Publicity Department of CPC Central Committee holds press conference on applying the new development philosophy and building a beautiful China where humanity and nature exist in harmony
Beijing | 10 a.m. Sept. 15, 2022


Huang Runqiu, minister of ecology and environment


Chen Wenjun, spokesperson of the Publicity Department of the CPC Central Committee

Read in Chinese


Mr. Huang Runqiu, minister of ecology and environment


Mr. Chen Wenjun, spokesperson of the Publicity Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC)


Sept. 15, 2022

Chen Wenjun:

Ladies and gentlemen, good morning. Welcome to this press conference held by the Publicity Department of the CPC Central Committee. Today, we are holding the 32nd press conference under the theme of "China in the past decade." We have invited Mr. Huang Runqiu, minister of ecology and environment, to brief you on applying the new development philosophy and building a beautiful China where humanity and nature exist in harmony and take your questions. 

Now, let's give the floor to Mr. Huang Runqiu for his introduction.

Huang Runqiu:

Thank you, Mr. Chen. Friends from the press, good morning. As the 20th CPC National Congress draws nearer, I am very pleased to brief you here on the historic achievements China has secured in ecological conservation and environmental protection over the past decade since the 18th CPC National Congress. In fact, we have witnessed the battle against pollution and the historic progress of ecological conservation together in recent years, and you have told China's stories in ecological progress well in your own way and made your contributions to ecological conservation. Here on behalf of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment (MEE), I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to all of you.

Over the past decade since the 18th CPC National Congress, new historic achievements and transformations have been secured in the cause of the Party and the country. The same is true in the field of ecology and environment. The past decade has witnessed the deepest understanding, the greatest efforts, the most solid measures, the fastest progress, and the most remarkable results in ecological conservation and environmental protection. To conserve the ecological environment, the CPC Central Committee has made unprecedented efforts on various fronts in terms of thinking, law, system, organization and conduct, and carried out a series of tasks of fundamental, pioneering and long-term significance, bringing about historic, transformative and overall changes in ecological conservation and environmental protection. The entire Party and country have become remarkably more conscious of and proactive in promoting green development, and have created miracles in ecological and green development attracting global attention. We have embarked on a path of sustainable development featuring advanced production, higher living standards and sound ecosystems, and made major headway in building a beautiful China.

In terms of guiding thoughts, General Secretary Xi Jinping, keeping in mind the sustainable development of the Chinese nation, has vigorously promoted innovation in theories, practices and systems of ecological conservation, put forward a series of new, creative concepts, ideas and strategies, and formed Xi Jinping Thought on Ecological Civilization, providing a fundamental guide to action for ecological conservation and environmental protection.

In terms of strategic deployment, we have included building a beautiful China into the goals of building a great modern socialist country, ecological conservation into the Five-sphere Integrated Plan, harmonious coexistence between humanity and nature into the basic strategy of upholding and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, and green development into the new development philosophy, pollution prevention and treatment into the three critical battles (alongside fighting potential risk and poverty). It is fair to say that the planning and arrangements to make progress on the ecology have been improved and become more systematic and more mature.

In terms of reform measures, we have reformed the management system for ecological environment and natural resources in recent years. We have established and implemented a series of systems, including central government ecological inspections, evaluations and accountability of ecological progress targets, river and lake chiefs, ecological protection redlines, pollutant discharge permits, and compensation for ecological damage. Over the past decade, we have formulated and revised more than 30 related laws and regulations, strongly ensuring ecological conservation with increasingly extensive institutional systems.

In terms of ecological and environmental quality, the average concentration of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) in cities above prefecture level in 2021 fell by 34.8% compared with 2015, and 84.9% of surface water bodies nationwide met Class I to III quality standards. Soil pollution risks have been effectively controlled. Import of foreign waste has been banned, achieving the goal of zero imports of solid waste. In addition, nature reserves now cover 18% of China's land area, and wild populations of more than 300 rare and endangered wildlife species have been restored, presenting a vivid view of harmonious coexistence between humanity and nature.

In terms of green and low-carbon development, carbon dioxide emissions per unit of GDP nationwide have dropped by 34.4% in the past decade, and the share of coal in primary energy consumption has declined from 68.5% to 56%. The scale of renewable energy development and utilization as well as the production and sale of new energy vehicles both rank first in the world. Last year, we launched the world's largest Carbon Emission Trade Exchange, and green development is increasingly becoming the defining feature of high-quality development.

In terms of international influence, we have made historic contributions to the conclusion, signing, entry into force and implementation of the Paris Agreement aimed at addressing climate change. We announced that we would strive to peak carbon dioxide emissions by 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality by 2060. Last year, we held the first phase of the 15thmeeting of the Conference of the Parties to the U.N. Convention on Biological Diversity in Kunming and issued the Kunming Declaration. We have also actively promoted green development of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). China has become an important participant, contributor and leader in global ecological conservation.

Friends from the press, China has entered a new stage of development. General Secretary Xi Jinping has underscored that on the new journey of building a modern socialist country in all respects, the entire Party and country must maintain and strengthen the strategic focus of ecological progress, work hard to promote green transition in all aspects of economic and social development, and strive to build a beautiful China where humanity and nature exist in harmony, so as to make greater contributions to jointly building a clean and beautiful world.

Next, the MEE will firmly follow the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Ecological Civilization, resolutely implement the decisions and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, and promote pollution and carbon emissions reductions, green expansion and economic growth in a coordinated manner, so as to advance high-quality economic growth and create a high quality of life through high-level ecological protection. Last July, with the approval of the CPC Central Committee, the MEE established a research center for Xi Jinping Thought on Ecological Civilization. We will build this center into a pacesetter for theoretical research, publicity and interpretation of the thought. We also welcome active support and participation of friends from the press in the center's work.

Finally, we hope that through practical efforts, green development will become a brighter defining feature of a beautiful China, so as to pave the way for a successful 20th CPC National Congress. Thank you.


