Publicity Department of CPC Central Committee holds press conference on progress and achievements in upholding and improving the system of CPC-led multi-party cooperation and political consultation in the new era
Beijing | 10 a.m. Aug. 16, 2022


Chen Xu, deputy director of the United Front Work Department of the CPC Central Committee

Zou Jiayi, deputy secretary general of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference

Sang Fuhua, director general of the Bureau of Non-CPC Political Parties Work of the United Front Work Department of the CPC Central Committee

Zhang Jing'an, vice chairman for executive affairs of the Committee on Proposals of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference


Chen Wenjun, spokesperson of the Publicity Department of the CPC Central Committee

Read in Chinese


Chen Xu, deputy director of the United Front Work Department of the CPC Central Committee

Zou Jiayi, deputy secretary general of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC)

Zhang Jing'an, vice chairman of the Committee on Proposals of the CPPCC National Committee

Sang Fuhua, head of the Bureau of Non-CPC Political Parties Work of the United Front Work Department of the CPC Central Committee


Chen Wenjun, spokesperson of the Publicity Department of the CPC Central Committee


Aug. 16, 2022

Chen Wenjun:

Ladies and gentlemen, good morning. Welcome to this press conference held by the Publicity Department of the CPC Central Committee. Today, we are holding the 19th press conference under the theme of "China in the past decade." We have invited Ms. Chen Xu, deputy director of the United Front Work Department of the CPC Central Committee, and Ms. Zou Jiayi, deputy secretary general of the CPPCC National Committee. They will brief you on the progress and achievements in upholding and improving the system of CPC-led multi-party cooperation and political consultation in the new era. Also joining us today are Mr. Zhang Jing'an, vice chairman of the Committee on Proposals of the CPPCC National Committee, and Mr. Sang Fuhua, head of the Bureau of Non-CPC Political Parties Work of the United Front Work Department of the CPC Central Committee.

Now, let's give the floor to Ms. Chen for her introduction.

Chen Xu:

Ladies and gentlemen, friends, good morning. At the end of last month, from July 29-30, on the centenary of the CPC's clear identification of its united front policy, the CPC Central Committee convened the Central Conference on United Front Work. General Secretary Xi Jinping's important thoughts on advancing the Party's united front work in the new era is the most important theoretical outcome of the conference. General Secretary Xi called for "12 musts" in his speech, which include that we must uphold, develop and improve China's new model of political party system. That is, the system of multi-party cooperation and political consultation under the leadership of the CPC.

Since the 18th CPC National Congress, under the strong leadership of the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, the new model of political party system has made new progress in line with the new era, demonstrated its unique strengths in the country's political and social spheres, and provided China's wisdom and solutions to the development of global political civilization. I would like to share with you the following aspects:

First, over the past decade, the top-level design regarding the new model of political party system has become clearer. The CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core has implemented the strategy of national rejuvenation within the context of global changes of a scale unseen in a century, included upholding and improving the system of multi-party cooperation and political consultation under the leadership of the CPC into the Party's basic policy. It stated clearly that the system is a new model of political party system; that other political parties are participating parties in state governance under Chinese socialism, with basic functions of participation in and deliberation on state affairs, democratic oversight and CPC-led political consultation; and that multi-party cooperation shall take new momentum, build more consensus and undertake new initiatives to fulfill its duties. Other political parties should act as the advisors, assistants and partners of the CPC. These new theories, ideas and propositions have systematically answered major questions including "what kind of multi-party cooperation system and participating parties should we develop in the new era" and "how should these goals be achieved?" The new model of political party system is clearly oriented, and has become a good system which is making steady progress.

Second, over the past decade, the framework of the new model of political party system has been better developed. To advance the work of political consultation, enhance socialist consultative democracy and improve other political parties' participation in state governance, the CPC Central Committee has formulated specific intraparty regulations and multiple important documents, supported and assisted other political parties in enhancing themselves, and issued a series of important documents concerning the development of the organizations, building of the leadership and internal supervision. Now, we have put in place an institutional framework based on the Constitution, focusing on intraparty regulations and documents, and supplemented by supportive policies. The new model of political party system is working smoothly and has become a well-equipped good system.

Third, over the past decade, the political consensus under the new model of political party system has been consolidated. We have supported other political parties in studying Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, launched initiatives on the theme of "Renewing Cooperation and Forging Ahead Together," and conducted education and learning activities on the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, the centenary of the CPC, and the 70th anniversary of the "May 1st slogans" to uphold the good tradition of multi-party cooperation. In the new era and on the new journey, the CPC has united and led other political parties and prominent figures without party affiliation to overcome various risks and challenges, fight shoulder to shoulder, and build the broadest possible consensus. The new model of political party system has brought harmony and stability and become a good system conducive to building consensus.

Fourth, the new model of political party system has become more effective. Other political parties and prominent figures without party affiliation have kept in mind the country's most fundamental interests, actively fulfilled their duties, shared valuable advice on promoting prosperity for all, pursued the carbon peaking and carbon neutrality goals and other important issues, and conducted democratic oversight of poverty reduction efforts and the protection of the Yangtze River ecosystem. They have demonstrated their unique strengths and contributed their wisdom. Many of their opinions and suggestions have been translated into the Party's and the country's decisions and plans. Amid the great transformation of the past decade in the new era, the CPC has exercised strong leadership, while other political parties and prominent figures without party affiliation have stood firmly by and acted together with the CPC. The new model of political party system has pooled wisdom and strength and become a good system with unique charm.

To sum up, history and practice have fully shown that the new model of political party system is a brand-new model of party politics in line with China's realities and featuring unique characteristics. We are fully convinced that under the strong leadership of the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, the new model of political party system, as a good system with China's distinct vision, style and values, will further demonstrate extraordinary strengths and make more solid progress. Thank you.


Chen Wenjun:

Thank you, Ms. Chen. Let's give the floor to Ms. Zou for her introduction.

