ㄑ Publicity Department of CPC Central Committee holds press conference on progress and achievements in upholding and improving the system of CPC-led multi-party cooperation and political consultation in the new era

Press conference on progress and achievements in upholding and improving the system of CPC-led multi-party cooperation and political consultation in the new era | August 26, 2022

Southern Metropolis Daily:

The proposal-related work has attracted a lot of attention from the public. Since the 18th CPC National Congress, what new measures has the CPPCC National Committee taken to strengthen the work? Thank you.

Zhang Jing'an:

Thank you for your question. The proposal-related work is an overall, comprehensive and regular task of the CPPCC, and is one of the major ways for the CPPCC to perform its functions. Since the 18th CPC National Congress, the CPPCC National Committee has conscientiously implemented the guiding principles of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions, and focused on improving the quality of proposals. Over the past decade, the CPPCC National Committee has received more than 58,000 proposals, of which more than 47,000 have been placed on file following review. These proposals, which pooled the wisdom and hard work of CPPCC members, have been carefully handled, and a large number have been adopted and transformed into policy measures to promote economic and social development. They provide important references for the scientific and democratic decision-making of the Party and the government. The proposals fully demonstrate the important role of the CPPCC as a specialized consultative body in promoting whole-process people's democracy, and reflect the sense of responsibility and performance of CPPCC members. There are four main measures we can take in this regard to do a better job in the new era:

First, attach greater importance to the quality of proposals. We formulated the Opinion on Improving the Quality of Proposals, emphasizing that quality is at the heart of proposals, and it is the quality not the quantity of proposals that matters most. Careful investigation and research should be carried out before making proposals. We encourage members to concentrate on putting forward one or two high-quality proposals every year. We have also created strict standards for the review of proposals, requiring that the opinions and suggestions put forward in the proposals are clear, specific, operable and feasible. We have established mechanisms to evaluate the quality of proposals and to select and commend excellent proposals, so that they can play an exemplary and leading role.

Second, deepen proposal-based consultation. Just as Ms. Zou mentioned, consultation is true consultation, and practically runs through the whole process concerning proposals. We have worked out concrete consultation methods all over the process, from making proposals, reviewing them, and transferring them to relevant departments for handling, to supervising the handling of key proposals, providing feedback, and other links. In addition, these departments responsible for the handling of proposals should take consultation as a necessary step, and promote problem-solving and enhance consensus through consultation.

Third, strengthen the supervision over the handling of key proposals. The Chairperson's Council meeting of the CPPCC National Committee identifies key proposals through research each year. Members of the council take the lead in supervising the handling of the proposals which are of overall, strategic and forward-looking importance, and those that will have a significant influence on the national economy and people's livelihood. Let me give an example. Wang Yang, chairman of the CPPCC National Committee, has supervised the handling of key proposals for four consecutive years, focusing on major themes such as agricultural food safety, consolidating poverty alleviation achievements, ecological protection of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, and protection and inheritance of history and culture. Through field research, on-site consultation symposiums, and other means, he has helped to build consultation platforms for those who submitted proposals and the departments responsible for handling them, so that the issues can be well addressed.

Fourth, focus on improving the work mechanism in this regard. We deepened the understanding of the rules of proposal-making, formed a system with the regulations on proposal-related work as the mainstay, and introduced a number of other special supporting regulations. We have formulated a series of measures for regular meetings with non-CPC parties and with those departments responsible for the handling of proposals, so as to leverage the role of proposal-making in advancing the modernization of the national governance system and governance capacity. Thank you.

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