Press Room

SCIO briefing on the preparatory work for the World Internet Conference · Internet Development Forum | November 6, 2020

Radio Television Hong Kong:

Just now, Mr. Zhao said that the cyber power was an important idea of this conference. As we know, the communique released after the fifth plenary session of the 19th CPC Central Committee mentioned that, according to the proposals for the 14th Five-year Plan (2021-2025) for National Economic and Social Development and the Long-Range Objectives Through the Year 2035, China would build its cyberspace strength and promote the development of real economy in the future. Mr. Zhao, could you explain some future schemes or specific plans in this regard? Thank you. 

Zhao Zeliang:

Thank you for your question. You asked what plans we had to build China's cyberspace strength. Well, this is a question that we have been thinking about and should answer. General Secretary Xi Jinping put forward the important thoughts on building China's strength in cyberspace and the fifth plenary session of the 19th CPC Central Committee proposed important objectives and tasks of constructing a cyber power. Learning and putting into practice General Secretary Xi Jinping's important thoughts as well as implementing the guiding principles of the fifth plenary session in this regard is a critical task of China's current cyber and information work.

Our perception is that in order to study and achieve deep understanding of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important thoughts on building China's strength in cyberspace and implement the relevant tasks proposed by the fifth plenary session, we must first achieve top-level design and planning. This includes a top-level design of China's cybersecurity and IT application work, international cooperation in cyberspace, and vigorous strengthening of cybersecurity systems. We should also give full play to the potential of the internet and other information technologies to benefit mankind and meanwhile minimize their negative effects on and possible harm to society and people. Take the internet application for example – I see that so many of you journalists are holding mobile phones. How can we protect personal information and privacy, and ensure the safety of key infrastructure? These are the issues our cybersecurity work needs to answer and settle. We should forcefully promote IT applications with regard to the internet. Just now I said that satellite internet, quantum computing, high-end chips, and artificial intelligence (AI) were involved in this year's release of leading internet scientific and technological achievements. We need to apply these technologies into all aspects of social life and economic development and further give play to the role of information technology. We need to advance international cooperation in cyberspace as well, which constitutes an important task of Internet development forum in Wuzhen this year. In short, at present and in the future, it is a significant historical mission for personnel working in the cyberspace and information sector to fully implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's important thoughts on building China's strength in cyberspace and to work to accomplish the targets and tasks of the fifth plenary session. Thank you again for your question. 

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