Chen Wenjun:

Thank you, Mr. Huang. The floor is open now. Please name the news agency you work for before raising questions. 


Since the 18th CPC National Congress, we have declared war against pollution, subsequently made a comprehensive plan to prevent and remedy pollution, and then entered a phase of continuous environmental improvement. Mr. Huang, what progress has been made in ecological environment protection, what major changes have taken place, and what important steps will be taken in the future? Thank you.

Huang Runqiu:

Thanks a lot for the questions. The ecological environment presents a major social issue associated with people's livelihood, as well as a major political issue that is very important to fulfilling the CPC's mission. Since the 18th CPC National Congress, the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core has made unprecedented efforts to promote ecological progress, one important strategy of which was to plan for and make solid efforts to prevent and control pollution. General Secretary Xi Jinping established the guiding principles and strategies for the work and provided support and encouragement for us. He once said that, no matter how difficult it is, we must prevent and control pollution, do not hesitate, do not flinch, and fight it with resolution, courage, and a strong drive. And we kept his word firmly in mind, made steadfast efforts, and have seen great results. It is fair to say that we have completed the goals and missions set so far and even done some extra work, and, as the result, the ecological environment has been remarkably improved. 

I believe that the journalists here at this press conference share this strong feeling that we have seen more and more clear days in recent years. Lush mountains and clear waters can be seen everywhere. And these make people feel a stronger sense of happiness, gain, and security for environmental improvement. According to the survey and statistics by the National Bureau of Statistics last year, the rate of public satisfaction with the environment surpassed 90%. To be specific, I think the main results of the fight against pollution can be summarized in three aspects.

First, the air quality experienced historical changes. As an air quality criterion, the national average density of PM2.5, or fine particulate matter, lowered from 46 micrograms per cubic meter in 2015 to 33 in 2020 and to 30 last year, historically reaching the interim target-1 set by the World Health Organization. In addition, the rate of days with good air quality reached 87.5% last year, 6.3 percentage points higher than in 2015. China has become the country to improve its air quality most quickly in the world. According to Bloomberg, in the seven years between 2013 and 2020, the scale of air quality improvement in China equaled that of the United States over the 30 odd years since the launch of the Clean Air Act. 

Second, water quality experienced a turning point for the good. Over the past decade, the proportion of water section with good water quality at Grade I to III in the country's water quality system has increased by 23.3 percentage points to reach 84.9%, approaching the level of developed countries. The murky and stinky waters have disappeared from cities at prefecture level and above. The safety of drinking water has been effectively secured. 

Third, soil environmental quality went through fundamental changes. Over the years, we rolled out the law on the prevention and control of soil pollution, which is of great importance as our first fundamental legislation in the field. We carried out a national survey on soil pollution of land for agriculture and construction use and exercised risk management over soil pollution. The momentum of deteriorating soil pollution has been curbed effectively. 

The journalist just asked about what we will do during the 14th Five-Year Plan period. The CPC Central Committee has made it clear that we will further the efforts in fighting pollution. In November last year, the CPC Central Committee and the State Council published their opinions regarding this point. During the 13th Five-Year Plan period, we said we should make firm efforts to fight pollution, and in the 14th Five-Year Plan period, we said that we should further the efforts in the field. In my opinion, this is not only a change in terms but also an indication that we are facing deeper problems and more significant difficulties of a wider scope, while being required to meet higher standards. So, during this period, we will maintain the intensity of our efforts while expanding their breadth and depth. We will make further efforts to fight pollution with higher standards. All of these can be summarized into three aspects as follows.

First, at a strategic level, we must maintain a strategic focus, and advance in the right direction and in a sound and sustained manner. The ecological environment quality has improved, however, it is still at a relatively low level. Tireless efforts should be made to meet the needs of the people for a good ecological environment. We will put the fight against pollution into the big picture of socioeconomic development, seeking progress while maintaining stable performances, coordinating pandemic prevention and control with socioeconomic development and ecological environment protection so as to secure basic safety of the ecological environment. 

Second, at a tactical level, we should continue to treat pollution with targeted, law-based, and science-oriented measures. We have proposed that we should make accurate assessments regarding what has caused the pollution, which regions are involved, the right timing and proper schedule to control the pollution, the targets we should tackle, and the measures we should adopt. We advocated that we should seek control of environmental pollution by invoking the law and protect the ecological environment through the rule of law. 

Moreover, we will place emphasis on addressing problems at the source through systematic and comprehensive measures. We should coordinate the efforts in carbon reduction, pollution mitigation, vegetation planting, and economic development. One of the priorities is the coordination in five aspects. The first is the efficiency-improving coordination between carbon reduction and pollution mitigation. This is required for the high-quality development of the economy and serves the need to deepen environmental treatment and fundamentally transform the quality of the ecological environment from the source. The second is the coordination of the treatment of PM2.5 and ozone. Because the precursor of these two is the same. So, the reduction of both can be made possible at the same time. In recent years, we have made efforts and seen preliminary results. In 2021, the synergized reduction of both has been initially realized. The third is the coordination of water resources, water environment, and water ecosystem. A water body with good water quality requires a good water environment and good water ecosystem, which consists of water, aquatic plants, and fish. There is a gap on this front, especially regarding biodiversity as well as the restoration and conservation of the water ecosystem. And we shall put in more efforts. The fourth is the coordination between urban and rural resources. Our shortcoming and weakness still exist in the environmental treatment of rural areas, especially the treatment of diffused pollution, garbage, sewage, and murky and stinky waters. The fifth is the coordination of treatment of conventional pollutants and new types of pollutants. We should especially build a risk prevention and control system regarding new chemical substances. 

