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SCIO press conference on China's priorities in 2022 for all-round rural revitalization

Around China
The State Council Information Office held a press conference in Beijing on Feb. 23 to brief the media on China's priorities in the year of 2022 for all-round rural revitalization.  February 28, 2022

Tang Renjian:

Ladies and gentlemen, good morning. Spring has returned to the land and farmers are busying themselves in the fields. On Feb. 22, Xinhua News Agency was authorized to release the full text of a document issued by the CPC Central Committee and the State Council that outlines key tasks to comprehensively push forward rural revitalization this year, also referred to as the No. 1 central document. This is the 19th document in a row issued by the central government to guide the work related to agriculture, rural areas and rural people since the turn of the millennium, which shows the determination of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council to prioritize agriculture and deliver benefits to rural people. Next, I will briefly introduce the document to you.

First, the background of drafting the document.

Since last year, under the strong leadership of the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, in dealing with affairs related to agriculture, rural areas and rural people, we have overcome such difficulties as the COVID-19 pandemic and natural disasters and got off to a good start in implementing the 14th Five-Year Plan (2021-2025). First, we have made steady progress in agricultural production. Another bumper harvest was achieved, with the output of grain reaching 1.37 trillion jin (685 billion kg), an increase of 26.7 billion jin (13.35 billion kg). The capacity of raising hogs was restored half a year ahead of schedule, and the market supply and prices of other major agricultural products were generally stable. Second, the income of farmers maintained growth. The per capita disposable income of rural residents reached 18,931 yuan, an increase of 9.7% in real terms, and a growth rate 2.6 percentage points higher than that of their urban counterparts. Third, the gains in poverty alleviation have been consolidated and expanded. The monitoring and assistance mechanism has been continuously improved and strengthened, and the working mechanism, policy measures and institutional teams have been put in place in an orderly manner. We have maintained the bottom line of ensuring no large-scale return to poverty. Fourth, we have taken solid steps to comprehensively promote rural revitalization. The development of rural industries has accelerated, a five-year action plan on improving the rural living environment has been launched, the level of rural governance has been continuously improved, the reform of rural areas has been advanced, and rural society has been stable and peaceful. The remarkable achievements in the reform and development of agriculture and rural areas have played an important role in turning a new page, responding to changes and stabilizing the overall social development.

2022 is an important year as China enters a new era of building a modern socialist country in an all-round way and strides toward its second centenary goal. At the end of last year, General Secretary Xi Jinping delivered an important speech at a meeting of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee on issues related to agriculture, rural areas and farmers. He underscored factoring in the national strategic needs when responding to multiple risks and challenges, and ensuring the steady development of agriculture and rural areas. Tough measures and strong implementation are needed in dealing with affairs related to agriculture, rural areas and farmers. He also underlined and made arrangements on key issues including food security, preventing a large-scale return to poverty, and farmland protection. These provided the fundamental principles and an action plan for drafting the No. 1 central document in 2022, and doing a good job in affairs related to agriculture, rural areas and farmers at present and going forward. In response to major changes and the pandemic, both unseen in a century, and to promote the stable and healthy development of the economy and society, we must continue to comprehensively promote rural revitalization and give better play to the role of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" as the anchor, paving the way for the 20th National Party Congress with actions.

Second, the main content of the document.

In the new era and new stage, the priority of the work related to "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" is to promote rural revitalization. Implementing the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speeches, this year's No. 1 central document does not introduce new themes or new expressions. Instead, we have adhered to the overall goal of rural revitalization, prioritized stability and pursued progress while ensuring stability. The document outlines key tasks to advance rural revitalization in 2022. It comprises 35 articles in eight parts, and the main content can be summarized as "two bottom lines, three key areas, one reinforcement."

The "two bottom lines" refer to firmly upholding the two bottom lines of guaranteeing China's grain security and ensuring no large-scale return to poverty. It emphasizes that we will do our best to enhance grain production and the supply of vital agricultural products, strengthen protections to guard the red line of 1.8 billion mu (120 million hectares) of arable land, and ensure that the sown areas for grains remain stable and the full-year grain output stays above 1.3 trillion jin (650 billion kg). The document urges efforts to improve mechanisms for monitoring and assisting people at risk of falling back into poverty, and to promote areas that have been lifted out of poverty to consolidate and expand the achievements of poverty alleviation through development and ensure that there is no large-scale return to poverty.

"Three key areas" means to promote rural development, construction, and governance in a solid and orderly way. Regarding rural development, we will focus on the integrated development of the primary, secondary, and tertiary industries in rural areas and help farmers seek employment and raise their incomes locally or close to their homes. We will improve implementation mechanisms regarding rural construction and prioritize projects for farmers' well-being that provide universal access and meet farmers' fundamental and essential needs. As to rural governance, we will pay special attention to the construction of grassroots organizations creatively building effective platforms for cultural and ethical construction to maintain the safety and stability of rural society. 

"One reinforcement" means sticking to and reinforcing the Party's overall leadership over agriculture, rural areas, and farmers. In addition, the document emphasizes the responsibility in promoting all-round rural revitalization and scaling up policy guarantee and institutional innovation.

In summary, this year's document emphasizes the tasks, measures, and orientation for rural revitalization. It is both detailed and practical and clarifies the priorities and tasks for promoting all-round rural revitalization in 2022. 

Now, my colleagues and I are ready to answer your questions. 

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