Press Room

SCIO briefing on the preparatory work for the World Internet Conference · Internet Development Forum | November 6, 2020

Shou Xiaoli:

And now for the final question. 

Guangming Daily:

The blue books issued each year during the WIC are an important outcome and are widely followed. What topics do this year's blue books cover and what innovations are there compared with previous years? Thank you. 

Zhao Zeliang:

Thank you for your question. As you just mentioned, every year we release two blue books during the WIC: the World Internet Development Report and the China Internet Development Report. This year's internet development forum also plans to release the "World Internet Development Report 2020" and the "China Internet Development Report 2020." The "World Internet Development Report 2020" will mainly introduce the general trends within global internet development and the situation regarding internet development in major countries, and will focus on showcasing the latest technologies, applications and developments in the global internet, and the outlook of its developing trends. 

In the "China Internet Development Report 2020," we thoroughly put into practice General Secretary Xi Jinping's thoughts on building China's strength in cyberspace. We have comprehensively assessed the development of the internet in provinces and cities nationwide. We have focused on the achievements and the latest progress of China's internet development, especially the essential role and great contribution of China's internet during the COVID-19 epidemic, to present how China's cyber and information sector has improved the quality and efficiency of its regional and national economies. We will profoundly interpret China's thoughts, visions and positions in its commitment to build a peaceful, secure, open, cooperative and orderly cyberspace. 

Shou Xiaoli:

Thank you to all our speakers and friends from the media. That concludes today's press conference. Thank you. 

Translated and edited by Lin Liyao, Zhang Junmian, Xiang Bin, Zhou Jing, Liu Jianing, Li Huiru, Yuan Fang, Wang Qian, Wang Wei, Wang Yiming, Yang Xi, Zhang Jiaqi, Xu Xiaoxuan, Wang Yanfang, Laura Zheng, David Ball, and Geoffrey Murry. In case of any discrepancy between the English and Chinese texts, the Chinese version is deemed to prevail.

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