Third, at an operational level, we have planned eight key campaigns in pollution prevention and control and have launched them one after another. To promote blue skies, we will focus on generally eliminating heavy air pollution, controlling ozone pollution, and pollution caused by diesel trucks. To protect clear waters, we will give priority to generally eliminating black, malodorous water bodies and controlling and preventing water pollution in key sea areas and the Yangtze River and the Yellow River. To protect clean lands, we will carry out critical battles against pollution in agriculture and rural areas with a focus on cleaning up the black, malodorous water bodies and domestic sewage. 

In short, during the 14th Five-Year Plan period, we will make greater efforts to address the salient ecological and environmental problems that concern people's daily life, and gain credibility with solid outcomes. Thank you.


Cover News:

Water ecological and environmental protection is of great significance to improving the quality of life of the people and promoting high-quality development of the economy. What changes have taken place in China's water ecosystems and environments over the past decade? What will be done next? Thank you.

Huang Runqiu:

Thank you for your question. I have just talked about the water environments in China. Water is one of the most basic elements of our environment. It is the aspiration of the people for a better environment and also a goal that our environmental protection workers strive for. Since the 18th CPC National Congress, we have acted upon the decisions and plans of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council and launched programs on the prevention and control of water pollution with the strongest resolve and most effective measures, bringing about transformative changes in the protection of water ecosystems and environments. These changes can be generalized into three aspects.

First, water ecological and environmental protection and governance system has been improved. We have revised the Law on the Prevention and Control of Water Pollution, formulated and revised a series of laws and regulations such as the Yangtze River Protection Law, and developed over 20 relevant discharge standards of pollutants, consolidating the legal basis for water ecological and environmental protection of water bodies. We have seized the opportunity for institutional reform and set up water ecosystems and environmental regulatory agencies in seven major river basins, strengthening unified regulation over water ecological and environmental protection. The total number of state-controlled water sections increased from 1,940 to 3,641 during the 14th Five-Year Plan period, achieving full coverage of 10 major river basins, cities at and above the prefecture level, provincial and municipal borders of important water bodies, and important water functional zones. We have promoted the establishment of compensation mechanisms for the ecological conservation of river basins that span provinces. In recent years, we have launched trials for provinces situated on the upper and lower reaches of river basins compensating each other for ecological conservation in 13 river basins, such as Xin'an River and Chishui River, in 18 provinces, including Anhui province and Zhejiang province, developing well-coordinated governance between the upper and lower reaches and the left and right banks.

Second, our efforts to keep water clear have made significant progress. Concerning the protection and restoration of the Yangtze River basin, a total of more than 60,000 sewage outfalls into the Yangtze River have been identified. Over 16,000 illegal problems have been addressed through quick action, focusing on controlling the pollution of phosphorite mines, phosphorite chemical enterprises, and phosphogypsum warehouses and improving the water quality of state-controlled water sections with ratings lower than Grade V. The water quality of the Yangtze River's main stream reached Grade II standard or above for two consecutive years. In terms of the protection and improvement of the Yellow River basin ecosystems, we have identified about 17,000 sewage outfalls in the upper and some of the middle reaches of river basins, with the water quality of the Yellow River's main stream reaching Grade III standard or above. To improve water environments in cities, we have done a great deal of work with relevant departments over the years. We have carried out targeted actions for environmental protection to clean up black, malodorous water bodies in cities and generally eliminated 295 black, malodorous water bodies in built-up areas of cities at and above the prefecture level. In the past, black, malodorous water in cities were problems that concerned the people. Now they have been transformed into beautiful landscapes. During the 13th Five-Year Plan period, the number of newly-built sewer networks at and above the prefecture level reached 99,000 kilometers, which is equivalent to over twice the length of the Earth's equator. Over 1,200 industrial parks at and above the provincial level have realized centralized sewage treatment. To ensure of drinking water safety, we have launched a special campaign on protecting the environment in centralized drinking-water source areas nationwide, identifying and addressing over 10,000 problems in 2,804 water-supply sources, ensuring more secure drinking water sources for the people.

Third, positive progress has been made in the protection and restoration of river and lake ecosystems. We have strengthened the protection and restoration of river and lake shorelines. In the battle to protect and restore the Yangtze River, 162 kilometers of shorelines of the Yangtze River have been restored, and over 12 million square meters of beaches have been covered with plants. The Yangtze River shorelines has significantly improved. For eutrophic lakes such as Taihu Lake, Chaohu Lake, Dianchi Lake, and Erhai Lake, we have accelerated the industrial restructuring around the lakes, turned more polders into lakes, strictly regulated and controlled emissions of nitrogen and phosphorus, and addressed agricultural pollution from non-point sources, effectively controlling illegal activities such as land reclamation from lakes, encroachment on lake shorelines, and illegal sand mining. 

Just as we mentioned earlier, with our efforts, transformative changes have taken place in water quality in China over the past decade. A large number of typical examples of water pollution prevention and control have also emerged in various places. For instance, the water quality of Baiyangdian Lake, which is the largest freshwater lake in the North China Plain, had long been below Grade V in the past. Since the establishment of the Xiong'an New Area, Hebei province has resolutely implemented General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions on restoring and protecting Baiyangdian Lake and has been committed to making "three-sphere" integrated plans for water replenishment, pollution prevention and control, and flood control, and advancing them in a coordinated way. In 2021, the water quality of Baiyangdian Lake and rivers that empty into the lake reached Grade III standard, achieving a great leap from below Grade V to Grade III. As you can see in this picture, viewed from water quality and ecological landscapes along the lakeshore, Baiyangdian Lake has become a beautiful landscape and harmony between nature and water. Some indigenous fishes, such as rhodeussinensis, which have not been seen in Baiyangdian Lake for years, are gradually recovering. And the number of wild bird species has increased to 237. The ecological beauty of groups of fishes and shrimps and flocks of flying water birds has reappeared. The pearl of the North China Plain shines brilliantly again. In 2021, 18 cases nationwide were listed in the first group of excellent cases of beautiful rivers and lakes, setting an illustrious example.