Zou Jiayi:

Thank you, Mr. Chen. Friends from the media, good morning. It's a great pleasure to brief you on the new practice and progress of the CPPCC since the 18th CPC National Congress.

Since the congress, the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core has attached great importance to the development of the CPPCC's cause, and promoted innovation in theories, practice and institutions. In 2019, the Central Conference on the CPPCC's Work was convened, outlining a clearer direction for the development of the CPPCC's cause in the new era, and enabling the CPPCC to make new historic achievements.

First, we have implemented General Secretary Xi Jinping's important thoughts on strengthening and improving the CPPCC's work and promoted innovation in theories. Since the 18th CPC National Congress, General Secretary Xi Jinping, with the general picture of the Party's and the country's development, expounded on the roles, functions and responsibilities of the CPPCC as well as the requirements of its practice and the focus of its work, which is a development of the Party's theory on the CPPCC. For the first time, General Secretary Xi Jinping made it clear that the CPPCC is an institution specializing in socialist consultative democracy, a key component of China's state governance system, and an institutional arrangement with Chinese features, and that strengthening theoretical and political guidance and building broad consensus is a central part of the CPPCC's work. The CPPCC has thoroughly studied and implemented General Secretary Xi Jinping's important thoughts, made great efforts to make ourselves an important front for upholding and strengthening the Party's leadership in all areas of work, a key platform for uniting, educating and guiding representatives from different sectors with the Party's new theories, and a vital channel for resolving differences and building consensus based on shared ideology and political foundations.

Second, we have effectively supported national governance and promoted innovation in the practices of the CPPCC as a specialized consultative body. The specialized consultative body is a new role of the CPPCC in the new era, and the 13th CPPCC National Committee has taken building in this regard as an overall, basic, and strategic project. Over the past decade, we have convened 18 special meetings of the Standing Committee, 20 special consultative meetings, 140 biweekly consultative symposiums, 16 online remote consultative meetings, and 51 expert consultative meetings centering on the country's most fundamental interests and the people's concerns, constantly innovating and improving consultation methods and platforms. The biweekly consultative symposium, launched by the 12th CPPCC National Committee, has greatly increased the frequency of consultation and enables timely and adequate consultation on some important issues. The remote consultative meeting and the expert consultative meeting, launched by the 13th CPPCC National Committee according to new situation and tasks, have further expanded the depth and breadth of consultation. The remote consultative meeting has extended consultation to companies, campuses, communities, villages, and so on by means of online video. I still remember once when we carried out consultation on the eco-environment protection of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, we got to see the plateau directly and its eco-environment clearly via video. The expert consultative meeting has enabled small-scale prospective studies on some major and complex issues, at which some CPPCC members and experts are invited for in-depth discussions on a single issue, perhaps not once but several times, and provide insights for the Party and the government's decision-making through in-depth consultation. These forms of consultation have become important brands of the CPPCC National Committee in consultation and deliberation. At the same time, the CPPCC has leveraged its distinctive advantage of consultative oversight and exercised democratic oversight over the implementation of the CPC Central Committee's major decisions and plans.

Third, we have improved working systems and mechanisms and promoted institutional innovation of the CPPCC. In 2018, the First Session of the 13th CPPCC National Committee voted to adopt an amendment to the CPPCC's charter, establishing Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era as the guiding ideology of the CPPCC and the common ideological and political foundation for strengthening unity and motivating hard work. Over the past decade, the CPPCC National Committee has further implemented the regulations of the CPC on political consultation, the guidelines of the CPC Central Committee on strengthening and improving the work of the CPPCC in the new era, and the guidelines on pushing forward the CPPCC's consultative democracy and the guidelines on strengthening and improving the work of the CPPCC at municipal and county levels in the new era issued by the General Office of the CPC Central Committee; it has formulated over 100 working systems, such as consultation rules, and constructed an institutional system covering all aspects of the work of the CPPCC based on the CPPCC's charter and with the consultation systems as the backbone. Recently, we are conscientiously studying and implementing the regulations of the CPC on political consultation promulgated not long ago, further contributing to the system construction of the CPPCC.

Fourth, we have built consensus in an extensive and in-depth manner and strengthened the great unity of the Chinese people at home and abroad. The CPPCC National Committee has adhered to practices promoting democracy and unity, contributed advice to decision-making and efforts to consensus building, improved the working pattern for consensus building covering both within the Party and beyond and both CPPCC members and people in different sectors, promoting harmonious relations among political parties, ethnic groups, religions, social strata, and compatriots at home and abroad. We have focused on leading consensus on the basis of the common ideological and political foundation, carried out in-depth education in the history of the Party, and the history of China, including the PRC, reform and opening up, and the development of socialism, and carried out activities themed "carrying forward the great founding spirit of the Party for still greater glory" in light of actual conditions. We have focused on building consensus amid consultation, integrated consensus building into duty performance activities such as inspections, investigations, surveys, studies, and consultative meetings, and strengthened interactions and exchanges. We have paid attention to building consensus when educating ourselves, established systems of talks with members and a reading platform for all members, and organized themed inspections of members covering 34 sectors for three consecutive years. We have focused on communicating consensus among the public, and set up lecturer teams composed of CPPCC members and lecture platforms for them to publicize policies and answer relevant questions.

That's all I have for now. Thank you.

Chen Wenjun:

Thank you, Ms. Zou. The floor is now open for questions. Please identify the media outlet you represent before raising questions.



The CPC Central Committee issued the regulations of the CPC on political consultation in June this year. Can you brief us on the purpose and the main contents of the regulations? In addition, can you brief us on the impact of the regulations on multiparty cooperation? How will the CPPCC organize and carry out political consultation in accordance with the regulations?

Chen Wenjun:

These questions involve both the United Front Work Department and the CPPCC National Committee. Let's invite Ms. Chen from the United Front Work Department to answer first.

