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SCIO briefing on China's development of industry and information technology in H1 2021

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On July 16, the State Council Information Office (SCIO) held a press conference in Beijing to brief the media on China's development of industry and information technology in the first half of 2021.  July 22, 2021

China National Radio:

We have noticed that the industrial economy maintained a steady recovery in the first half of the year. What is the assessment of the spokesperson on the current performance of the industrial economy? Also, what specific measures has the MIIT taken to drive the steady recovery of the industrial economy, and how do you predict the situation will develop in the second half of the year?

Tian Yulong:

Thank you, Mr. Huang Libin will answer these questions.

Huang Libin:

Thank you for your questions. Mr. Tian just presented in his opening remarks the overall situation of the industrial economy and development of information technology in the first half of the year. The main characteristics of the economic performance in the first half of this year can be summarized as "solidifying and gaining better quality and brighter prospects, while maintaining stability." As for "solidifying while maintaining stability," we mean that the momentum of steady recovery of industrial economy has become more solidified, and economic growth has become more stable, balanced and endogenous. 

Speaking of stability, excluding the impact of last year's base, the two-year average growth rate remained stable overall. The industrial added value above designated size saw a year-on-year growth of 15.9% in the first half of this year, putting the two-year average growth rate at 7%. The two-year average growth rates in the first and second quarters were 6.8% and 6.6% respectively, not showing much fluctuation. The utilization rate of industrial capacity reached 78.4% in the second quarter, which is 1.2 percentage points higher than in the first quarter. Economic indicators such as the delivery value of exports and proportion of products sold all reached relatively higher levels seen in recent years. 

Speaking of being balanced, among the 41 main industrial categories, 39 of them, or more than 90% of them, saw growth in the first half of the year. The policy of expanding domestic demand and boosting consumption was implemented and results were achieved. Investment was increased to make up for weaknesses; domestic demands played a stronger role in boosting industrial growth; and consumer goods manufacturing sector saw the two-year average growth in added value reach 4.8% in the first half of the year, a 0.6 percentage point higher than in the first quarter. 

Speaking of being endogenous, various policies aimed at aiding and benefiting enterprises continued to deliver dividends. Market entities further restored their vitality. In the first five months, industrial enterprises above designated size saw a big growth rate of 83.4% in the total amount of profits over the same period last year. The operating profit ratio also reached a high level of 7.11%. 

Based on the significant improvement of profitability of enterprises, investment in manufacturing sector grew 19.2% year-on-year in the first half of the year. Investor confidence in the market continued to strengthen. 

As for gaining better quality while maintain stability, we mean that the industrial economy was running within a reasonable range. The industrial structure continued to optimize and high-quality development reached a new level. Efforts to transform and upgrade traditional industries continued to intensify. We cemented the success in cutting capacity in the steel industry and pushed for green, low-carbon development. The energy consumption per unit of industrial added value of enterprises above designated size decreased 5.7% year-on-year over the first five months. Meanwhile, implementation was deepened in the project of intelligent manufacturing and project of innovative development of the industrial Internet. The manufacturing sector became increasingly digitalized, smart and internet-powered. As of the end of May, the popularity of digitalized tools used in R&D and design reached 73.5% among enterprises, and the numerical control rate of key processes reached 52.4% among enterprises. The development of new industries and new growth drivers was accelerated. In the first half of the year, the added value of high-tech manufacturing sector grew 22.6% year-on-year, with the two-year average growth rate reaching 13.2%, notably higher than the overall industry. The output of new energy vehicles and industrial robots increased by 2.1 times and 69.8% year on year respectively. New industries in the digital economy such as big data, cloud computing and blockchain flourished, and new models such as live-streaming e-commerce, online medical treatment and remote work grew rapidly.

As for gaining brighter prospects while maintaining stability, we mean that positive factors supporting the sustained and steady recovery of the industrial economy accumulated and the sustainability of the economic recovery further strengthened. Our country led the world in epidemic prevention and control and economic recovery and this advantage has continued to strengthen. The industrial system exhibited its resilience; efforts to foster a new pattern of development was accelerated; the potential of the domestic market was continuously unleashed; and the fundamental situation that the industrial economy is looking good in the long term has continued to expand. As the vaccination work accelerates, the world economy is steadily recovering, household consumption continues to recover, construction of new-type infrastructure is accelerated, and the periodical economic rebound continues to gain strength. We have the capability and resources to keep the industrial economy running within a reasonable range. 

In the meantime, we should see that we are currently facing an international environment that is complicated and stern with numerous factors of instability and uncertainty. Rising commodity prices, chip shortages and other issues have put new pressures on the recovery of the industrial economy. Next, we will attentively implement the decisions and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, make serious efforts in implementing various policies and measures, address all sorts of difficulties and challenges proactively, and push for the sustained and steady recovery of the industrial economy and its high-quality development. Thank you.

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