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China releases typical revolutionary resource protection cases

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China's top procuratorate and the Ministry of Veterans Affairs on Sunday released 14 typical public interest lawsuits on the protection of revolutionary resources.

XinhuaUpdated: June 28, 2021

China's top procuratorate and the Ministry of Veterans Affairs on Sunday released 14 typical public interest lawsuits on the protection of revolutionary resources.

The cases concerned revolutionary sites, and the residences and memorial sites of revolutionary martyrs, said Hu Weilie, a senior prosecutor with the Supreme People's Procuratorate (SPP).

Prosecutors employed a variety of means of protection while handling the cases, including pre-litigation consultations, public hearings, procuratorial suggestions and round-table conferences, according to Hu.

They also stepped up communication and collaboration with authorities concerning cultural relics, veterans' affairs, environmental protection and civil affairs during the process, added Hu.

Statistics show that prosecutors nationwide handled more than 5,800 public interest litigation cases concerning cultural relics and heritage from 2019 to March 2021. More than 4,800 pre-litigation proposals were sent out and more than 60 civil and administrative public interest lawsuits were filed during the period.

Li Guiguang, an official with the Ministry of Veterans Affairs, vowed to enhance coordination and cooperation with the SPP to push forward efforts to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of heroes and martyrs, and to protect their memorial sites.

Oversight of pertinent public interest litigations will also be enhanced, said Hu.