Entering the new stage of development, we will shift the focus of water ecological and environmental protection from the prevention and control of water pollution to the coordinated protection of water resources, water ecosystems, and water environments. In particular, we will make greater efforts to protect and restore water ecosystems, strengthen the weak points, improve the quality and efficiency of our actions, and take further steps to advance water ecological and environmental protection, laying a solid foundation for building a beautiful China. Thank you.


Nanfang Metropolis Daily:

In recent years, China's air quality has significantly improved. We used to see pictures of blue skies posted on WeChat. In recent years, with better air quality, blue skies have become a common sight, and fewer pictures have been shared among people. How did such great changes take place in such a short time? What key measures have been taken? How could the air quality in China be further improved in the future? Thank you.

Huang Runqiu:

Thank you for your questions. Speaking of blue sky, I would like to show you a photo taken at night. This image shows star trails in the night sky against the backdrop of the Meridian Gate of the Forbidden City. How was the photo taken? As you can see, stars twinkle at night and their movements in the sky form bright trails called star trails. The photo must be taken in an environment with good air quality. Therefore, this image is a true reflection of Beijing's improvement in air quality in recent years. The average density of PM2.5(particles with a diameter of 2.5 micrometers or less)was reduced by 63.1%, nearly two-thirds, from 89.5 micrograms per cubic meter in 2013 to 33micrograms per cubic meter in 2021. The number of heavily-polluted days in Beijing reduced from 58 in 2013 to eight in 2021, then to two this year. Consequently, "blue sky" days have become the norm in Beijing, as evidenced by the APEC summit in 2014, the parade in 2015 and the Winter Olympics this year. 

Beijing epitomizes China's changes in air quality. Air quality in the past 10 years was improved substantially across China, including the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, the Yangtze River Delta region, and the Zhujiang River Delta region. Over the past decade, the average density of PM2.5 in China's 74 major cities dropped by 56%. The number of heavily polluted days in those cities decreased by 87%. In 2021, the number of heavily polluted days in cities at and above prefecture level across China declined by 51% compared with 2015. China is the first developing country to tackle PM2.5pollution and is hailed as the fastest to address air pollution. 

How was China able to improve its air quality so much? To my understanding, it should be accredited to the importance of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council attached to it and their science-based decisions. In recent years, China rolled out the Air Pollution Prevention and Control Action Plan and a three-year action plan to fight air pollution . Of course, the concerted efforts from government departments and all sectors of society, including the press, were indispensable. I think the efforts made in adjusting the structures of the following four aspects are crucial. 

First, we adjusted the energy structure to be cleaner and lower in carbon emissions. Over the past 10 years, two-thirds of China's increased energy consumption was from clean energy. The number of coal-fired boilers and kilns was reduced from 500,000 to 100,000. We promoted clean heating during winter season in northern China, sparing more than 27 million rural households from smoky coal-fired heating in winter. People are living happier lives as their living conditions improved notably. The air quality was also improved, thanks to burning 60 million fewer metric tons of coal. 

Second, we adjusted the industrial structure to improve the quality and efficiency of industrial development. In the past decade, we reduced outdated production capacity and cut overcapacity of 300 million metric tons of steel, 400 million metric tons of cement and 150 million metric tons of glass. We established the world's biggest clean coal power generation system and the capacity of coal power generators with ultra-low emissions reached more than 1,030million kilowatts. We strived to upgrade the whole procedure of steel production towards ultra-low emissions, with 630 million metric tons of crude steel capacity being or having been upgraded to achieve ultra-low emissions.

Third, we adjusted the transportation structure to adapt to a green approach. In the past 10 years, we reduced more than 30 million outdated and high-emission vehicles. Now China owns the world's largest number of new energy vehicles. The vehicle emission and fuel quality standards have been updated from "China IV" to "China VI," and the standards are both leading the world.

Fourth, we improved the urban environment governance structure to include dust control as a key area. We have combated the dust generated by mining gravel in construction sites, resulting in a notable decline in urban dust. We set up a grid-based supervision institution to tackle air pollution at the village and community levels. Burning uncultivated land in spring, straw in autumn and garbage all year long, barbecuing in summer, and coal-fired heating in winter were controlled. The cities took on a new look, to which technology contributed greatly. More than 2,000 technicians participated in examining the reasons for air pollution and resolving them. We developed a national forecast model whose accuracy rate reached 90% in combating PM2.5 pollution. Such technological support was pivotal in our fight against air pollution.

More needs to be done to meet people's expectations and achieve the goal of building a "beautiful China." Next, focusing on coordinated efforts to reduce pollution and lower carbon emissions, we will tackle both PM2.5 and ozone and emphasize joint control of various pollutants and coordinated prevention and control efforts across regions. In doing so, we can press ahead with low-carbon and green development in industries, energy and transportation, fight against air pollution and promote sustainable improvements in air quality. Thank you. 



This summer here in China and across the region in places like India and Pakistan we saw what appeared to be the accelerated effects of climate change. I want to get your view on what we've experienced this summer. And do you think that China can still reach its targets on decarbonization and on emissions, given it's experiencing these extreme events when we've seen some parts of the country facing power outages?

Huang Runqiu:

Thank you for your question, which is a good one suitable at this time. Some places in China encountered extreme long-term heat this summer. As you mentioned, hot days, drought, floods and other disastrous weather also plagued regions and countries like Europe and Pakistan. We have felt the consequences of climate change and the urgency to respond to climate change. 

The Chinese government has attached great importance to addressing climate change issues. In the past 10 years since the 18th CPC National Congress, under Xi Jinping Thought on Ecological Civilization, we have placed responding to climate change to a more prominent position in national governance, and have implemented proactive national strategies to combat climate change and intensified efforts to reduce carbon emissions. We have strengthened China's Nationally Determined Contribution. Remarkable results have been made in steering socioeconomic development on the track of green development.