Chen Xu:

Thank you for your questions, and I will make some briefings first. First, we should talk about what political consultation is. Political consultation refers to consultation led by the CPC and conducted between the CPC and other political parties and representatives from all sectors of society on the major policies of the Party and the country, major issues concerning economic and social development, and other important affairs. Therefore, the regulations were promulgated to strengthen the Party's leadership of political consultation and make it more scientific, institutionalized, and standard, uphold and improve the system of multiparty cooperation and political consultation under the leadership of the CPC, and consolidate and develop the patriotic united front. The document issued in June this year, on further implementing General Secretary Xi Jinping's important thinking on the Party's united front work in the new era and strengthening and improving the work of the CPPCC under the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, made comprehensive regulations regarding political consultation. The regulations consist of 31 articles in eight chapters. The first chapter, general provisions, consists of five articles, mainly clarifying the purpose and basis of the regulations, the definition, role, and basic modes of political consultation, and the guiding and important principles of political consultation. The second chapter, organization, leadership, and responsibilities, consists of four articles, mainly clarifying the specific responsibilities of the CPC Central Committee, local Party committees at all levels, the united front work departments, and the leading Party groups of the CPPCC in political consultation. The third chapter, contents and objects of political consultation, consists of four articles, mainly clarifying some substantive content of political consultation. The fourth to seventh chapters, refer to activity preparation, implementation, outcome application, and feedback, respectively, and guarantee mechanisms of political consultation, consisting of 16 articles in total, mainly clarifying the procedural content of political consultation. The eighth chapter, supplementary provisions, consists of two articles on the final interpretation and the date of implementation of the regulations.

The regulations are the first intra-Party regulations specifically designed by the CPC Central Committee to regulate political consultation and are the guidelines for political consultation in the new era. As for the role and influence of the regulations on multiparty cooperation, the formulation and implementation of the regulations is conducive to strengthening the Party's leadership over political consultation, improving the quality and efficiency of political consultation, upholding and improving China's new type of political party system, and better leveraging the role of multiparty cooperation to consolidate and develop the patriotic united front in the new era. It is also conducive for non-CPC personnel to contributing advice to decision-making, building consensus, pooling wisdom, and making greater contributions to building a moderately prosperous society in all respects.

That's all I have for now. Thank you.

Zou Jiayi:

Let me answer the second part of your question on how we carry out political consultation via the CPPCC. The regulations of the CPC on political consultation work stipulate that consultation of political parties and political consultation of the CPPCC are two basic methods of political consultation. Political consultation of the CPPCC is conducted in the CPPCC by the CPC with other political parties and representatives from all walks of life. It is an integral part of the system of multiparty cooperation and political consultation under the leadership of the CPC, with a glorious tradition and political advantages.

Since the 18th National Congress of the CPC, General Secretary Xi Jinping has visited CPPCC members many times during annual NPC and CPPCC sessions and participated in the joint group meetings of the CPPCC to discuss state affairs with CPPCC members. Such familiar expositions as fostering a cordial and clean relationship between government and business and upholding and improving China's new political party system were made by Xi in discussing state affairs with CPPCC members. These examples are vivid expressions of the CPPCC's political consultative practice. The CPPCC has attached great importance to the study and implementation of the regulations, performed its duties as stipulated in the regulations, organized its political consultations in accordance with the procedures and methods required by the regulations, and upheld the Party's leadership throughout the whole process and all aspects of its political consultations. All of its efforts are made to better serve the Party's and the country's overall interests.

First, we have implemented the annual consultation plan. We have focused on national principles and policies, important local measures, critical issues of making progress in the economic, political, cultural, social, and eco-environmental fields, and important issues regarding the united front. As a result, we have proposed the agenda for the annual consultation based on soliciting opinions from relevant parties, drafted an annual consultation plan to be submitted to the CPC Standing Committee meeting of the CPPCC for confirmation, and implemented it after it was deliberated and adopted according to procedures.

Second, we have conducted surveys and research. We have innovated survey forms, improved research methods, and promoted research on special topics, joint research, video research, independent research, and commissioned research for in-depth research results to lay a solid foundation for high-quality political consultation.

Third, we have made effective use of multiple consultation forms. In terms of the characteristics of different consultation forms, such as CPPCC plenary sessions, standing committee meetings for political deliberations on special topics, forums on specific subjects, and consultative seminars, we have improved the organizing method for the meetings by matching the forms of meetings with consultation contents to increase the efficiency of political consultation.

Fourth, we have focused on building and enhancing consensus. We need to engage in genuine consultation and deepen interactions and exchanges. We must deepen understanding and build consensus by seeking common ground while shelving and narrowing differences. We work to build consensus among all sectors of the society on the propositions of the CPC and translate them into actions, and rally the strengths of all sectors around the CPC to expand the convergence of interests.

Fifth, we have fully used the achievements from consultation activities and sought feedback. We have reviewed these achievements without delay and promoted their application for the reference of sound decision-making and effective policy implementation. Thank you.


Tianmu News: 

The regulations of the CPC on united front work require governments, courts, and procuratorates at all levels to appoint non-CPC officials to hold leading positions. Could you give us more details about the current appointed non-CPC officials? Do they really have positions with authority? Thank you.

Chen Xu:

Thank you for your question; let me answer it. This is a good question. It is an important institutional arrangement of China's new political party system to appoint non-CPC officials to hold leading positions in government departments and judicial organs at all levels to enhance cooperation between the CPC, other political parties, and non-affiliates. Adhering to the principle of equality, democratic consultation, and sincere cooperation, the CPC supports non-CPC officials in governments and judicial organs at all levels to fulfill their duties and give full play to their roles. Currently, 19 other political party members and the non-affiliates hold leading positions in the Supreme People's Court, the Supreme People's Procuratorate, State Council ministries, commissions and offices, and bureaus directly under the State Council. For instance, Huang Runqiu, vice chairman of the Central Committee of the Jiusan Society and minister of Ecology and Environment, is a non-CPC official working as the head of a department of the State Council. Tao Kaiyuan, vice chairman of the Central Committee of the China Association for Promoting Democracy, is vice president of the Supreme People's Court. Gan Lin, vice chairman of the Central Committee of the China Zhi Gong Party, is deputy head of the State Administration for Market Regulation and commissioner of the State Anti-Monopoly Bureau. Gao Hongjun, a non-affiliate, is vice president of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. All of them have fulfilled their duties in their positions and play a good role.

