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SCIO briefing on China's development of industry and information technology in H1 2021

Around China
On July 16, the State Council Information Office (SCIO) held a press conference in Beijing to brief the media on China's development of industry and information technology in the first half of 2021.  July 22, 2021

The Paper:

Under the guidance of the carbon peak and neutrality goals, many energy-intensive industries have begun to explore green transformation. How will the MIIT guide their green transformation? What's next for directing the green development of industrial industries? Thank you.

Tian Yulong:

Thank you for your questions. Mr. Huang Libin will answer these questions.

Huang Libin:

Thank you for your questions. Industry is one of the major areas of China's energy consumption and carbon emissions. Promoting green industrial development is an active and effective measure to fulfill the promise on achieving carbon emissions peak and carbon neutrality. MIIT will soon release the Plan for Green Industrial Development during the 14th Five-Year Plan Period and the Plan for Raw Material Industry Development during the 14th Five-Year Plan Period to promote the green and low-carbon transformation of industry, especially their energy-intensive sectors, strengthen the supporting role of the green manufacturing system, and amplify emission and carbon reductions at the source and from the aspects of industrial structure, energy consumption, production process, resource utilization, and product supply, etc.

The MIIT will speed up its advance toward reaching peak carbon in the industrial sector, and work with relevant departments to formulate action plans for carbon peaking in key industries such as nonferrous metals, building materials, steel and petrochemicals. We will also clarify the path for cutting industrial carbon emissions, promote major low carbon technologies, and carry out major demonstration projects for reducing carbon emissions to encourage all industries to achieve carbon peak targets.

Next, we will focus on the following six areas:

First, we will promote the high-end transformation of the industrial structure. We will resolutely curb the blind development of high energy consumption and high emission projects, improve and strictly implement policies on replacing production capacity, close down outdated production facilities, and develop strategic emerging industries and high-tech industries.

Second, we will accelerate the transition to low-carbon energy consumption. We will increase the proportion of clean energy consumption, boost energy utilization efficiency, improve energy management and service mechanisms, and build a clean, efficient and low-carbon industrial energy structure.

Third, we will promote the transition to recycled resources utilization. We will promote the coordinated use of primary energy resources, the recycling of renewable resources, the large-scale and comprehensive utilization of industrial solid waste, and the economical use of water resources, and reduce the output of industrial solid waste and waste water.

Fourth, we will promote the transition to clean production processes. We will vigorously promote green design, encourage existing enterprises to implement cleaner production technologies, promote the use of advanced and suitable environmental protection equipment in key industries, and promote stable and efficient governance capabilities.

Fifth, we will guide the green transition of product supply. We will increase the supply of green, low-carbon products and environmentally friendly equipment, so that we can provide a solid guarantee for a green and low-carbon transition in all sectors.

Sixth, we will improve the support system for green manufacturing. We will build a green public service platform, improve the green manufacturing standard system, implement green supply chain management, and improve the long-term mechanism for green and low-carbon industrial transition. Thank you.

Shou Xiaoli:

The last two questions, please.

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