ㄑ Publicity Department of CPC Central Committee holds press conference on China's achievements in promoting the rule of law in the new era

Press conference on China's achievements in promoting the rule of law in the new era | August 12, 2022

Kyodo News:

The concept of law in China is different from that in Western countries. Is China's modern vision of law the same as that of Han Feizi, the great Legalist philosopher from ancient China? Thank you.

Xiong Xuanguo:

Thank you for your interest in the rule of law in China. I will give a brief answer to your question. 

Due to the differences in economics, social systems, historical traditions, and cultural heritage in ancient and modern China and foreign countries, concepts often vary in recognition and understanding by people of different countries, ethnic groups, and times. As far as the concept of law is concerned, the first sentence of the Plan to Build the Rule of Law in China is perfect. "The rule of law is an important symbol of the progress of human civilization, the basic way of governing the country, and the unremitting pursuit of the Communist Party of China and the Chinese people." Therefore, for people from all over the world, good laws and good governance are common expectations and pursuits. 

You just mentioned Han Feizi, a representative figure of the Legalist school of philosophy in ancient Chinese history. He represents the culmination of Legalist theories and puts forward many insightful propositions and viewpoints. More than 2,000 years ago, he said, "the country must be ruled by law, and the law must not favor the powerful," which means that everyone is equal before the law. He also proposed "teaching the law to the country," which means laws can't just be formulated but also must be taught to ordinary people. These points are insightful. Therefore, he significantly influenced the Chinese legal system and the Chinese rule of law culture.

In the historical process of comprehensively advancing law-based governance, we must vigorously carry forward the excellent traditional Chinese legal culture and actively learn from the outstanding achievements of human civilization on the rule of law. We must take root in Chinese culture and solve China's problems based on China's national conditions. We must unswervingly follow the path of the socialist rule of law with Chinese characteristics, and accelerate the building of such a system and the improvement of socialist rule of law in China. Thank you.

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