As of June 2021, a total of 29 non-CPC officials served as vice-governors (vice-chairpersons and vice-mayors) in 31 provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities of China, and 380 were members of the leadership of prefectural and municipal governments. Moreover, there were 45 vice-presidents and deputy procurator-generals of provincial people's courts and procuratorates, and 345 vice-presidents and deputy procurator-generals of prefecture-level people's courts and procuratorates. They have the power of command over the administration of the work in their charge following relevant regulations, the power of decision on addressing problems, and the power of proposal on personnel appointment and removal. Non-CPC officials, we can say for sure, have positions, duties, and authority. This is my answer. Thank you.



In recent years, the CPPCC has taken many practical measures to enhance consensus-building, such as organizing reading and publicity activities and lectures by CPPCC members. Could you brief us on this work? Thank you.

Zou Jiayi:

Thank you for your question. It seems that you are familiar with the work of the CPPCC. Unity and democracy are the two major themes of the CPPCC. Unity needs consensus, and democracy enhances consensus. General Secretary Xi Jinping has stressed that ideological guidance and consensus-building are essential to unite people. The CPPCC has recently prioritized building broad consensus by strengthening ideological and political guidance. We have played an active role in innovation for establishing new mechanisms and platforms to make the CPPCC's work of building consensus more targeted, effective, and modern.

For example, we have launched reading activities for CPPCC members, which is a move of the CPPCC to implement the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping. In the past two years since its launch, we have established a smart reading platform for CPPCC members and the CPPCC National Committee Academy by integrating organized reading with individual reading. We have also combined CPPCC members' reading with their performance of duties, online reading with online communication, and the application of consultation achievements with social spillover effects. The academy is a scholarly place, where we organize reading and discussion activities every week. Meanwhile, on our app, we have set up 129 reading groups on topics such as CPC history, Xi Jinping Thought on Ecological Civilization, the unity of Chinese people, the Chinese Dream, the origin of Chinese civilization, and building a community with a shared future for mankind for reading exchange. CPPCC members have been highly motivated to participate in the reading activities, with a participation rate of 98%, leaving more than 580,000 comments. They have not only improved the quality of their proposals through reading but also stepped up efforts in building consensus through consultation and exchange. These activities enable the CPPCC members to improve themselves through studying and promote mutual learning and common progress among members of different sectors. We have also invited public participation in the reading activities for CPPCC members, intending to foster a scholarly society through developing a scholarly CPPCC.

Another example is that we comprehensively used various platforms to build consensus, such as through CPPCC members giving lectures and reports, or through "CPPCC Members Talk" short videos. At present, the CPPCC National Committee is carrying out a campaign titled "Forging Ahead in the New Era: 100 Members Talk," in a bid to welcome the 20th CPC National Congress through extensive and cohesive practical action. A large number of CPPCC members who have a great sense of mission, responsibility, achievement and influence actively participated in the campaign. Based on their personal experiences and the performance of their duties, they spoke about China's historic achievements and the historical changes that have taken place during the past 10 years under the strong leadership of the CPC Central Committee with General Secretary Xi Jinping at its core, and also their stories of performing the duties as CPPCC members to serve the country and the people. These efforts have played a positive role in inspiring, bringing together and building confidence among the people.

Not long ago, at the first session of "Forging Ahead in the New Era: 100 Members Talk" held by the CPPCC National Committee, several CPPCC members shared some good stories. Yang Changfeng told the story of China's independent research and development of the Beidou Navigation Satellite System; Li Chenggui shared the efforts made by agricultural sci-tech workers to ensure food security; Liu Bingjiang touched on how China had become the fastest country in the world to tackle air pollution; Cheng Hong reviewed the success and splendor of hosting the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics; and Chen Zhilie demonstrated the confidence and decisiveness of private enterprises in promoting high-quality economic growth. These stories were very well received by the audience. The second and third sessions of the campaign are to be arranged. I would like to invite friends from the media here today to join the event, since the reports made by the members are really impressive. Thank you.


Southern Metropolis Daily:

The proposal-related work has attracted a lot of attention from the public. Since the 18th CPC National Congress, what new measures has the CPPCC National Committee taken to strengthen the work? Thank you.

Zhang Jing'an:

Thank you for your question. The proposal-related work is an overall, comprehensive and regular task of the CPPCC, and is one of the major ways for the CPPCC to perform its functions. Since the 18th CPC National Congress, the CPPCC National Committee has conscientiously implemented the guiding principles of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions, and focused on improving the quality of proposals. Over the past decade, the CPPCC National Committee has received more than 58,000 proposals, of which more than 47,000 have been placed on file following review. These proposals, which pooled the wisdom and hard work of CPPCC members, have been carefully handled, and a large number have been adopted and transformed into policy measures to promote economic and social development. They provide important references for the scientific and democratic decision-making of the Party and the government. The proposals fully demonstrate the important role of the CPPCC as a specialized consultative body in promoting whole-process people's democracy, and reflect the sense of responsibility and performance of CPPCC members. There are four main measures we can take in this regard to do a better job in the new era:

First, attach greater importance to the quality of proposals. We formulated the Opinion on Improving the Quality of Proposals, emphasizing that quality is at the heart of proposals, and it is the quality not the quantity of proposals that matters most. Careful investigation and research should be carried out before making proposals. We encourage members to concentrate on putting forward one or two high-quality proposals every year. We have also created strict standards for the review of proposals, requiring that the opinions and suggestions put forward in the proposals are clear, specific, operable and feasible. We have established mechanisms to evaluate the quality of proposals and to select and commend excellent proposals, so that they can play an exemplary and leading role.

