Press Room

SCIO briefing on development of industry and telecommunication in the 13th Five-Year Plan period (2016-2020) | October 29, 2020

Shou Xiaoli:

Now, we'll take the last question.


In recent years, the fast growth of the industrialInternet industry has been playing an increasingly significant role in the national economy. As such, how has the industrial Internet industry developed during the 13th Five-Year Plan period? And what efforts will be made going forward? Thank you.

Wang Zhijun:

The Internet industry, and particularly the industrialInternet industry, is always a hot topic when it comes to high-quality development. I would like to invite Mr. Wen to answer your questions.

Wen Ku:

Since the publishing of the State Council's Guiding Opinions on Enhancing the "Internet + Advanced Manufacturing" and Developing Industrial Internet, significant achievements have been made in the industrialInternet community. Innovation-oriented projects concerning the industrial Internet are running smoothly, with high-quality outer networks featuring low time-delay, high reliability and wide coverage reaching over 300 cities, connecting more than 180,000 industrial enterprises, accelerating the "5G+Industrial Internet" 512 Project, with local basic telecom firms actively cooperating with industrial enterprises and over 800 projects under construction. Our efforts include: breakthroughs in the identification resolution system and the establishment of national top nodes in the five big cities of Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Wuhan and Chongqing. In addition, 75 secondary nodes are running online, more than 70 influential platforms have been built, 40 million industrial installations have been connected, safety capacity has been greatly improved, over 30 key industries have been covered by integrated-application, and five new models — smart manufacturing, network cooperation, customized, wide-range service and digital management — are actively innovated with high quality and low cost. In addition, thescale of industrial Internet reached 3 trillion yuan ($447 billion); integrated industrial connections have been strengthened, with members of the Alliance of Industrial Internet reaching 1700; cooperation between relevant technologies, standards, R&D and applications has been enhanced, and its pillar rolehas gradually emerged in the digital transformation of the manufacturing industry as well as high-quality development of the real economy.

Going forward, the MIIT will follow the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, thoroughly put into practice the decisions and plans of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, and promote the innovation-driven development of the industrial internet. We will maintain a strategic focus and coordinate our efforts to do the following:

First, strengthen the development of the network, platform, and security systems. We will develop a high-quality network system for the industrial internet.Guided by the 512-project promotion plan for "5G + industrial Internet," we will continue to upgrade the intranet and extranet of enterprises, grow identity resolution systems, and expand the application of the systems. We will improve the industrial internet's platform by building a large data center and promote cloud services for enterprises. In addition, we will further increase the security capacity of the industrial internet.

Second, deepen integrated and innovative applications. We will build demo centers and pilot programs for the application of the industrial internet and encourage its innovative application within enterprises. We will foster and promote new models and new forms of business, such as intelligent manufacturing, internet-based coordination, custom-tailored production, service extension, and digital management, as well as fuel the digital transformation of enterprises.

Third, cement the foundation for industrial development. We will focus on the innovation-driven development of the industrial internet, improve public service platforms, and cultivate system solution providers. We will accelerate the application of new-generation information technology, including 5G, blockchain, and AI in the industrial internet, as well as grow special industries, cement industrial foundations, and modernize industrial internet chains.

Fourth, create a favorable development environment. For the next stage, we will develop policies for the innovation-driven development of the industrial internet. We will press ahead with reforms to streamline administration and delegate power, improve regulation, and upgrade services. We will also optimize the development environment, strengthen the formulation of industrial standards, and enhance industry-finance and industry-education cooperation. Finally, we will promote the sharing of the industrial internet and big data. Thank you.

Shou Xiaoli:

Thank you to Mr. Wang, his fellow speakers, and our media friends. That ends today's press conference.

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