In Sept. 2020, President Xi Jinping declared at the general debate of the 75th Session of The United Nations General Assembly that China aims to have CO2 emissions peak before 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality before 2060.That means China, the largest developing country in the world, will reduce its carbon emissions and achieve carbon neutrality in the shortest time. That is very challenging in view that China's energy system relies on coal and it has an extensive industrial system. Though it is a huge challenge for us to achieve that goal, it demonstrates China's resolve to combat climate change and embark on the road of green development, which provided an important impetus to global climate governance from a political perspective. 

General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that achieving "dual carbon" goals is not something that others asked us to do but is something we must do. Over the past 10 years, China has cut its carbon emission intensity by 34.4%, reversing the rapid growth of carbon dioxide emissions. Green growth has become a defining feature of high-quality economic and social development. You asked about our determination. I would like to introduce our concrete efforts to answer your questions. So, what have we done over the past decade?

First, we steadily promoted energy restructuring. Over the past decade, the share of coal consumption in primary energy consumption dropped from 68.5% to 56% last year. The share of non-fossil fuels increased by 6.9 percentage points to 16.6%. China's installed capacity of renewable power increased by 3.1 times, exceeding one billion kilowatts. The installed capacity of wind, solar, water, and biomass power all topped the world. 

Second, we continued to optimize and upgrade the industrial structure. We vigorously developed green and low-carbon industries, strictly contained the blind expansion of energy-intensive projects with high emissions, cut backward production capacity based on laws and regulations, and stepped up efforts to ease overcapacity. Over the past 10 years, China's energy consumption increased by 3% annually, underpinning the 6.5% annual growth of the national economy. The energy intensity dropped by 26.2%, which is the fastest in the world, saving energy equivalent to 1.4 billion tons of standard coal, and cutting emissions equivalent to 2.94 billion tons of carbon dioxide. Strategic emerging industries thrive rapidly. China's new-energy vehicle sales reached 3.52 million units in 2021, topping the world.

Third, we continued to enhance the carbon sink capacity and the ability to respond to climate change. Over the past decade, China increased the forested area by 7.1% to 227 million hectares, serving as a major contributor to afforestation efforts in the world. China increased its forest carbon sinks by 7.3%, reaching 839 million tons of carbon dioxide equivalent per year, which can offset the annual carbon emissions from mobile vehicles in China. China has released a national climate change adaptation strategy. A pilot campaign has been carried out to build climate-resilient cities. Our capacity to deal with challenges posed by climate change has been improved in key sectors, such as agriculture and infrastructure construction.

Fourth, we stepped up efforts to develop the carbon market nationwide. The China Carbon Emission Trade Exchange became the largest in the world in terms of greenhouse gas emissions covered in the system upon starting trading online on July 16, 2021, with a total of 2,162 key emission-related entities in the power generation industry being included during its first compliance period. The total trading volume of carbon emission quota in the market reached 195 million tonnes as of yesterday, with a turnover totaling 8.559 billion yuan. By giving effective play to the incentive role of the market mechanism, we controlled greenhouse gas emissions and promoted green and low-carbon development.

Fifth, China made its contributions to global climate governance. Upholding the vision of building a community with a shared future for mankind, China has engaged constructively to promote the multilateral process of climate change issues and made historic contribution to the adoption, entry into force and smooth implementation of the Paris Agreement. We made continued efforts to deepen South-South Cooperation on addressing climate change. By the end of last month, China has allocated 1.2 billion yuan in total, signed 43 cooperation documents and trained more than 2,000 relevant personnel from developing countries. 

Achieving the goals of peaking carbon emissions and carbon neutrality is necessary to relieving the serious constraints imposed by resources and the environment on China's economic growth and achieving sustainable development. Therefore, we have firm determination to achieve the "dual carbon" goals. It is also a solemn commitment toward building a community with a shared future for mankind. China always keeps its word and acts with resolve. We will fully implement the 1+N policy framework for peaking carbon emissions and achieving carbon neutrality, actively participate and play a leading role in global climate governance, making more and new contributions to building a beautiful China and responding to global climate change. Thank you.


National Business Daily:

Over the years, we have seen more lucid waters and lush mountains around us, and the sight of rare animals and plants has been caught more often than before. These are the results of China's efforts in ecological protection. What has China done to protect the eco-environment over the years? Speaking of eco-environment, we will think of COP15. As the COP15 presidency, what kind of role will China play in the second phase of the meeting? What goals does China have? Thank you.

Huang Runqiu:

Thank you for your questions. A beautiful ecological environment lays the foundation for achieving harmony between humans and nature. Since the 18th CPC National Congress, the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core has prioritized ecological protection in the efforts to promote ecological progress, stressed on more than one occasion the need to conduct holistic conservation and systematic governance of mountains, rivers, forests, farmlands, lakes, grasslands, and deserts, to improve the quality and stability of ecosystems and ensure natural ecological security. Over the past decade, we have made great achievements in this regard, and the works we have done are as follows:

First, the past decade has witnessed the overall improvement of the eco-environment protection system. In terms of laws and regulations, China has promulgated and revised more than 20 laws and regulations, including laws on bio safety and forests and laws on the protection of wild animals and wetlands. We have further strengthened legal protection for ecological environment. In terms of systems and measures, China initiated an ecological conservation redline system. More than 25 percent of China's land area has been demarcated for ecological protection under this system. China has established a national park-based nature reserve system and established the first batch of five national parks, including the Three-River-Source National Park, bringing 90% of land ecosystem types and 74% of national key protected wild animal and plant species under protection. By enforcing the ten-year fishing ban along the Yangtze River, rare aquatic species, including the Yangtze finless porpoise, which is often called the "smiling angel," has seen initial recovery. The number of aquatics species monitored in Dongting Lake increased by 30 from 2018 to 2021.