Second, deepen proposal-based consultation. Just as Ms. Zou mentioned, consultation is true consultation, and practically runs through the whole process concerning proposals. We have worked out concrete consultation methods all over the process, from making proposals, reviewing them, and transferring them to relevant departments for handling, to supervising the handling of key proposals, providing feedback, and other links. In addition, these departments responsible for the handling of proposals should take consultation as a necessary step, and promote problem-solving and enhance consensus through consultation.

Third, strengthen the supervision over the handling of key proposals. The Chairperson's Council meeting of the CPPCC National Committee identifies key proposals through research each year. Members of the council take the lead in supervising the handling of the proposals which are of overall, strategic and forward-looking importance, and those that will have a significant influence on the national economy and people's livelihood. Let me give an example. Wang Yang, chairman of the CPPCC National Committee, has supervised the handling of key proposals for four consecutive years, focusing on major themes such as agricultural food safety, consolidating poverty alleviation achievements, ecological protection of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, and protection and inheritance of history and culture. Through field research, on-site consultation symposiums, and other means, he has helped to build consultation platforms for those who submitted proposals and the departments responsible for handling them, so that the issues can be well addressed.

Fourth, focus on improving the work mechanism in this regard. We deepened the understanding of the rules of proposal-making, formed a system with the regulations on proposal-related work as the mainstay, and introduced a number of other special supporting regulations. We have formulated a series of measures for regular meetings with non-CPC parties and with those departments responsible for the handling of proposals, so as to leverage the role of proposal-making in advancing the modernization of the national governance system and governance capacity. Thank you.


Red Star News:

Democratic oversight is a basic function of non-CPC political parties. Have these political parties effectively carried out democratic supervision in recent years? How specifically have they done so? Thank you.

Sang Fuhua:

Thank you for your interest in multi-party cooperation. The CPC Central Committee attaches great importance to the issue of democratic supervision, and all sectors of society are also concerned about it. In response to your question, I would like to make a brief introduction.

As we know, there is a very important feature in the multi-party cooperation system — the mutual oversight between the CPC and non-CPC political parties, meaning the CPC can supervise the other political parties, and the other political parties can also supervise the CPC. The supervision over the CPC by other political parties is called democratic supervision. How is democratic supervision carried out? According to the Regulations on the United Front Work of the Communist Party of China, the other political parties and prominent figures without party affiliation exercise democratic oversight by expressing views, making criticisms and giving advice as they participate in political consultation, conduct field work, take part in inspection and oversight of the implementation of major policies, decisions and plans of the Party and the state, and carry out targeted scrutiny of major issues as entrusted by CPC committees, while adhering to the "four cardinal principles" (to keep to the path of socialism, to uphold the people's democratic dictatorship, to uphold the leadership of the CPC, and to uphold Marxism-Leninism and Mao Zedong Thought).

As for the effectiveness of the democratic oversight by other political parties you just mentioned, I can responsibly say that it is both effective and practical. For example, in 2016, entrusted by the CPC Central Committee, the central committees of China's eight other political parties launched a five-year democratic oversight campaign on poverty alleviation in eight provincial-level regions in China's central and western areas where the poverty elimination work was most arduous, focusing on six key issues such as the accurate identification of the poor population, the targeted removal of impoverished households from the poverty list, and the use and management of poverty relief funds and projects. This work was also the first time that the other political parties have conducted targeted supervision over major strategic decisions of the Party and the state. Over the five years, the central committees of the other political parties submitted more than 2,400 critical opinions and suggestions to the CPC committees and governments at all levels of the eight provincial-level regions, and delivered more than 80 targeted supervision reports to the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, playing an important role in winning the battle against poverty. After the democratic oversight campaign of poverty elimination was completed, the oversight focus of China's other political parties shifted to the Yangtze River. The Yangtze River is the mother river of the Chinese nation, and its health has a huge effect on the development of our country and the future of our nation. In 2021, also entrusted by the CPC Central Committee, the eight other political parties and the non-affiliates initiated a five-year targeted democratic oversight campaign of the ecological and environmental protection of the Yangtze River, mainly focusing on eight respects including restoration and protection of water bodies and the prevention and control of pollution of ports. In 2021, the other political parties and the non-affiliates overcame the impact of COVID-19 to organize 45 on-site inspections in various forms, offered more than 250 opinions and suggestions to the CPC committees and governments of the involved provincial-level regions, and submitted six targeted reports to the CPC Central Committee.

We believe that with the launch of a new round of targeted democratic oversight, the democratic supervision by China's other political parties, as an important part of the socialist supervision system with Chinese characteristics, will surely demonstrate new advantages and make new achievements in the new era. Thank you.


Xinhua News Agency:

The CPC is stepping up efforts to develop whole-process people's democracy. How does the CPPCC practice this ideal? What are the strengths of China's new political party system? What role dose it play in developing whole-process people's democracy? Thank you. 

