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SCIO briefing on advancement of rural vitalization across the board and acceleration of agricultural and rural modernization

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The State Council Information Office held a press conference in Beijing on Monday to brief the media on the advancement of rural vitalization and acceleration of agricultural and rural modernization.  February 25, 2021

Red Star News:

The seeds are the "microchips" of agriculture, and the central government vows to "fight a turnaround" in the seed industry. I would like to ask how is China's seed industry situation right now and how will you "fight a turnaround" in the seed industry? Thank you.

Tang Renjian:

Your question is timely and to the point. I will be pleased to answer this question but as Mr. Zhang Taolin is responsible for the relevant work related to this issue, I would like to invite him to answer first.

Zhang Taolin:

Just now, Mr. Tang said that the way to ensure food security is to effectively implement a food crop production strategy based on farmland management and technological application. In terms of grain storage technology, the seed industry, including seed scientific research, is the most important aspect. The seed industry is the foundation of agricultural modernization and stands at the base of the entire agricultural industrial chain. Seeds are a vital part of ensuring food security, as is arable land. The CPC Central Committee and the State Council have paid significant attention to this issue; so do all sectors of society. Especially in recent times, the development, overall situation, and the future work of the seed industry have been a source of much concern. At the annual Central Economic Work Conference, the central government proposed to "fight a turnaround" in the seed industry. The just-released "No. 1 central document" for 2021 unveils a comprehensive arrangement for the future work of the seed industry. This is a key decision in the CPC Central Committee's policy deployment, as well as a significant initiative to ensure food security and consolidate the foundation of the seed industry to accelerate agricultural and rural modernization and improve people's livelihoods.

As to the development of the seed industry, generally speaking, we can guarantee the security of agricultural use of seeds and control its risks. Especially since the 18th CPC National Congress, the science and technology and industrial development of the seed industry has achieved significant results. Currently, China is self-sufficient in agricultural products seeds, especially grain seeds. The planting area of agricultural grain varieties independently selected by China accounts for more than 95% of the total planted area, mainly meeting the goal of "Chinese grain depends on Chinese seeds." The provenances of some characteristics of aquatic products, poultry, and livestock such as pigs, cattle, and sheep, are guaranteed to be based in China. At present, the self-sufficiency rate of core provenances of livestock and poultry, as well as aquatic products have reached 75% and 85%, respectively. All of these have provided essential guarantees and support for stable production and assured the supply of grain and important agricultural and sideline products.

Regarding the current situation of the seed industry, in the new development stage, China is working to foster a new development paradigm. We should note that, compared with the internationally advanced standards, there are still many areas of inflexibility and weak links in the seed industry, which urgently need us to create means to handle these issues.

First, there is a distinct gap in agricultural breeds. We all know that the per unit area yield of Chinese soybeans and corn is still not high; less than 60% of that of the US. The planting area of foreign vegetable varieties accounts for 13% of the total area. Of course, different varieties achieve different proportions. Among them, the import ratio of a few special varieties such as storable tomatoes and sweet peppers is relatively high, exceeding 50%. The efficiency of pig reproduction, feed conversion rate, and cows' annual milk yields are only about 80% of the advanced international level, especially of the white-feathered broiler, whose breeding hens are mostly imported. The development level of these breeds is directly related to the quality, speed, and benefit of the development of China's agriculture-related industries.

Second, the problem also exists within the seed industry itself. This issue mainly manifests in the insufficient protection and utilization of agricultural germplasm resources. Some local or rare germplasm varieties are at risk of extinction. Our independent innovation capacity is not strong, especially regarding theory and key and core breeding technologies. There remains a relatively large gap in advanced levels. The innovative competitiveness of seed companies is still weak. Some of them are overlapping projects, or projects of sub-scale, fragmented, with low yields.

Third, we need to take action to keep abreast of the times. The requirements to ensure domestic food and seed security of important agricultural products have become urgent. The diversified demands of agricultural products grow continuously when people pursue a better life. We lack high-quality species and products with special functions and we must cultivate more high-yield, high-quality, water-saving, feed-saving, and machine-friendly (suitable for mechanization), professional, and fine varieties. At present, the world's seed industry is embracing a scientific and technological revolution in modern biological breeding marked by technology integration development such as gene editing, synthetic biology, and artificial intelligence. Facing this situation, we should grasp the opportunity, accelerate innovation, and "fight a turnaround," to achieve leapfrog development in the seed industry.

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