Second, the past decade has witnessed the greatest efforts for supervising ecological protection. By conducting central eco-environmental protection inspections, a series of prominent eco-environmental problems have been solved. For example, the Qilian Mountains, which suffered from significant damages, are now covered in greenery. The effort in ecological governance has seen great results. The northern slope of the Qinling Mountains has also undergone historical changes. Blind development was curbed, non-ecofriendly factors withdrew in an orderly manner, and the ecosystem has started to restore. We have worked with relevant departments to conduct the "Green Shield" campaign five years in a row to strengthen the supervision of nature reserves, which helped to solve more than 5,000 problems found in national nature reserves.

Third, the past decade has seen China effectively consolidate its shields for ecological security. We adhere to the holistic conservation and systematic governance of mountains, rivers, forests, farmlands, lakes, grasslands and deserts. We have steadily advanced 25 pilot projects to protect and restore mountain, water, forest, farmland, lake and grassland ecosystems, carried out major biodiversity protection projects, and designated 35 biological diversity conservation priority areas. The glossy ibis, which was once thought to be extinct, has reappeared. You can see that this picture is the glossy ibis, which is rare and has appeared again in our nature. Moreover, there are now new members of the critically endangered Hainan gibbon species, as seen in the picture above. The number of Hainan gibbons is constantly expanding. The critically endangered species of graptopetalum aquifolium that had been thought missing for a century has also been discovered again. In total, 112 unique, rare and endangered wild animals and plants have returned to the wild.

Fourth, the past decade has seen innovative development, during which we have turned "lucid waters and lush mountains" into "invaluable assets." We regard the construction of ecological civilization as an essential platform and carrier for practicing Xi Jinping Thought on Ecological Civilization, and successively organized and named five batches of 362 national ecological civilization demonstration cities and counties. Moreover, we have created 136practice and innovation bases for the "two mountains" concept, according to which "lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets." We have guided all localities to actively explore new ways to achieve green and high-quality development with ecological conservation as the priority. For example, the Jiawang district in Xuzhou, Jiangsu province. Through the vigorous implementation of restoration projects for mine subsidence, afforestation and water system management, this district has witnessed a massive transformation from "a city of half coal ash" to "a city of green hills and lakes."

Fifth, the past decade has seen China's increased participation in global biodiversity governance. We have actively implemented the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and its protocols. Over the past decade, China has accomplished its biodiversity conservation goals better than the global average. In October last year, as the president of the Conference of the Parties (COP) to the Convention, we successfully held the first phase of COP15 in Kunming. President Xi Jinping attended the conference and delivered a keynote speech, announcing the establishment of the Kunming Biodiversity Fund and other host country initiatives. In addition, the Kunming Declaration was adopted at COP15. The theme of this conference is "Ecological Civilization: Building a Shared Future for All Life on Earth," which has explained to the world China's ideas, propositions and actions to advance global ecological civilization. It has also contributed to the promotion of global ecological civilization and biodiversity conservation using Chinese wisdom, solutions and strength.

The reporter mentioned the second phase of COP15 just now. I think all of you are very concerned about it. Taking into account the domestic and international COVID-19 prevention and control situation, the location of the second phase of the conference will be changed to Montreal, Canada, the seat of the CBD Secretariat, from December 7 to 19, 2022. Although the location has changed, the theme of COP15 remains the same, "Ecological Civilization: Building a Shared Future for All Life on Earth." Under the same theme, China will continue to perform its duties as theCOP15 president to lead the agenda. Our goal is to reach an ambitious and pragmatic post-2020 global biodiversity framework that balances the objectives of the convention promotes global biodiversity and builds a shared future for all life on earth. Thank you.


China Daily:

Minister Huang, we know that soil is an important foundation for life to survive. A good soil environment is essential for breeding animals and plants, as well as for the lives of ordinary people. What is the current state of China's soil environment? Are there any problems now? How will the problems be fixed? Thank you.

Huang Runqiu:

Thank you for your question. Soil is the foundation of everything and the source of life, and it is important to prevent and control soil pollution. Since the 18th CPC National Congress, we have worked with various regions and departments to steadily keep our lands pollution-free. As a result, the soil pollution across the country has been effectively curbed, the overall soil environmental quality has remained stable and soil pollution risks have been kept under control. Overall, we have made progress in the following three areas.

First, we have carried out diagnostic assessments. Together with relevant departments, we have completed a detailed survey of soil pollution across the country and established a national soil environmental monitoring network comprising 80,000 points, covering all counties, cities and districts. We have identified the area and distribution of soil pollution in agricultural land and its impact on the quality of agricultural products, learned about the distribution and environmental risks of soil pollution in key industries and enterprises and shared relevant data with multiple departments.

Second, we have established a system. China has promulgated the Law on Prevention and Control of Soil Pollution, the first basic law on soil pollution prevention and control. We have clarified the principles of soil pollution prevention and control, featuring "prevention and protection first, classified management, and risk control." We have established a system of laws and regulations for soil pollution prevention and control to ensure that people don't worry about food or land quality. Together with relevant departments, we have successively issued departmental regulations such as soil environmental management measures for polluted land plots, agricultural land, and industrial and mining land and formulated a series of standards and specifications for controlling soil pollution risk in agricultural land and construction land.

Third, we have controlled the risks. Since the Thirteenth Five-Year Plan (2016–2020), we have strengthened the prevention at the source. Working with relevant departments, we have continued to take action in preventing and controlling heavy metal pollution sources such as cadmium in agricultural land soil and put more than 18,000 enterprises under stricter regulation. In terms of the safe use of contaminated farmland, we worked to reduce the risk of agricultural product pollution by adjusting the planting structure. For strictly controlled cultivated land, the measures we took to manage risks included withdrawing from the cultivation of edible agricultural products and turning farmland into forests. Regarding the safe use of construction land, we have conducted soil pollution surveys and assessments on more than 40,000 plots across the country in accordance with laws and regulations. A total of more than 1,500 plots of construction land have been included in the soil pollution risk management and restoration list. We strictly manage these lands, and those failing to meet the risk control and restoration requirement shall not be used as residential, public management, or public service land. For some vacated industrial plots, a combined measure of controlling soil pollution risk and building greens together has been adopted in certain areas. They planned and built urban green areas, which ensure not only safe use of land but also expand ecological green space for residents. In this way, economic returns and social and environmental benefits are pursued at the same time. 