Zou Jiayi:

Thank you for your question. Democracy is a common value of humanity and a pursuit that has always been cherished by the CPC and the Chinese people. Since the 18th CPC National Congress, with a deeper understanding of China's path to democracy, the Party has developed the whole-process people's democracy as a key concept and striven to advance it. Whole-process people's democracy is a combination of electoral democracy and consultative democracy and is applied through a combination of democratic elections, consultations, decision-making, management, and oversight, ensuring that the people's voices are heard, and their wishes are represented in every aspect of China's political and social life. How does the CPPCC practice this ideal? To put it simply, it is mainly through consultation. The CPPCC is an important channel and specialized body for socialist consultative democracy. By conducting consultation in making and implementing decisions, the CPPCC has optimized the decision-making by drawing on collective wisdom, promoted the implementation of decisions by building consensus, and advanced the decisions to take effect by means of democratic oversight. All of them demonstrate the unique advantages of whole-process people's democracy. Let me take the formulation and implementation of the 14th Five-Year Plan as an example. As you know, it is of great significance to overall economic and social development. Before formulating the plan, the national committee of the CPPCC had collected the wisdom of representatives from all sectors through consultations and deliberations, proposals, information on social conditions and public opinions, and organizing thematic online group chats to contribute ideas and suggestions, with many suggestions adopted. After the Fifth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee, the national committee of the CPPCC organized study sessions for its standing committee on the Recommendations of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China for Formulating the 14th Five-Year Plan for Economic and Social Development and Long-Range Objectives through the Year 2035 to develop a deeper understanding, and continued to contribute suggestions through inspections and investigations, proposals, and information on social conditions and public opinions. At the same time, the national committee of the CPPCC also publicized the 14th Five-Year Plan through lectures, publicity groups, and reading activities by the CPPCC members to build and spread consensus. During the implementation of the Plan, the national committee of the CPPCC carried out specialized democratic oversight as planned. That is, 10 special committees focused on the priorities of the 14th Five-Year Plan in various sectors and chose one perspective each year to carry out follow-up oversight. The CPPCC performed its duties throughout the whole process of the formulation and implementation of the 14th Five-Year Plan, which is a vivid reflection of China's democracy as the people's democracy that covers all aspects of the democratic process and all sectors of society. It is an extensive and true democracy that works. Thank you.

Chen Xu:

I will answer the question about the strengths of China's new political party system, which is the system of multiparty cooperation and political consultation under the leadership of the CPC we just talked about. 

Viewed from its formation and development, the system is a great political creation of the CPC, the Chinese people, other political parties, and prominent figures without party affiliation and has already become a basic element of China's political framework. It is a new political party system grown out of the soil of China and has many advantages. For example, this new model is an achievement in adapting theories of Marxism concerning political parties to China's realities and can truly, extensively, and constantly represent and ensure the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people as well as all ethnic groups and social sectors. It is effective in avoiding the drawbacks of the old political party system that stood for only a small number of people and interest groups. In another example, it unites all political parties and prominent figures without party affiliation towards a common goal, which at present is the national rejuvenation, effectively mitigating the risks of inadequate oversight in one-party rule, and the problems of continual rotation of governing parties and destructive competition in multiparty political systems. For another example, by formulating and following protocols, procedures and standards and norms, it pools ideas and suggestions to ensure science-based and democratic decision-making. It avoids the weakness of old-fashioned political party systems: when making decisions and exercising governance, political parties act in their own interests or the interests of the classes, regions, and groups they represent, provoking division in society.

It is safe to say that this new model has played an indispensable role in developing whole-process people's democracy. First, by adopting institutions regarding inter-party consultations, participation in deliberation and administration of state affairs, and democratic oversight, it has provided smooth and extended channels for the people to express their demands and pooled ideas and suggestions from the people, assisting the governing party to improve their work. Second, it stresses solving problems through consultations. By soliciting opinions from all sectors, it has pooled consensus, wisdom, and strength of the public and motivated all those involved across the country to mobilize resources to accomplish big and great things. Third, by replacing opposition and rivalry with cooperation and consultation, it has minimized internal friction in society and maintained political stability and social harmony. In summary, in the practice of developing whole-process people's democracy, China's new political party system focuses on both the leadership of the CPC and socialist democracy. It has important functions of political participation, interest expression, democratic oversight, social integration, and maintenance of unity and reflects the essence of socialist democracy in which the people are the masters of the country. Thus, its role is critical and irreplaceable. Thank you.


The Poster News APP:

Under our country's new political party system, the other political parties have stood together and maintained good relations with the CPC. What roles have the other political parties played in dealing with major challenges and difficulties in recent years? Thank you. 

Sang Fuhua:

I will take your question. It is really a good question. For a long time, with the support of the CPC, the other political parties have given full play to their unique strengths in the concentration of talent and wisdom and extensive social contacts, making suggestions on overall, strategic, and forward-looking issues concerning the country's politics, economy, culture, and social life, and have played a good role. Especially in recent years, the other political parties have joined hands with the CPC to tide over difficulties and made their important contributions to addressing major risks and challenges. Here are two examples. 

First, responding to the COVID-19 challenge. At the beginning of 2020, facing the sudden outbreak of the pandemic, the other political parties and prominent figures without party affiliation promptly and actively responded to the call of the CPC Central Committee. They together formed a powerful force to fight the pandemic in a very short period, demonstrating their sense of responsibility, and the eagerness to take on challenges at a critical moment. According to incomplete statistics, over 60,000 medical workers affiliated with the other political parties or without party affiliation worked at the forefront of the pandemic prevention and control. The central committees of the other political parties and prominent figures without party affiliation submitted nearly 4,000 suggestions concerning the pandemic prevention and control to the CPC Central Committee and the State Council. Meanwhile, members of the other parties and the non-affiliates also actively donated money and goods worth over 5.1 billion yuan in total. In the fight against the pandemic, some medical workers affiliated with the other political parties have sacrificed at the forefront of the pandemic prevention and control.

Second, supporting the fight against poverty and promoting rural vitalization. The other political parties have actively supported border areas in their efforts in human resources development and boosted public welfare undertakings, such as vocational training, education, donations for disaster relief, and helping the needy. Here is an example of how they assisted the Bijie pilot area in Guizhou province. Since the Bijie pilot area was established in 1988, the other political parties and public figures without party affiliation, including federations of industry and commerce, have supported the development of the area for the past three decades. They carried out six major campaigns involved in the areas of industry, education, medical services, human resources, consumption, and public welfare. Up to now, over 2.3 billion yuan of support funds has been coordinated, 3,115 aiding programs have been implemented, and more than 319,000 personnel of various types have been trained. With the joint efforts of various parties, 1.67 million registered poor households in the Bijie pilot area were lifted out of poverty as scheduled, as were all the seven counties and 1,981 villages classified as poor. The Bijie pilot area presented its wonderful answers to China's fight against poverty and has become a vivid example of the united front and the system of CPC-led multiparty cooperation promoting poverty alleviation and rural vitalization. Thank you. 


