ㄑ Publicity Department of CPC Central Committee holds press conference on China's civil affairs in the new era

Press conference on China's civil affairs in the new era | September 20, 2022

Shou Xiaoli:

Now, the floor is open to questions. Please identify the media outlet you represent before asking questions.


The Party and the country have always attached great importance to people's basic living needs and social assistance. What achievements has the MCA made in improving the social assistance system and ensuring and improving the basic living of people with difficulties? Going forward, what arrangements will the MCA make?

Zhan Chengfu:

This topic is of great concern to reporters at this press conference and also to the whole society. Today, Mr. Liu Xitang, head of the Department of Social Assistance of the MCA, is here at the conference and I would like to invite him to answer your questions.

Liu Xitang:

Since the 18th CPC National Congress, the MCA has thoroughly implemented the guiding principles of the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping and the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee. The MCA has also worked with relevant departments to comprehensively implement various social assistance policies and made historic achievements.

First, a basic social assistance system with Chinese characteristics has been established. The system's main provisions are basic living assistance, special assistance, and emergency social relief assistance, supplemented by public participation. It covers all assistance forces by integrating urban and rural endeavors in a tiered, classified, comprehensive and highly efficient manner. The two basic living assistance systems, which target people living on subsistence allowances or in extreme poverty, have matured. Special assistance systems covering medical, education, housing, employment and disaster relief, have offered timely help to people in need. Emergency social relief assistance such as temporary assistance and assistance for beggars and the homeless have also aided people in temporary difficulties. It can be said that the living difficulties of both urban and rural residents can all be addressed by corresponding systems.

Second, an institutional guarantee has been offered to ensure that all members of disadvantaged groups have their basic living needs met. The subsistence allowance system we are familiar with is the primary institutional arrangement to provide for the basic needs of people of disadvantaged groups. The subsistence allowance system has become more mature, standardized, inclusive and considerate in determining eligibility, income accounting, business process, fund distribution and dynamic management. For instance, the subsistence allowance scheme has expanded its scope to include people with serious illness or severe disability from families just outside the margin of eligibility. It has also added regulations on employment cost deduction and allowed a "grace period" for previously impoverished people. The extreme poverty relief system has integrated another two assistance systems into a basic living assistance system which runs in parallel with the subsistence allowance system. The two assistance systems mentioned above include one for helping urban residents who are incapable of work, have no source of income, and have no legal supporters, and another for assisting rural residents with guarantees for food, clothing, medical care, housing and burial expenses. The temporary assistance system has focused on addressing the urgent needs of people in difficulties, providing solutions to emergencies and pressing problems that affect people's basic living. In 2021, more than 46.8 million people living with difficulties were included in the subsistence allowance or extreme poverty relief system, and 11.986 million people received temporary assistance throughout the year. These figures are dynamic and change from year to year.

Third, social assistance has achieved leapfrog growth. In addition to the changes in the subsistence allowances over the past decade introduced by Mr. Zhan, I would like to sketch another piece of data. Over the past 10 years, governments at all levels have spent 2.04 trillion yuan on basic living allowances and subsidies, effectively guaranteeing the basic needs of people of disadvantaged groups. Subsistence and other allowances were given out in full and in a timely manner.

Fourth, it has played an essential role in winning the battle against poverty and building a moderately prosperous society in all respects. When we fought against poverty, 19.36 million registered impoverished people received subsistence allowances or extreme poverty aid, accounting for 19.6% of the population lifted out of poverty. After winning the battle against poverty, we continued to consolidate the results of poverty alleviation. We provided 2.77 million people with subsistence allowances and extreme poverty aid, including those who have just emerged from poverty but whose position is far from secure, those on the verge of poverty who can easily fall back, and those experiencing difficulties in meeting their basic needs due to sudden events. 

Fifth, we have implemented dynamic monitoring of the low-income population. The MCA has established a national low-income population dynamic monitoring platform, which collects basic information on more than 62 million low-income people, or about 4.4% of the country's total population. At the same time, with relevant departments, we have improved the tiered and classified aid mechanism and carried out targeted assistance to ensure that various aid policies are focused and timely.

Next, following the requirements of system integration, coordination and ensuring efficiency, we will continue to deepen the reform of the social assistance system, expand the application of the dynamic monitoring information platform for low-income populations, innovate and optimize assistance services, and further foster a “safety net” meeting people's basic living needs. Thank you.

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