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SCIO briefing on reform and development of health sector in 13th Five-Year Plan period (2016-2020) | November 3, 2020

China Review News:

During the 13th Five-Year Plan period, building the Healthy China Initiative entered the fast track. How can we make use of the organizational advantages of the patriotic sanitation campaign to carry out and to help promote and implement the Healthy China Initiative? Thank you. 

Yu Xuejun:

This issue is also very important. After the outbreak of the pandemic this year, General Secretary Xi Jinping issued important instructions regarding the patriotic sanitation campaign on many occasions. Especially during the pandemic prevention and control period, the campaign has played a very important role, and its work has been thoroughly rejuvenated. It still needs to be further reformed and to be given new connotations and extensions. Mr. Mao is in charge of this work, so I'll invite him to answer the question.

Mao Qun'an:

The 19th CPC National Congress made major decisions and deployments on implementing the Healthy China Initiative. It has stressed that we need to put prevention first, advocate a healthy and civilized lifestyle, and prevent and control major diseases. The State Council released a plan on the implementation and evaluation of the Healthy China initiative, established a national level promotional committee, published the Healthy China Program (2019-2030), and issued the plans for organizing, implementing and assessing of the program. The program is the construction blueprint and roadmap for implementing the "Healthy China 2030" Planning Outline. We have set up 15 major special actions. Each of them has clear tasks, goals and specific responsibilities for individuals, families, societies and government. This fully reflects integration of health into all policies. It will help promote interactions between departments and the society, as well as the involvement of all citizens. And it will be conducive to undertaking the health responsibilities and sharing the health action outcomes. Last June, Mr. Yu launched the Healthy China Initiative here.

Since the launch, it has made good progress. The public has been paying more attention to health, and increased their awareness of health and ability of disease prevention. Local governments have carried out various health promotion activities to solve prominent health problems, such as nearsightedness and obesity among young people, public healthy diet and scientific fitness. All have achieved good results.

The patriotic sanitation campaign constitutes the successful practice of our Party in applying the mass line in regard to the work of health and disease prevention, and an important tool for building a healthy China. During the 13th Five Year Plan period, we organized and mobilized the general public to solve prominent hygiene and health problems in their work and lives, with special focus on building healthy cities and towns, improving environmental hygiene in both urban and rural areas as well as promoting the rural "Toilet Revolution, all have scored remarkable achievements.

Next, we will continue to give full play to the organizational and mobilizing advantages of the patriotic sanitation campaign, focusing on the major health problems facing our residents and the main factors affecting their health, and further carry out the basic projects for healthy communities, healthy villages and towns, healthy organizations and healthy families. Through these projects, we will establish and improve the health management and service system, and enhance healthcare, sports and fitness, environmental protection and psychological intervention in an integrated manner. We count on the whole of society to make concerted efforts under the principle of extensive consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits, so as to make sure all the related tasks are performed in all communities and organizations. 

We will also review and popularize the good habits developed through COVID-19 prevention and control efforts, such as wearing face masks in public places, implementing waste sorting, keeping social distancing requirements, portioning the meals for everyone and using serving chopsticks when eating together, making medical appointments and seeking medical consultation online, as well as other aspects of a healthy lifestyle. Meanwhile, we will further enrich the connotation of the patriotic sanitation work, innovate work patterns and approaches, promote the transformation from integrated environmental hygiene improvement to comprehensive social health management, and give play to the unique role of patriotic sanitation work in building a healthy China. Thank you.

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