China Daily:

As mentioned in the press release, the CPPCC National Committee has done significant work to enhance the responsibility of its members and to help them better play their principal role. Could you give us more details? Thank you. 

Zhang Jing'an:

Thank you, I will answer your question. General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that CPPCC National Committee members should fulfill their obligations to the country and to the people, keep in mind their cause, shoulder responsibilities, and conscientiously perform their duties. They should understand the CPPCC, be good at consultation and discussing state affairs, and observe discipline and ethical standards. CPPCC members are the subject of the CPPCC's work. They hold advantage, potential, and vitality of the CPPCC's work. The CPPCC National Committee has 2,160 members from 34 sectors, who are representatives of all political parties, people's organizations, ethnic groups, and social sectors. The CPPCC National Committee strengthened member teams and performance management, focusing on strengthening their awareness, responsibility, and capacity to perform their duties for the country and the people, guiding them to stay true to the founding mission through exemplary actions to show the responsibility of CPPCC members in the new era and represent their new look. 

First, we strengthened CPPCC members' political responsibility. Guidelines for strengthening CPPCC members' responsibility were rolled out and implemented, with an aim to educate CPPCC members and guide them in taking a clear stance in maintaining political integrity, educating them about the Party's new theories to acquire a deep understanding of the decisive significance of the establishment of both Comrade Xi Jinping's core position on the Party Central Committee and in the Party as a whole, and the guiding role of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. Their highest priority is to firmly uphold Comrade Xi Jinping's core position on the Party Central Committee and in the Party as a whole and uphold the Central Committee's authority and its centralized, unified leadership. They should keep a consistent and clear position on major issues of principle and be committed to the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics. 

Second, we stepped up efforts to improve CPPCC members' ability to perform their duties. The study and training of CPPCC members have been strengthened and improved, which are carried out through multiple batches with special focuses and emphasis on effectiveness. We ensure that each CPPCC member can participate in at least one collective training program during their term to improve their political awareness and ability, their ability to investigate and research, and the ability to maintain ties with the people and work with others. 

Third, we have actively created conditions for CPPCC members to perform their duties. A multilevel mechanism for contacting and serving CPPCC members has been improved, and a system for CPPCC members attending meetings of the Standing Committee of the CPPCC National Committee in batches has been established. We have also invited local CPPCC members to participate in activities regarding inspection and research. In addition, we organized Hong Kong and Macao CPPCC members to visit the Chinese mainland every year, and regularly convey the spirit of meetings of the Standing Committee of CPPCC National Committee. We also actively established platforms and provided guarantees for CPPCC members to perform their duties, and explored more convenient channels to perform duties in the information age. For example, the application of the performance platform we developed is very convenient to use on mobile phones and computers. We have improved integrated services, establishing an internet channel connecting 31 provincial level people's political consultative conferences and linking all the CPPCC National Committee members, which has greatly improved the participation and convenience of CPPCC members in performing their duties. 

Fourth, we have established standards for CPPCC members to perform their duties. We formulated and implemented working rules of CPPCC members and established a performance appraisal system for evaluating their performance. We have also worked to improve the filing system and calculating method of CPPCC members' performance, the mechanism that requires members of the Standing Committee of the CPPCC National Committee to submit work report, and the mechanism on commenting on the performance of the Party members of the Standing Committee of CPPCC National Committee, in a bid to guide CPPCC members to be responsible and better perform their duties. Awards for outstanding performance of CPPCC members have been established to commend those who make outstanding contributions. Meanwhile, we have also strengthened management on CPPCC members' performance in accordance with the CPPCC's charter and other related rules. Thank you. 

Chen Wenjun:

The last two questions, please. 


China News Service:

We have noticed that, over the last decade, the CPPCC has made great efforts to strengthen the Party and as a result has greatly enhanced political awareness and leadership, improved performance of duties, and promoted unity. Could you please introduce the work in this regard? Thank you.

Zou Jiayi:

Thank you for your question. Since the 18th CPC National Congress, the CPPCC has adhered to its essential nature as a political organization, regarded the Party's leadership as a fundamental political principle, and given top priority to strengthening the Party in all our work. We have enhanced our Party's political awareness as the overarching principle, promoted Party building in all aspects. We have acquired a deep understanding of the decisive significance of the establishment of both Comrade Xi Jinping's core position on the Party Central Committee and in the Party as a whole and the guiding role of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, and boosted our consciousness of the need to maintain political integrity, think in big-picture terms, follow the leadership core, and keep in alignment with the central Party leadership. We have remained confident in the path, the theory, the system, and the culture of socialism with Chinese characteristics. We have firmly upheld Comrade Xi Jinping's core position on the Party Central Committee and in the Party as a whole and upheld the Central Committee's authority and its centralized, unified leadership. We have given full play to the important role of the leading Party groups of the CPPCC in guiding the direction, managing the overall situation, and ensuring the implementation of all our work. Therefore, the role of primary Party organizations can now be seen as solid battle fortresses and play an exemplary and vanguard role for all CPC members in all CPPCC organizations. 

