under Xi Jinping Thought on Ecological Civilization, we have placed responding to climate change to a more prominent position in national governance, and have implemented proactive national strategies to combat climate change and intensified efforts to reduce carbon emissions. We have strengthened China's Nationally Determined Contribution. Remarkable results have been made in steering socioeconomic development on the track of green development.

In Sept. 2020, President Xi Jinping declared at the general debate of the 75th Session of The United Nations General Assembly that China aims to have CO2 emissions peak before 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality before 2060.That means China, the largest developing country in the world, will reduce its carbon emissions and achieve carbon neutrality in the shortest time. That is very challenging in view that China's energy system relies on coal and it has an extensive industrial system. Though it is a huge challenge for us to achieve that goal, it demonstrates China's resolve to combat climate change and embark on the road of green development, which provided an important impetus to global climate governance from a political perspective. 

General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that achieving "dual carbon" goals is not something that others asked us to do but is something we must do. Over the past 10 years, China has cut its carbon emission intensity by 34.4%, reversing the rapid growth of carbon dioxide emissions. Green growth has become a defining feature of high-quality economic and social development. You asked about our determination. I would like to introduce our concrete efforts to answer your questions. So, what have we done over the past decade?

First, we steadily promoted energy restructuring. Over the past decade, the share of coal consumption in primary energy consumption dropped from 68.5% to 56% last year. The share of non-fossil fuels increased by 6.9 percentage points to 16.6%. China's installed capacity of renewable power increased by 3.1 times, exceeding one billion kilowatts. The installed capacity of wind, solar, water, and biomass power all topped the world. 

Second, we continued to optimize and upgrade the industrial structure. We vigorously developed green and low-carbon industries, strictly contained the blind expansion of energy-intensive projects with high emissions, cut backward production capacity based on laws and regulations, and stepped up efforts to ease overcapacity. Over the past 10 years, China's energy consumption increased by 3% annually, underpinning the 6.5% annual growth of the national economy. The energy intensity dropped by 26.2%, which is the fastest in the world, saving energy equivalent to 1.4 billion tons of standard coal, and cutting emissions equivalent to 2.94 billion tons of carbon dioxide. Strategic emerging industries thrive rapidly. China's new-energy vehicle sales reached 3.52 million units in 2021, topping the world.

Third, we continued to enhance the carbon sink capacity and the ability to respond to climate change. Over the past decade, China increased the forested area by 7.1% to 227 million hectares, serving as a major contributor to afforestation efforts in the world. China increased its forest carbon sinks by 7.3%, reaching 839 million tons of carbon dioxide equivalent per year, which can offset the annual carbon emissions from mobile vehicles in China. China has released a national climate change adaptation strategy. A pilot campaign has been carried out to build climate-resilient cities. Our capacity to deal with challenges posed by climate change has been improved in key sectors, such as agriculture and infrastructure construction.

Fourth, we stepped up efforts to develop the carbon market nationwide. The China Carbon Emission Trade Exchange became the largest in the world in terms of greenhouse gas emissions covered in the system upon starting trading online on July 16, 2021, with a total of 2,162 key emission-related entities in the power generation industry being included during its first compliance period. The total trading volume of carbon emission quota in the market reached 195 million tonnes as of yesterday, with a turnover totaling 8.559 billion yuan. By giving effective play to the incentive role of the market mechanism, we controlled greenhouse gas emissions and promoted green and low-carbon development.

Fifth, China made its contributions to global climate governance. Upholding the vision of building a community with a shared future for mankind, China has engaged constructively to promote the multilateral process of climate change issues and made historic contribution to the adoption, entry into force and smooth implementation of the Paris Agreement. We made continued efforts to deepen South-South Cooperation on addressing climate change. By the end of last month, China has allocated 1.2 billion yuan in total, signed 43 cooperation documents and trained more than 2,000 relevant personnel from developing countries. 

Achieving the goals of peaking carbon emissions and carbon neutrality is necessary to relieving the serious constraints imposed by resources and the environment on China's economic growth and achieving sustainable development. Therefore, we have firm determination to achieve the "dual carbon" goals. It is also a solemn commitment toward building a community with a shared future for mankind. China always keeps its word and acts with resolve. We will fully implement the 1+N policy framework for peaking carbon emissions and achieving carbon neutrality, actively participate and play a leading role in global climate governance, making more and new contributions to building a beautiful China and responding to global climate change. Thank you.

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