I will give you an example. Taopu Industrial Park in Shanghai was once a chemical industrial zone built in 1954. It used to have severe soil and groundwater pollution. Over the years, the polluted land has been vacated and effectively treated and restored, and the park has become a pleasant green space in the city center. The park has undergone a transformation and has become a benchmark for transforming, upgrading and ecologically restoring Shanghai's old industrial bases.

Of course, we are also soberly aware that although fundamental changes have taken place in China's soil environmental quality, the foundation of work for soil pollution prevention and control is still weak. Going forward, we will work with relevant departments to do an excellent job in four aspects. First, we will adhere to the principle of precautionary prevention, strengthen the supervision and law enforcement of key soil pollution entities under supervision and prevent new soil pollution. Second, we will pay close attention to the areas with prominent arable land pollution, conduct investigations on the causes of pollution, implement a classified management system and continuously improve safe utilization. Third, we will strictly manage the land used for construction, strengthen joint supervision around the residential, public administration and public service land plots, and firmly end illegal development and utilization. Fourth, we will comprehensively promote the implementation of various tasks in the action plan for dealing with new pollutants and vigorously enhance the ability to address such pollutants. Thank you.


The Poster News APP:

Hello, Mr. Huang, every summer, many people choose to go to the seaside for vacation. The quality of seawater and the marine environment area matter of general concern. Since the 18th CPC National Congress, may I ask what work China has carried out in marine ecological and environmental protection, and what results have been achieved? What will be the focus of the next step? Thank you.

Huang Runqiu:

Thank you for your questions. The sea is a strategic place for high-quality development. Protecting the marine environment is significant for promoting high-quality development in coastal areas and building a harmonious relationship between humankind and the sea. General Secretary Xi Jinpingemphasized that we must attach great importance to developing a marine eco-civilization. This involves strengthening the prevention and control of marine environmental pollution, protecting marine biodiversity, realizing the orderly development and utilization of marine resources, and leaving a blue sea and blue sky for future generations. Since the 18th CPC National Congress, the main achievements of China's marine environmental protection can be summarized in four "new" characteristics:

First, a new pattern has been formed in the integrated land-sea governance system. In 2018, the responsibility for marine environmental protection was integrated into the MEE, combining the protection of both land and sea. We resolutely implement the reform of Party and government institutions, set up three supervision institutions for basin and marine environment in different sea areas, and established coordination mechanisms with relevant departments in marine environment monitoring and evaluation, supervision and law enforcement, protection and governance. Eleven coastal provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) and related municipal and county-level environment departments have also re-established marine ecological and environmental protection agencies, forming a new work pattern of coordinating land and sea protection, as well as coordination and cooperation across different levels.

Second, the quality of the marine environment has seen new improvements. We have further promoted the prevention and control of pollution in offshore areas, and the marine environment has been significantly improved. In the past 10years, among the rivers entering the sea which have national-level water-quality monitoring sections, 71.7% of water sections were graded in categories I-III, up 25 percentage points. The proportion of water sections graded as inferior category V decreased by 24 percentage points to 0.4%. The balance of excellent water quality in offshore areas across the country increased by about 17.6 percentage points to 81.3%. We have made great efforts to improve the water environment of the Bohai Sea region. All 30 tasks with established time frames have been completed with high quality, and the ecological environment of the Bohai Sea region has been significantly improved. We continue to promote the building of beautiful bays, and scenes of beautiful bays with clean water, clean beaches, schools of fish and flocks of gulls, and harmonious relationships between the sea and people have continued to emerge. Lingshan Bay in Qingdao city, Shandong province, has renovated 30kilometers of coastline for visitors and citizens to appreciate the sea. It is a magnificent transformation.

Third, marine environment management and protection efficiency has achieved a new leap forward. Since the institutional reform, we have promoted optimizing and integrating the land-sea monitoring network and gradually built a marine environment monitoring network based on 1,359 national-level monitoring sites. We have further improved the marine environment supervision system. All coastal provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) have comprehensively cleaned up sewage outfalls into seas. Nearly 19,000 sewage outfalls have been reviewed in the Bohai Sea region. All localities have also continued to strengthen the supervision of the marine aquaculture ecological environment and the management of marine garbage. Fujian province's Ningde city focused on the green transformation of marine aquaculture, upgrading traditional foam net cages to environment-friendly plastic net cages, significantly reducing fishery waste and transforming the sea garbage dump in the past into a beautiful idyllic "sea garden."

We, together with relevant departments, continue to strengthen marine ecological protection and restoration. Up to now, the marine ecological protection red lines of 11 coastal provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) have all been delineated, and a total of 145 marine nature reserves have been established nationwide, with a total area of about 7.91 million hectares. During the 13th Five-Year Plan period, we have improved and restored 1,200 kilometers of coastline and 23,000 hectares of coastal wetlands. By 2021, all 24 marine ecosystems included in the monitoring had largely recovered from an "unhealthy" state.

Fourth, a new mechanism for marine environment surveillance and law enforcement has been formed. We have made greater efforts to ensure that  responsibilities for marine environment governance are fulfilled. Since 2015, the environmental inspections carried out by the central government have revealed more than 150 salient problems concerning marine environment and we have urged local governments to make effective rectifications. We continue to strengthen law enforcement for marine environmental protection. In recent years, we have cooperated with the China Coast Guard and other departments to carry out special surveillance and law enforcement actions such as "Blue Sea," which has formed a solid deterrent to violations of laws and regulations related to the marine environment.

