Press Room

SCIO briefing on reform and development of health sector in 13th Five-Year Plan period (2016-2020) | November 3, 2020

China Daily:

The rule of law is the foundation of governance, and a major part of improving the governance system and its capacity. What progress and achievements has China made in the rule of law in the healthcare field during the 13th Five-Year Plan period? Thank you.

Yu Xuejun:

Thank you for your question. It is also very important.

The NHC has attached great importance to governance and administration in accordance with the law, thoroughly studied and implemented the new ideas, new thinking and new strategies of General Secretary Xi Jinping on overall law-based governance. We focused on core tasks of healthcare work, exercised administration in accordance with the law in an all-round manner, strictly perform duties in accordance with the law, and strengthened power supervision and institutional construction, making breakthroughs in the rule of law in the healthcare field during the 13th Five-Year Plan period.

First, we ensured good governance with sound laws, and consequently, promoted the high-quality development of healthcare undertakings. Major breakthroughs were made in healthcare legislation. The Law on Basic Medical Care and Health Promotion, an important law attracting wide attention, was finally introduced during the 13th Five-Year Plan period after a long legislation process. In addition, the Law on Traditional Chinese Medicine and the Law on Vaccine Administration were also introduced successively. In particular, the Law on Basic Medical Care and Health Promotion is the first fundamental and comprehensive law in the healthcare field in China. Upholding principles of putting people first and developing healthcare undertakings for public good, it strives to provide fair and accessible basic healthcare services, cultivate community-level medical organizations and personnel, and transform experiences in medical reforms such as three-tier system and medical consortium construction into laws. At the same time, it stipulates in law the fundamental purpose of healthcare undertakings, and to establish a basic healthcare system, improve healthcare service system, cultivate healthcare personnel, upgrade healthcare services, develop healthcare technologies, optimize health promotion measures, increase drug supply and funds, and strengthen supervision and administration. The law provides a legal protection to healthcare reform and development.

Second, we have strengthened and explored new ways for healthcare supervision, tightened law enforcement, promoted the oversight model using randomly selected inspectors to inspect randomly selected entities and requiring the prompt release of results. We also applied internet and IT technologies in the supervision system. We strengthened operational and post-operational oversight, and ensured that law enforcement officials of different departments can complete their tasks more efficiently through integrating similar inspection procedures. We are also trying to improve the effectiveness of law enforcement through building the social credit system, promote the mechanisms for preempting and mediating medical disputes, improve self-management of medical institutions, and establish a routine process for preventing and handling medical disputes.

Third, we have delegated powers and improved public services to increase people's sense of fulfillment. Specifically, we adjusted our administrative approval procedures and relaxed rules for market entry. For example, there are no longer restrictions on running private hospitals, the number of such hospitals in certain areas, as well as their geographical distributions. Private hospitals are able to declare a commitment to compliance in applying for allocation of class-B large medical equipment. All intermediary services which are required to obtain government approval are banned, and the reform for separating the business license from certificates required for starting a business is carried out more extensively. The requirement for review and approval for setting up clinics was replaced by a simple filing process as we continue to streamline administrative procedures and reduce the time needed for those procedures. Government services are now available without regional barriers and filings for free medical consultations and other services can also be completed online. All of these policy measures have been formulated with the aim of providing better services.

Next, under the goal of advancing the Healthy China Initiative and enhancing the rule of law, we will implement the Law on Basic Healthcare and Health Promotion, revise the Law on the Prevention and Treatment of Infectious Diseases and other major laws and regulations, so as to build a systematic, properly-formed and effective legal system for the healthcare sector. Thank you.

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