ㄑ Publicity Department of CPC Central Committee holds press conference on working measures and effect of people's courts in the new era

Press conference on working measures and effect of people's courts in the new era | July 18, 2022

People's Daily Online:

We notice that some prominent concerns of the people, such as the protection of rights of laborers, women, and children, have been included in the people's courts' annual major tasks. Can you detail some specific judiciary services and guarantee the people's courts will offer? Thank you.

He Xiaorong:

I will take this question. Public wellbeing is the most significant test of political efficacy and the greatest concern of the people and all walks of life. Since the 18th CPC National Congress, the people's courts have always observed the people-centered philosophy and constantly improved judiciary guarantee for people's wellbeing. Various civil cases were adequately settled, and a series of judicial interpretations and policies were issued. This way, people genuinely feel that fairness and justice are close by.

First, we have worked to ensure our people live in peace and contentment. Since the 18th CPC National Congress, we have handled more than 36 million civil cases covering education, employment, healthcare, and housing in accordance with the law. We also rolled out judicial interpretations on issues ranging from food and drugs, and consumer rights protection to labor disputes and medical malpractice, nourishing the public sense of liability and consciousness to respect procedures, rules, and contracts. Next, the people's courts will fully exercise jurisdiction, serve the high-quality social and economic development and protect the rights of consumers based on law. We will implement the "four strictest requirements"- the strictest standards, the strictest supervision, the strictest punishment, and the strictest accountability - to ensure people's "safety on the tongue." We will formulate judicial policies regarding new business formats, safeguard laborers' legitimate rights and interests and promote sound and orderly development of the platform economy. 

Second, we worked to protect people's personality rights. We issued a judicial interpretation on facial recognition, unified personal injury compensation standard in urban and rural areas. We adopted the causes of action regarding equal rights to employment and dispute over liability for damage caused by sexual harassment. Cases of injunction on personality right infringement and employment discrimination against graduates over gender or locality were subject to legal procedures. Next, we will formulate a judicial interpretation of the article of tort liability of the Civil Code, enhance privacy and personal information protection, and punish cyber infringements in accordance with the law. 

Third, we worked to protect people's property rights. We issued a judicial interpretation of the article of property rights of the Civil Code. We handled typical cases such as installing elevators in old residential buildings and people who forcibly live off their parents losing their right to habitation, which protected the public's legitimate rights. Next, we will intensify judicial protection for property rights, energize mass innovation and entrepreneurship, and process cases such as land acquisition compensation in accordance with the law. We will contribute our share to the national drive for rural vitalization and new urbanization by protecting the legitimate rights of former rural residents who now hold urban residency. 

Fourth, we worked to promote the cultivation of family virtues. We promulgated judicial interpretations of the Civil Code's laws on marriage, family, and inheritance and severely punished the trafficking of women and children. We heard cases of divorcing spouses seeking housework compensation and issued nearly 11,000 personal protection orders to fight against domestic violence. Next, we will advance the reform of family courts and formulate a judicial interpretation of personal protection orders to explain such cases' standard of proof and criminal penalties over violations. Through these efforts, the legitimate rights and interests of women, children, and the elderly will be safeguarded. 

Fifth, we worked to advocate core socialist values. We nourished integrity and promoted truthfulness, kindness, and beauty, and spoke against hypocrisy, villainy, and ugliness through the law-based trial of cases like infringements of reputation and honor of the Five Heroes of Langya Mountain and academician Yuan Longping, a man occupied sleeping berth in a high-speed train filing lawsuit against media supervision, and a scalper claiming compensation for injury while escaping from security staff. Next, we will further integrate core socialist values into judicial policy and adjudication and cultivate adjudication-oriented rules and rule-oriented social conduct. Thank you.

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