During the 14th Five-Year Plan period, we will work with relevant departments and coastal localities to focus on building beautiful bays as the main task and the improvement of the marine environment as the priority, improve the environment in key sea areas. We will work to advance the management of bays with a holistic approach and tailored measures, continue to improve our capacity for coordinated protection of land and sea.We will promote high-quality economic development in coastal areas with high-level marine environment protection. Thank you.


Chen Wenjun: 

The last question.

Red Star News:

Good morning, Mr. Huang. Over the past decade, we see that ecological and environmental protection has gained much more attention. The past decade has witnessed stricter measures and more interdepartmental collaboration for environmental protection. Could you brief us on the development of the legal and institutional framework regarding ecological and environmental protection? What landmark achievements have been made? Thank you.

Huang Runqiu:

Thank you for the questions. General Secretary Xi Jinping has emphasized on many occasions that developing institutions is essential for ecological conservation. The ecological environment should be protected with strict institutions and the rule of law. This is the essence of Xi Jinping Thought on Ecological Civilization. Under the sound guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Ecological Civilization and Xi Jinping Thought on the Rule of Law, we have seen more vital legislation, more newly-introduced institutions and stricter regulation and law enforcement regarding ecological and environmental protection than ever before.

The past decade has seen stronger legislation on ecological and environmental protection than ever before. Both the quantity and quality of new laws have been improved. As a fundamental and overarching law in ecological and environmental protection, the Environmental Protection Law was comprehensively revised and came into force in 2015. The newly amended law stipulates punitive measures such as levying fines accumulating by the day, closing down or distraining pollution-causing facilities and equipment , and detention, thus being called the strictest environmental protection law in history. The Standing Committee of the National People's Congress formulated and amended 25 laws related to ecological and environmental protection, covering air, water, soil, solid waste and noise pollution prevention and control. In addition, it looked at laws related to essential ecosystems and elements such as the Yangtze River, wetlands, and chernozem soil. More than 30 laws on ecological environment protection have come into force, forming a comprehensive, practical, effective, and stringent socialist legal system on ecological environment protection with Chinese characteristics. In addition, ecological civilization was written into the country's Constitution. Moreover, the civil code included the green principle as a general principle of civil activities. Finally, the Criminal Law and its amendments clearly defined the crimes of polluting the environment and destroying resources. These are all highlights of legislation on environmental protection in the past decade.

Second, the past decade has witnessed more newly-introduced institutions on ecological and environmental protection than ever before. In 2015, the CPC Central Committee and the State Council promulgated two top-level design documents-the guidelines on accelerating ecological advancement and the integrated reform plan for promoting ecological progress. Since then, a series of innovative systems have been introduced, such as the central supervision system for environmental protection, the reform of the vertical management system for monitoring, supervision, and law enforcement of eco-environmental institutions that are at and below the provincial level, and the emissions permit system . Law enforcement officers for ecological protection have been included in the system of coordinated law enforcement by government departments and wear the same uniforms as other personnel in the system. An institutional framework has taken shape, providing an institutional base for advancing ecological conservation and environmental protection.

In particular, the central supervision system for ecological and environmental protection has played a crucial role. A press conference held by the State Council Information Office this July introduced the progress in implementing the system. Here, I would like to add some points.

General Secretary Xi Jinping personally planned, deployed, and promoted the central supervision system for ecological and environmental protection, a major institutional innovation and reform measure of the Party and the country. The system has facilitated the implementation of Xi Jinping Thought on Ecological Civilization, ensured that both CPC committees and governments are held accountable and that officials take responsibility for ecological and environmental protection in performing their duties , helped resolve a large number of environmental problems, promoted high-quality economic development, and become a litmus test of the officials' sense of responsibility. During the two rounds of supervision, we released 262representative cases, and handled287,000 tip-offs and complaint letters, of which 286,000 have been settled. Moreover, 18,000 officials were held accountable during the first round. It is fair to say that the supervision has achieved sound political, economic, environmental and social effects.

Third, the past decade has witnessed the strictest regulation and law enforcement as well as the most effective implementation of the legal system. Statistics speak volumes. In 2021, the number of administrative penalty cases concerning environmental protection was 1.6 times that before the implementation of the new environmental protection law. From 2013 to 2021, the people's courts tried an average of more than 2,000 cases involving pollution crimes per year, while the number was several dozens and sometimes less than 20 per year before 2013. Since the newly revised environmental protection law came into force in 2015, there have been over 170,000 cases involving fines accumulating by the day, closing down or distraining pollution-causing facilities and equipment, production restrictions and halts, detention, and pollution crimes.

While enforcing the law, we have made full use of information technology such as modern remote sensing and big data, as well as advanced equipment such as mobile laboratories, drones, and uncrewed ships. We have established an integrated "air-space-land" monitoring mechanism to identify problems and clues accurately, thus significantly enhancing the ability to detect polluters. I have a photo here to show you. You can see that some companies discharge sewage into the river using pipes hidden under the ground. Generally, it is difficult to find, but our infrared imagers can easily detect the act. These enterprises have been severely punished. At the same time, we have optimized law enforcement methods, improved law enforcement efficiency, and implemented a positive list system for supervision and law enforcement to see that the law-abiding are let be and lawbreakers are punished in accordance with the law.

Going forward, we will continue to follow the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Ecological Civilization and Xi Jinping Thought on the Rule of Law, improve the legal and institutional system for ecological and environmental protection, promote precise, scientific and law-based pollution control, and at the same time offer more guidance and assistance to enterprises to boost high-quality development. Thank you.

Chen Wenjun:

Thank you, Mr. Huang. Thank you to friends from the media. Today's press conference is now concluded. See you!

Translated and edited by Wang Qian, Xu Xiaoxuan, Zhang Liying, Wang Yanfang, Liu Sitong, Xu Kailin, Li Huiru, Liu Jianing, Cui Can, Ma Yujia, Wang Yiming, Zhang Rui, Huang Shan, David Ball, Jay Birbeck, and Tom Arnstein. In case of any discrepancy between the English and Chinese texts, the Chinese version is deemed to prevail.