Firstly, we have resolutely followed the Party's leadership in all our work. We have formulated and implemented the system of the Party's overall leadership over the work of CPPCC, improved supervision mechanisms to ensure the implementation of major decisions and plans made by the CPC Central Committee and important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping, advanced the system of reporting major issues, such as the work report of the Standing Committee, annual consultation plans, and political resolutions, to the CPC Central Committee, in a bid to ensure that all major policies and decisions made by the CPC Central Committee are faithfully implemented in all of the CPPCC's work. We have also held Party-building symposiums and undertaken sharing meetings, summed up experiences, and conducted in-depth discussions. We have earnestly implemented the general requirement of the Party building in the new era and carried out the Guidelines on Strengthening Party Building in the CPPCC for the New Era. The leading Party group of the CPPCC has put forward eight key tasks, including participating in the dual organizational life system, establishing the Party-building leading group of CPPCC, and enhancing Party building at all levels of leading party groups among the CPPCC, government organs, and special committees, in a bid to ensure that all Party members of the CPPCC can be covered by Party organizations and all CPPCC members can be covered by the Party's work.

Secondly, we have concretely enhanced our political awareness. We have put the study and implementation of the Party's innovative theory as the top priority of ideological armament, established the system of study symposium on Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, improved the learning system led by the theoretical learning center of the Party leading group, adopted the forms of group study at chairman's meetings and Standing Committee meetings, and upheld theory-discussing meeting system at chairman's meetings so as to learn the spirit of the latest important speeches delivered by General Secretary Xi Jinping in a timely manner and promote the normalization and institutionalization of theoretical learning. We have also actively launched reading activities among CPPCC members to promote the integration between studying and performing duties. During major events such as the ones in celebration of the 70th anniversary of the founding of New China and the 100th anniversary of the founding of the CPC, we creatively adopted new forms of activities based on the characteristics of the CPPCC, and guided the members to strengthen their ideals and faiths throughout the experiential learning process in a bid to march forward hand in hand under the flag of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era.

Thirdly, we have given full play to the exemplary and vanguard role of CPC members at the CPPCC. We have encouraged and supported our CPC members to make efforts in the Party's united front work and mass work, keep political principles in mind, perform duties diligently, take responsibilities, and set good examples through multiple measures such as building mechanisms, enhancing guidance, and strengthening management. For example, we have established multiple systems represented by an independent research system led by members of the Party group and CPPCC members, as well as the performance evaluation system of the CPC members of the Standing Committee, to guide our Party members to play a leading role in political guidance, promoting democracy, building consensus, working together, and performing duties in a clean and honest manner. Over recent years, a large number of our Party members have not only provided advice and wisdom in the fields of poverty alleviation, epidemic prevention and control, the "six stabilities" and "six guarantees," and scientific and technological self-reliance, but also bravely undertook heavy tasks and overcome difficulties, demonstrating the exemplary role and responsibility of CPC members of the CPPCC in the new era.

Thank you.


Changjiang Daily:

At present, the global economy's recovery remains sluggish, turbulence and conflicts in some regions continue to flare up, and there are myriad other intensifying global issues. In the face of these problems, some Western scholars have said that they should learn political wisdom from the East. My question is, what enlightenment can China's new political party system provide for the political advancement of mankind? Thank you.

Chen Xu:

I will answer this question. Thank you for your question. As we introduced before, China's new type of political party system has distinctive Chinese characteristics and Chinese cultural deposits, showing unique advantages and strong vitality in China's political and social life. At the same time, the reason why China's new type of political system has attracted the attention of the world is that it can provide a useful reference for the development of the world's political party system, enrich theoretical political party systems, and make great contributions to the political advancement of mankind. This has been demonstrated in the following aspects.

Firstly, it has created a new political party system model. China's political party system is neither a rival multiparty system, arbitrary one-party system, nor the so-called multiparty coalition system. It is a new system of multiparty cooperation and political consultation under the leadership of the CPC. The organic integration of the leadership of CPC and multiparty cooperation has demonstrated the unity of purpose and direction, the expansion of political unity and orderly participation, developed unique advantages in a one-party leadership rather than autocracy, multiparty cooperation rather than confrontation, and mutual supervision rather than constraints, and guaranteed the right direction and vigorous vitality of multiparty cooperation.

Secondly, it has invented a whole new kind of political party relationship. In China's political party system, the CPC has formed a relationship featuring cooperation and harmony with other political parties. As the leading and ruling party, the CPC has actively created conditions for other political parties to participate in governance. As the participating parties, the other political parties have vigorously assisted the ruling party to better revitalize the country and benefit the people. The CPC and the other political parties supervise each other rather than constrain. The CPC and the other political parties are close and serious friends who offer each other unreserved advice and criticism. The harmonious political party relationship has helped to form a political situation in which the ruling party is single-mindedly pursuing development, and participating parties are working together to advance development.

Thirdly, it has generated a whole new kind of mode of governance. As the ruling party, the CPC has encouraged other political parties to participate in government affairs, conduct democratic supervision, and engage in political consultation under the leadership of the CPC so as to give full play to the characteristics of their respective sectors and the advantages of their talents, allow them to extensively participate in national political and social affairs, and help the CPC to govern the country in a better way. In the multiparty cooperation system, opinions and suggestions are pooled in accordance with institutionalized, standardized, and procedural arrangements to make decision-making scientific and democratic.

The practice has proven that as an institutional model unique to China and suited to China's national conditions, the new political party system has created a brand new model of party politics in the history of world political parties. It is the Chinese wisdom that China has provided to the development of the world political party system and a major contribution that China has made to the political advancement of mankind. We are fully confident that we will provide China's solution to humanity's exploration for a better social system. Thank you.

Chen Wenjun:

Thank you to all speakers and friends from the media. Today's press conference is now concluded.

Translated and edited by Duan Yaying, Huang Shan, Yan Bin, Wang Wei, Xu Kailin, Liu Sitong, Yang Xi, Li Huiru, Qin Qi, Liu Qiang, Wang Qian, Zhang Liying, Yuan Fang, Zhang Tingting, Zhang Jiaqi, David Ball, Tom Arnsten, and Jay Birbeck. In case of any discrepancy between the English and Chinese texts, the Chinese version is deemed to prevail.