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SCIO briefing on advancement of rural vitalization across the board and acceleration of agricultural and rural modernization

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The State Council Information Office held a press conference in Beijing on Monday to brief the media on the advancement of rural vitalization and acceleration of agricultural and rural modernization.  February 25, 2021

Zhang Taolin:

What will we do next? The No. 1 central document has provided top-level and systematic planning to "fight to create a turnaround" in the seed industry, covering all areas from the protection of agricultural germplasm resources, scientific research and development on seed breeding, to overall management of the seed market. In general, we must stay alert against potential risks and focus on solving problems to ensure national food security and the quantity, variety and quality of major agricultural and sideline products. Meanwhile, we should follow the law of development in seed industry innovation to resolve bottlenecks, address inadequacies and further strengthen advantages. Specifically, we will carry out our work in the following five aspects.

First, we must protect our agricultural germplasm resources, which are the source of sci-tech innovation in the seed industry. We will intensify efforts to investigate and collect germplasm resources of crops, livestock and poultry, and aquatic products. Such fundamental work must be carried out well. We will also conduct accurate resource assessment and evaluation. A national germplasm resource bank will be established and a system for the protection and utilization of its resources will be established and improved.  

Second, we must promote independent innovation, which is a key factor for development of a sound seed industry. We will step up efforts for breakthroughs in core technologies. It is especially important to accelerate the implementation of major scientific and technological projects in modern agricultural biological breeding, deepen efforts in joint research on the development of crops, livestock and poultry, and take orderly steps to promote the industrial application of bio-breeding. Meanwhile, we should strengthen basic and advanced research. In particular, we will advance the construction of innovation centers such as Nanfan Silicon Valley.

Third, we must develop strong seed enterprises, which are key entities of sci-tech development as well as development of the overall seed industry. We will select a batch of superior enterprises and focus on providing them with strong support. Reforms to streamline administration and delegate power, improve regulation and upgrade services will be intensified. We will also pool resources from enterprises, universities, and research institutes; promote the cultivation, reproduction and dissemination of superior crop strains, and establish a sound commercial system for breeding. 

Fourth, we must upgrade agricultural breeding centers as the foundation for safeguarding our germplasm resources. We will develop modernized seed cultivation and production centers, national livestock and poultry breeding centers, and centers for cultivating original and superior aquaculture varieties. We will also improve the system of emergency support for superior varieties supply.

Fifth, we must optimize the market environment, which provides guarantees for innovation of the seed industry. To ensure a clean seed market environment, I think the key is to strengthen intellectual property rights protection, which requires innovation protection, strict product variety management and market supervision.

In general, we will accelerate the establishment of an innovative system in the seed industry, consisting of a system for the protection and utilization of germplasm resources, an industrial system and a governance system. We will also comprehensively raise our capacities of independent innovation, enterprise competition, seed supply support and law-based governance. That's all for my answer. Thank you. 

Tang Renjian:

The situation of China's seed market and seed industry is not as severe as people outside China expected recently. On the other hand, we do lag behind international advanced level in some varieties, areas and links. To sum up, there is no problem for us with the supply of some varieties essential to human survival. However, for many superior varieties, we do have a long way to go. What shall we do next? Our answer is to "fight to create a turnaround" in the seed industry.

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