ㄑ Publicity Department of CPC Central Committee holds press conference on China's civil affairs in the new era

Press conference on China's civil affairs in the new era | September 20, 2022


Recently, the MCA, together with relevant departments, has issued a series of measures aimed at making up for the shortcomings of community governance and services, promoting college graduates to seek employment and entrepreneurship at communities, and ensuring community prevention and control of COVID-19. May I ask how to promote the mutual facilitation of these three goals in practice? What are the main directions for the next step?

General Secretary Xi Jinping attaches great importance to community work. At every local inspection visit, he would go to villages or communities and give important instructions. This year, the MCA has reported to the CPC Central Committee to issue the Opinions on Regulating the Work of Affairs, Mechanism Brands, and Certification Requirements of Village-level Organizations. Together with relevant departments, the MCA has issued policies and guidelines to further promote the construction of smart communities and taken strong steps to help the employment of college graduates in urban and rural communities in 2022, improve comprehensive service functions at the village level, do a good job in setting up special posts, and formulating guidelines for volunteer work in terms of community epidemic prevention and control. Through these solid measures, the important instructions given by General Secretary Xi Jinping have been implemented steadfastly in guiding all localities to reinforce points of weakness in community governance and services, in building a strong community defensive line against pandemic, and in guiding college graduates to find employment and start businesses at the community level. Since urban and rural community governance is a systematic project, we will work in concert to step up the connection and mutual promotion between the three goals in the following four aspects.

The first is to stick to regular epidemic prevention and control measures to foster a sound environment. We will accelerate the full coverage of the public health committee mechanism under the urban residents committees and villagers committees, improve the community COVID-19 prevention and control network, and build phase-based community pandemic prevention and control teams in order to strengthen related workforce and emergency capacity building. We will improve the working mechanism involving the switch between emergencies and regular operations, actively mobilize community volunteers to fight against COVID-19, and consolidate the defense line, involving all of society to help contain the virus.

The second is to build professional teams to pursue development. We will standardize the annual recruitment process of community workers to ensure the quality of community workers from the very beginning and encourage college graduates to work in the communities or start businesses there. We will improve the incentive system for community workers and study policies and measures for community team-building exercises together with relevant departments. We will improve the community worker vocational system, establish a post-based remuneration system, enhance the dynamic adjustment mechanism, and increase community worker capabilities and training systems to continuously enhance the professional level of community workers.

The third is to strengthen weak links by improving village-level comprehensive service capabilities. Since the 18th CPC National Congress, great progress has been made in the construction of the rural community service system. However, rural areas still lag behind in this regard. We will focus on issues of the utmost and immediate concern to the people's well-being and improve the service capabilities of villages, further improve the functions of basic public service needs, promote equal access to basic public services, enrich and diversify the supply of services concerning daily life, so as to secure people's basic living needs in rural areas, meet the new needs of villagers' daily lives, and boost rural revitalization and common prosperity.

The fourth is to improve efficiency through information technology. We will accelerate the construction of smart communities and create a new model of community governance services based on digitalization and intelligence. We should strengthen the construction and transformation of smart community infrastructure, focus on building a smart community comprehensive information platform, expand smart community governance scenarios, and map out the building of a community of digital life. We will also promote the application of big data in the communities, streamline and consolidate community data recording, and make full use of big data, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and other information technology methods to integrate various service resources in the communities as well as help community epidemic prevention and control and community governance services.

We have also seen that the modernization of urban and rural primary-level governance has always been progressing. In the next step, together with relevant departments, we will continue to channel resources, management, and services down to the community level and continuously promote the modernization of primary-level governance systems and governance capabilities to empower, improve quality, ease burdens, and increase efficiency for communities. Thank you.

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