ㄑ Publicity Department of CPC Central Committee holds press conference on China's achievements in promoting the rule of law in the new era

Press conference on China's achievements in promoting the rule of law in the new era | August 12, 2022


I have two questions to ask. The first question is China implemented the Personal Information Protection Law last year. Can you share with us some information as to how these cases are progressing? What areas are you focusing on in enforcing this law? Do you have other legislation plans to protect people's privacy? The second question is on the anti-foreign sanction law that was put in place last year, have there been any specific cases yet? Thank you.

Xu Anbiao:

Thank you for your interest in China's promotion of the rule of law. You raised two important questions. The first one is about legislation on personal information protection. The internet has become a new space for production and life, a new engine for economic growth, and a new link for exchange and cooperation. The collection and use of personal information in cyberspace are pervasive, affecting everyone and attracting a great deal of attention. China attaches great importance to personal information protection. Since the 18th CPC National Congress, the NPC and its standing committee have adopted the Decision on Strengthening Online Information Protection, formulated the Cybersecurity Law and the E-commerce Law, and revised the Law on the Protection of Rights and Interests of Consumers, thus establishing the basic rules for personal information protection. In addition, through adopting the Criminal Law Amendment, the provisions on punishing crimes that jeopardize personal information have been improved. Moreover, in the Civil Code, "personal information is protected by law" is recognized as an essential civil right.

The NPC Standing Committee deliberated over and passed the Personal Information Protection Law in August 2021, which went into effect on Nov. 1. Based on China's realities and international experiences, the law focuses on the outstanding problems and major public concerns in personal information protection. Based on existing laws, it further refines and improves the principles for personal information protection and also the rules for processing personal information. It clarifies the boundaries of rights and obligations in personal information processing and improves the working mechanisms for personal information protection. Furthermore, it stipulates strict legal liabilities for violating personal information protection rules, all in a bid to protect citizens' personal information effectively. For many articles of the Personal Information Protection Law to be implemented, there need to be supporting regulations, such as managing the collection of images in public places, managing personal information security, and evaluating the security of cross-border flows of personal information. Relevant departments have already introduced or are in the process of swiftly formulating such regulations. Apart from the Personal Information Protection Law, the NPC Standing Committee also passed the Data Security Law. In general, personal information protection involves a wide range of areas. We will further improve relevant rules and regulations to make the legal system for personal information protection tighter and sturdier.

Your second question is about the Law on Countering Foreign Sanctions. The law was adopted by the NPC Standing Committee and went into effect on June 10, 2021. Focusing on the unilateral sanctions of foreign countries in their attempt to interfere in China's internal affairs, the law reaffirms China's basic foreign policy, principles, and positions. It clarifies the circumstances, targets, and measures for countering foreign sanctions, thus providing a solid legal guarantee for China to take corresponding measures against foreign sanctions and oppose hegemonism and power politics. Since its adoption, China has countered foreign interference in its internal affairs under various pretexts based on it and firmly safeguarded its sovereignty, security, and development interests.

Thank you.

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